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  1. 宋奇表示,他希望此次科考队的匆匆一瞥能促使人们重新投入拯救白鳍豚的行动。

    Song said he hoped his team 's unconfirmed baiji sighting would prompt renewed efforts to save the species .

  2. 但是宋奇表示,凡是亲眼目睹该生物的当地渔民都百分之百确信自己看到的就是白鳍豚。

    But Song said local fisherman who had also seen the creature were " 100 % certain " it was the baiji .

  3. 又过了几秒钟后,宋奇最后一次看到了他确信为白鳍豚的生物,当时它正在向河的东岸游去。

    Seconds later Song spotted what he believes was the baiji for the third and final time , swimming towards the river 's eastern bank .

  4. 平时宋奇在北京从事出版生意。他承认自己并非专家,无法确认自己看到的是否是真正的白鳍豚。

    The amateur conservationist , whose day job is as a publisher in Beijing , admitted he was not a baiji specialist and could not be totally sure the animal he had seen was the aquatic mammal .

  5. 据宋奇回忆,他在十月四日上午九点二十分过后发现江面上出现了一个“白点”,几秒钟后,一道“白光”跃出水面。

    At just after 9.20am on 4 October he recalled spotting a " white dot " emerge from the river . Soon after a " white light " appeared to puncture the surface of the water for a second time .