
  • 网络action and reaction
  1. 在国际关系中,三个国家或行为体之间形成作用和反作用关系,一般称为三边关系或三角关系。

    In the field of international relations , the action and reaction among three states or actors are generally called trilateral relations or triangle relations .

  2. 可见作用和反作用涉及两个物体。

    It follows that action and reaction involve two objects .

  3. 在力学中,作用和反作用。

    In mechanics : action and reaction .

  4. 由于SND将硝化作用和反硝化作用结合起来在同一个反应器中同时实现,从而有可能简化工艺流程,节省处理费用。

    As SND combine with nitrify and denitrify together in the same reactor , thus technological process may simplify and reduce cost .

  5. 研究了用15N和18O同位素分析地下水中NO-3的来源和判断硝化作用和反硝化作用的发生机理。

    It also introduces nitrate sources of NO - 3 in groundwater and the mechanism of the occurrence for nitrification and denitrification .

  6. 加锌量在200mg/kg以下时对土壤硝化作用和反硝化作用有促进作用,高于该水平则有抑制作用。

    Nitrification and denitrification activities were seemingly increased by the zinc added below 200 mg / kg , but decreased above this added rate .

  7. 真核基因的转录调控主要依赖于顺式作用元件和反式作用因子之间的相互作用。

    The transcription regulation in eukaryotes depends largely on the interaction between cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors .

  8. 它涉及到染色体结构的改变、顺式作用元件和反式作用因子相互作用等多种过程。

    Many events such as the alteration of chromatin structure , the interaction between cis-elements and trans-factors are involved in this process .

  9. 人机工程学的研究对象是以人为核心,研究人在设计、制造和使用人造物过程中所发生的全部人机关系,而且必须充分关注这一过程中环境因素的作用、限制和反作用。

    The study object of human-machine engineering is the whole relation between people and machine in the process of involving , manufacturing , and using man-made things , which is based on people .

  10. 花生贮藏蛋白基因只在发育的特定阶段和特定的组织器官(种子)中表达,这是多种顺式作用元件和反式作用因子协调作用的结果。

    Storage protein gene of peanut express only in specific developing stage and specific tissue ( i.e. the seeds ) and this is the result of multiple kinds of cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors act in concert .

  11. 污灌以后,随土壤含水量、氧化还原电位和pH值的变化,氨化作用、硝化作用和反硝化作用依次成为氮素转化的主要机制。

    After irrigating , with the variation of moisture , oxygen and pH value , the ammonification , nitrification and de nitrification are successively the major causes of nitrogen trasformation in the soil .

  12. 在马兰黄土中,影响三氮转化的主要作用有硝化作用和反硝化作用。

    In Malan Loess , the three nitrogen transform by nitrification and denitrification .

  13. NMD作用的顺式调控元件选择性剪接过程受多种顺式作用元件和反式作用因子相互作用调节。

    The alternative splicing is regulated by the interaction between diverse cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors .

  14. 川西亚高山针叶林土壤的硝化和反硝化作用研究在马兰黄土中,影响三氮转化的主要作用有硝化作用和反硝化作用。

    Nitrification and Denitrification in Subalpine Coniferous Forest Soil of Western Sichuan , China ; In Malan Loess , the three nitrogen transform by nitrification and denitrification .