
  1. 试论唐传奇与宋元话本叙事模式之差异

    The Difference between the Legends of Tang Dynasty and the Hua-ben of Song and Yuan Dynasty

  2. 宋元话本中的刺配刑与当时的历史法律文献记载基本吻合,体现了小说家对时代风物典制的准确描述。

    The scripts for story-telling in SONG and YUAN Dynasties reflected the author'distinctive description of the times records .

  3. 话本小说的创作,始于宋元话本的整理。

    The literati scripts for story-telling as an independent creation started from the sorting of scripts for story-telling of Song and Yuan Dynasty .

  4. 泯灭自我意识的精神悲剧&宋元话本爱情悲剧诸人物的心理透视

    The Spirit Tragedy of Self-Consciousness Dying Out ── Mentality perspective of all figures in love tragedy of scrip for story-telling of Song and Yuan Dynasty

  5. 在新的社会环境中,为满足社会需求、迎合部分市民的阅读兴趣,原来流传于民间的宋元话本很就被搜罗殆尽。

    In the new social environment , the folk stories from the Song and Yuan Dynasty were used up quickly to meet the social demand .

  6. 以妖鬼魅人为主要内容的烟粉灵怪故事,在宋元话本中占有相当的比例。

    Ghost stories with the theme of ghost 's seducing man have occupied a sizable proportion in colloquial stories of the Song and Yuan Dynasties .

  7. 我国小说自唐代以来就有传奇叙事传统,宋元话本小说、明清白话小说的都继承了唐传奇中的创作方法和叙事模式。

    There is legendary narrative tradition since tang dynasty in China , the novels of song-yuan 、 ming and qing dynasties have inherited creation method and narrative pattern .

  8. 宋元话本在体裁形式、内容题材、语言特色方面对明清章回小说的影响,章回小说逐渐在内容、形式上摆脱了话本而独立存在。

    Song-Yuan script for story-telling has some effects on Ming-Qing chapters novel on some aspects , such as forms of literature , synopsis , language characteristics and so on .

  9. 第七章将使役动词根据语义分为三大类:使令动词、致使动词和容许动词,并详细讨论了宋元话本中的使役动词的语义特点和句法特征。

    These are imperative verbs , causative verbs and permission verbs . The semantic and syntactic characteristics of the verbs are fully discussed . This chapter also divides causative verbs into six subclasses .

  10. 宋元话本在传播过程中逐渐形成了自己的风格和体例,这为此后的通俗小说发展奠定了坚实的基础。

    The text of stories in Song and Yuan Dynasty gradually developed their own style and system in the communication process , which laid the solid foundation for the development of the popular fiction in the later times .

  11. 宋元话本在中国古代小说史甚至世界小说史上都具有里程碑意义,独领风骚数百年,为鲁迅先生推崇为小说史上的一大变迁。

    The appearance of town novels of Song and Yuan dynasty , which Lu Xun praised as " a great revolution in fiction history ", is a milestone without parallel for hundreds of years in Chinese ancient fiction history , even goes far in world fiction history .

  12. 宋元小说话本志疑

    Some Doubts about the Texts of Novels in the Song and Yuan Dynasty

  13. 第二章主要论述宋元小说家话本文体形态的起源过程。

    The originating process of story telling genre , in the Ming and Qing Dynasty , is mainly discussed in the second chapter .

  14. 敦煌通俗小说是中国古代通俗小说的滥觞,在小说史上具有开创性意义,它们以实物形态雄辩地证明了宋元时代话本小说的繁荣并非一种突发现象,而是有其源头活水。

    ^ As the headstream of Chinese popular novels , Dunhuang popular novels have epoch-making significance , proving that Vernacular stories of Song and Yuan periods stem from Dunhuang popular novel .

  15. 为市井细民写心&论宋元小说话本的写实精神中国写实油画中人物精神风貌的演变

    Describing the Spirits for the Townspeople Stratum & Discussing the Reality Spirits of Novels of a Script in the Song and Yuan Dynasty ; The Evolution of Characters ' Sprits in Chinese Realistic Paintings

  16. 宋元小说家话本是说话伎艺及其话本发展到成熟和定型阶段的产物,是口头文学伎艺向书面文学读物转化的结果。

    During these dynasties , storytelling skill and its fiction have been developed into maturity and stereotype . As a result , storytellers ' scripts came into being . It is also a consequence of the transformation from oral literary skill to written literary reading material .