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  • 网络Song Renzong;Emperor Renzong of Song
  1. 宋仁宗庆历年间,毕升发明了活字印刷。

    Movable type was invented by Pi Sheng in the Sung Dynasty between1041and1048 .

  2. 到宋仁宗天圣六年(1028),筑郊台(祭祀天地的建筑)外垣,设置灵星门。后移置于孔庙,用祭天的礼仪来尊重孔子。

    Ling Star Gate , first built in 1028 , was rebuilt in the Confucian temple later in honor of Confucius .

  3. 宋仁宗统治时期,为缓解财政危机,实行了以节省开支为目的的裁减冗官冗兵的措施:为增加财政收入,封建国家与大地主间也展开了争夺田税的斗争。

    To relax the financial crisis , the country carried out measures of reducing government officials and soldiers to cut down expenses ;

  4. 宋仁宗庆历二年(公元1024)建陪都,史称“北京”,元、明、清为路、府、道所在地;

    Song Qingli Injong year ( AD1024 ) to build capital , known as " Beijing ", Yuan , Ming and Qing for the Road , House , Road location ;

  5. 宋仁宗虽不是千古明君,但他任人唯贤,善于纳谏,围绕在他的身边是一群北宋朝出类拔萃的名臣。

    The CLASSICS Although it is eternal enlightened ruler , but his merit , good the remonstrance around in his side is the best of a group of North Song Dynasty Ming Chen .

  6. 宋仁宗宝元元年(1038),元昊正式称帝,改元天授礼法延祚元年,国号大夏,史称西夏。

    In the 1st year of Baoyuan ( 1038 ) , Li Yuanhao formally assumed the imperial title , designating his reign Yanzuo , and his dynasty , the Great Xia , was also known as the Western Xia in history .

  7. 宋仁宗景佑元年(1034),他开始不断向宋发动攻势,在府州(今山西府谷)、环州(今甘肃环县)、庆州(今甘肃庆阳)等地击败宋军。

    He attacked the Northern Song in the 1st year of Jingyou ( 1034 ) and defeated her forces in Fuzhou ( now Fugu in Shanxi ) , Huanzhou ( now Huanxian in Gansu ) and Qingzhou ( now Qingyang in Gansu ) .

  8. 据统计,宋太宗至道三年(997),北宋户籍上有413万多户,而到宋仁宗嘉佑八年(1063),北宋户数已逾1246万多户。

    Statistics show that in the 3rd year of Zhidao ( 997 ) of Emperor Taizong9s reign , there were 4.13 million families on the household register . But in the 8th year of Jiayou ( 1063 ) of Emperor Renzong ^ reign , the number of families increased to 12.46 million .