
  1. 从现代管理学角度看宋江

    An Analysis on SONG Jiang Via Science Contemporary Management

  2. 宋江是《水浒传》中的核心人物,他的悲剧最有代表性。

    Song jiang is a core person of Water Margin , his tragedy is the greatest representative .

  3. 其间以方腊、宋江领导的农民起义影响最大。

    The uprisings led by Fang La and Song Jiang were the biggest worry of the period .

  4. 自觉的忧患与被动的毁灭&宋江的悲剧人格与命运

    Consciousness and Passive Destruction & An Analysis of the Tragic Personality and the Fate of Song Jiang

  5. 宋江:北宋最具影响的反政府武装头目、黑帮老大。

    Song Jiang : Head of the most influential anti-government militia in the Northern Song ; gang boss .

  6. 作为中西方两个著名的英雄形象,宋江和罗宾汉两个艺术形象是在本民族的文化背景中不断发展演变的。

    As two famous artistic figures , Song Jiang and R.H has been developing in their own national cultural background .

  7. 自上个世纪以来,研究宋江形象的争论就变得极为热烈,分歧也很大。

    Ever Since last century , many debates have arisen from the studying of his image . And opinions differed greatly from each other .

  8. 倒不是因为宋江所虑的落得“草寇”之名,而是因为那不是一条社会出路。

    It is not because of the worry Song Jiang was " bandits " in the name , but because it is not a social outlet .

  9. 晁盖和宋江在根本目标上还是一致的,那都是为了追求社会正义,他们的分歧只不过追求的途径不同。

    Chao Gaihe sung in the ultimate goal is the same , that is to pursue social justice , their differences only pursuit in different ways .

  10. 《水浒》的成书应当有一个内在的源动力,那就是对宋江形象改造的成功。

    There should be a kind of internal motive force for the completion of the work Shuihu , that is , to make Song Jiang 's image successful .

  11. 而在自娱娱人说、宋江形象、人物性格塑造、艺术虚构等方面则承袭叶昼的一些说法。

    But he adopts the opinions of Ye Zhou in the following aspects : the theory of " self-entertaining and entertaining others ", the image of Song Jiang , the characterization and the artistic fabrication .

  12. 而宋江的路线当然也青岛招聘网是行不通的,想在不涉及社会政治经济革命和改革的情况下追求社会正义也必然头破血流。

    While the Song Jiang route of course is not going to work , want to do not involve the economic social and political revolution and reform case of pursuing social justice must head broken and bleeding .

  13. 孔子及其弟子子路作为一对卓显的儒家文化人格符号,对《水浒传》中的宋江和李逵这对文学形象的孕育、塑造起了潜移默化的作用。

    As a pair of great character symbols of Confucian culture , Kong Zi and Zi Lu , his student , carried silently within themselves the seeds of Song Jiang and Li Kui & the two cultural figures in " the Water Margin " .