
  • 网络tangshan dialect
  1. 唐山方言的重叠式及其类型

    Overlapping Form of Tangshan Dialect and Its Type

  2. 本文从唐山方言的角度结合唐山方言词汇语音特点对这类词语进行探析,探析原则为唐山方言中确实存在并日常使用的词语,但不排除其他方言也正在使用的情况。

    This thesis is to make an exploration from the point of view of the Tangshan dialect , combined of Tangshan dialect vocabulary speech characteristics .

  3. 唐山方言词尾儿的读音研究

    The Study on the Pronunciation of the Suffix " er " in the Dialect of Tangshan

  4. 文章通过对唐山方言连读变调的描写、分析和比较,可以使读者对唐山方言连读变调的主要特征有一个深入了解,也为以后的方言研究奠定基础。

    The description and analysis of the Tone Sandhi of Tangshan Dialect can make the readers have a profound understanding of its features and provide the data for the futher study of it .

  5. 唐山市方言两字组连读变调

    Connecting Changed Tone of Two Words in Tangshan City Dialect

  6. 唐山市区方言连续变调研究

    Research on the Tone Sandhi of Tangshan Dialect

  7. 本文以唐山市区方言连读变调为描写、讨论的对象,是在实地调查唐山方言并联系普通话及其他有关方言材料的基础上写成的。

    This paper , taking the Tone Sandhi of Tangshan Dialect as subject matter , bases on the natural language resources from Tangshan dialect and quote from Putonghua and relevant dialect material .

  8. 唐山市虽然毗邻北京,但是唐山方言却保持着自己的特色。

    Although Tangshan is adjacent to Peking , Tangshan dialect keeps own special features .