
  • 网络Song Shu;Book of Song
  1. 《宋书》双音词的研究价值

    On the Value of Words of Double Pronunciations in The Book of Song

  2. 古汉语被动式研究综述&兼谈《宋书》(81~90卷)被动式

    Ancient Chinese Passive Form Research Summary & Concurrently Discusses the Passive Form of The Book of Song 81 ~ 90 Volume

  3. 论《宋书》的文学史料价值

    On the Value of the Literature Materials of Song Annals

  4. 从《宋书》观照刘宋文学批评理论

    On the Theory of Literary Criticism of Song Dynasty according Song Annals

  5. 他完成了对唐人尚“法”思想的反叛,建立了自己独特的审美艺术观,开辟了宋书的新面貌。

    SU Shi 's distinctive aesthetic conceptions start the brand-new calligraphy of the Song Dynasty .

  6. 通过具体的考证,纠正了中华书局1974年版《宋书》标点、校勘以及史实的错误。

    This article tries to correct some errors of punctuations , words and facts in Song Annals of1974 edition published by Zhonghua Book Company .

  7. 另外,本文还通过对这一时期东亚海域局势的分析,将幕府儒将北条实时派船到大陆购买大批宋书及金泽文库创建的时间落实到1258年到1266年之间。

    Based on situation analysis then in East Asia seas , Houjyuo Sanetoki , a Shogunate minister bought a large number of books from China in1258-1266 A.

  8. 一百二十多万字的《宋书》共有称谓语两千多个,其中包括四百多个亲属称谓语,一千五百多个社会称谓语。

    Book of Song Dynasty , which has more than one point two million words , has over two thousand Addressing terms , including four hundred relative addressing terms , one thousand and five hundred addressing terms used in social contact .

  9. 第一章为概论。本章简介《宋书》的写作情况及其研究价值、研究现状,交代研究的内容和使用的研究方法,并说明论文采用的连词鉴别标准和分类标准。

    The first chapter , " Summary ", briefly introduces the background , research values and status of the Book of Song Dynasty , then introduces the research content and methods , finally explains the standard of identification and classification of the conjunctions .

  10. 通过分析《宋书》副词的发展变化,揭示了它在汉语语法史研究中的历史地位。

    We compare it with the zhan guo ce in the accident time . The analysis of the development of the adverbs in the Book of Song Dynasty and revealing its position in the history of Chinese grammar through historical comparision and synchronic study .

  11. 经过对记载这一历史事件的相关史料考辨祛疑,最终证实沈约《宋书》的记载属于历史事实,可以消除各种记载之间的相互歧异,纠正历代学者的某些错误结论。

    On the basis of detailed exploration to the relevant historical materials , the records in The Book of Song by Sheng Yue are proved in time to be true to the facts , which can help to clear the ambiguity between kinds of records and correct some mistakes .