
  1. 唐诗英译是汉语诗歌英译最具代表性的高雅文学翻译实践,是展示悠久的华夏文化和辉煌的唐朝文化的桥梁。

    As a bridge between Chinese culture and Western culture , Tang Poetry translation into English is the most typical and elegance-based work in Chinese – English translation .

  2. 松赞干布非常喜爱唐朝文化,也希望得到先进而强盛的唐朝的支持,他几次向唐求婚,于是,唐太宗把文成公主嫁给了他。

    Songtsen Gampo admired the culture of the Tang Dynasty , and was eager to form an alliance with that powerful empire . In641 , Emperor Taizong sent Princess Wencheng to him as his bride .

  3. 由于当时日本在唐朝先进文化吸收上的种种特质,自然而然,她就创造了当时与中国相邻的别的任何国家所远不可及的灿烂文化。

    It is based on the the features on Japan 's assimilating the culture of Tang Dynasty , so naturally Japan creates the splendid culture that is not able to be made by any other countries bordering China .

  4. 随着唐朝经济文化的迅速发展,人们需要书籍和日历等印刷品,这种需求促进了木版印刷术的发展。

    This gave workers the idea of engraving word on a wood-block and print them with the quick development of the economy and culture in the Tang Dynasty , books and other publications like calendars were needed by the public , and this demand promoted wood-block printing .

  5. 唐朝时期经济文化事业的繁荣,给针灸医学发展带来了契机。

    Economic and cultural prosperity in the Tang dynasty brought many an opportunity for the development of acupuncture-moxibustion .

  6. 主要谈谈唐朝时期永州文化对元结、柳宗元、吕温诗歌创作的影响。

    This study mainly talk about the influence of Yongzhou culture to poetry creation of Yuan Jie , Liu Zongyuan , lv Wen in Tang Dynasty .

  7. 第二节主要从儒、道、佛等中国传统文化经典蕴含的美学思想对唐朝服饰审美文化产生的影响方面,介绍了唐朝服饰审美文化产生的文化背景。

    The second section introduces the cultural background of the Tang Dynasty costumes aesthetic culture by explaining the aesthetics thought of the traditional Chinese culture classics of Confucianism , Taoism , Buddhism and other .

  8. 唐朝服饰审美文化是在继承中华民族传统服饰审美文化的前提下,融合了各少数民族甚至海外异族服饰审美文化的基础上形成的。

    Under the premise of inheriting the traditional costumes aesthetic culture of the Chinese nation , and compromising aesthetic culture of various of the minorities or even the overseas alien , the aesthetic culture of the Tang Dynasty costumes formed .

  9. 唐朝繁荣的文化以及开放的文化政策强烈吸引着周边邻国遣使入唐学习,而在众多入唐的外国留学生当中,新罗留学生人数遥居首位。

    The Tang Dynasty prospers culture and the open culture policy strongly attracting the neighboring to send people into the Tang Dynasty learning . In many of the foreign students in the Tang Dynasty The largest number of students is the Silla .

  10. 唐朝服饰审美文化的影响主要可总结为对少数民族服饰审美文化的影响(以吐蕃为例)、对国外服饰审美文化的影响(以日、韩为例)、对现代服饰审美文化的影响三部分。

    Aesthetic culture of the Tang Dynasty costumes can be summarized as the influence of the Minority Costume ( Tubo , for example ), the impact on the foreign costumes aesthetic culture ( Japan , South Korea , for example ) and the culture of modern fashion aesthetics .

  11. 试论唐朝与新罗音乐文化的特点及影响

    Features of Music Cultures in Tang Dynasty and Silla Kingdom and Their Influences

  12. 在唐朝,胡汉文化相融合的文化效应得到最为充分的释放。

    In Tang dynasty , the cultural effect mixed with Hu and Han culture obtained the fullest release .

  13. 指出作为唐王朝地方政权的渤海国,不仅在政治制度等方面仿效唐朝,而且在文化教育方面也学习唐朝,将中原的儒学文化作为其教育的主要内容。

    It points out that Bohai state , as a local regime of Tang Dynasty , not only learned from Tang Dynasty in political system , but also learned from Tang Dynasty in culture and education and took the Confucius culture as its main contents of education .