
  • 网络Literature of the Song Dynasty;literature of song dynasty
  1. 宋代文学的雅俗变化及成因

    The Elegant and Popular Changes of Literature of Song Dynasty and Its Reason

  2. 宋代文学以雅为尚,与雅儒精神相关。

    Literature of Song Dynasty has elegance as its fashion connected with the spirit of Elegant Confucianism .

  3. 宋代文学研究三题

    Reflections on Three Topics of the Literature of the Song Dynasty

  4. 论宋代文学思想的社会文化背景

    On the Social Background of Literary Thinking in Song Dynasty

  5. 王水照先生与宋代文学研究

    Wang Shui-zhao and the Study on Literature in Song Dynasty

  6. 宋代文学创作主体和主流文学特质的整体观照

    Intergrated observation on features of literature-creating subject and mainstream literature in Song Dynasty

  7. 宋代文学精神的确立

    The Establishment of Literary Spirit of the Song Dynasty

  8. 论社会环境对宋代文学发展的影响

    Social Environment 's Role in Song Dynasty Literature

  9. 这就为宋代文学家庭的繁荣提供了条件。

    This supplied the condition of making the literature family of Song Dynasty prosper .

  10. 论宋代文学会社的繁荣及其原因

    On the Prosperity of the Literary Associations in the Song Dynasty and Its Reasons

  11. 苏轼作为宋代文学巨擘,更是难掩对梦的喜爱。

    As a literary giant of Song Dynasty , Sushi conceals his dream of love .

  12. 宋代文学研究方面:主要侧重于宋词文献研究、词人生平事迹研究等。

    Song literature research : focuses on poetry of the literature study , biographies of poets , etc.

  13. 为宋代文学的发展和文风的改变作出了贡献。

    He makes a great contribution to the development and style reform of the literature in Song dynasty .

  14. 南宋理学的昌盛,对宋代文学产生了较大的影响。

    Neo-confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty had a greater influence on the literature in the Song Dynasty .

  15. 宋代文学研究近年逐渐升温,但其研究格局依然有失衡之处,有待调整。

    Research of the Song Dynasty literature has become active in recent years , but its pattern lacks balance .

  16. 论宋代文学家庭宋代的天文学文献管理

    Study on Literature Families of Song Dynasty A Preliminary Discourse on the Management of Astronomical Documents in the Song Dynasty

  17. 1997-1999年宋代文学研究论著及作者队伍的定量分析

    A Quantitative Analysis on the Study Works and Their Authors of Literature in the Song Dynasty from 1997 to 1999

  18. 运用新的理论与利用欧美、日本等汉学成果将会促进宋代文学研究向纵深发展。

    Applying new theory and achievements in sinology research in Europe , America and Japan will promote the research of the Song dynasty literature .

  19. 因此,在宋代文学史的研究中,不宜使用这个概念。

    It is not suitable at all , therefore , to use the concept in the study of the literary history of the Song Dynasty .

  20. 这种楚辞批评新风格是宋代文学观与理学思潮的巨大发展,也是时代政治需求的产物。

    The new style of Chuci criticism in Song Dynasty is the result of development of literature and Neo-confucianism and the political requirement of the time .

  21. 形成了以歌妓为中介、音乐上的歌唱主体与文体上的创作主体互为驱动的传播系统,使词成为宋代文学中最为成功的文学样式,有一代之胜说;

    Communication system was in shape , in which , singing girl was media and sing subject in music and creating subject in literature influenced each other .

  22. 江西诗派是宋代文学中影响最大的诗派,一直是文学史研究中存有较大争议的课题。

    Jiangxi School is the most influential literature in the Song Dynasty of School , It has been the study of literary history , there is a larger controversial issue .

  23. 从传播学角度对宋代文学的传播媒介与传播方式诸如手写、纸简、刻版、印刷等方面进行了考察,为进一步了解宋代文学提供了一种新的视角。

    It was investigated on diffusing media and manner of the literature of Song Dynasty in the view of media studies , such as : handwriting , block-cutting , and printing .

  24. 本文从选题分布、作者的创作量分布等角度对1997-1999年间的宋代文学研究论著进行了定量分析,发现这三年间的宋代文学研究选题分布不均衡,主要集中于宋词研究;

    This article has a quantitative analysis on the study works and their authors of literature in the Song Dynasty from 1997 to 1999 , such as the distribution of subject-selection , the distribution of authors ' creation quantity .

  25. 总之,苏轼在文、诗、词三个方面都达到了极高的造诣,堪称宋代文学最高成就的代表。

    He helped to promote ci from a minor lyrical genre to a position equally important as shi . Excellent in prose , shi and ci , Su Shi is often regarded as the representative of the literature in the Song Dynasty .

  26. 宋代的文学精神与理学

    Literary spirit and neo-confucianism in Song Dynasty

  27. 宋代江西文学家的地域分布及其文学影响

    The Geographical Distribution of Jiangxi Litterateurs in Song Dynasty and Their Influence upon Song Literature

  28. 宋代宗室文学发展繁荣,尤其是在诗歌领域颇有成就。

    The Imperial Clan of poems developed prosperous in Song dynasty , especially in the domain of poetry .

  29. 《题西林壁》一诗是我国宋代著名文学家苏轼的作品。

    TI XI LIN BI is written by SUShi , who is a famous author in Song Dynasty .

  30. 此外,江西文学家在宋代其它文学体裁创作上如小说、笔记等,亦有很大成就。

    In addition , in other literary genres , such as novels , notes and etc. Jiangxi litterateurs also made great achievements .