
Sònɡ Jiàorén
  • Song Jiaoren;a KMT founder, assassinated by supporters of Yuan Shikai
  1. 最终,宋教仁为了其追求的共和理想而献出自己年轻的生命。

    At last , he offered his young life as tribute for his republicanism conception .

  2. 袁世凯在3月派人暗杀了宋教仁,在此之前他已经组织了针对几个改革派将领的暗杀。

    Yuan had Song assassinated in March ; he had already arranged the assassination of several pro-revolutionist generals .

  3. 宋教仁是近代中国一位杰出的资产阶级革命家,也是一名颇具学识和涵养的政论家。

    Sung Chiao-jen was not only a famous bourgeois revolutionist , but also an excellent critic with abundant of knowledge and virtue .

  4. 第三部分叙述了超然内阁风波和宋教仁为重建责任内阁的努力及其失败。

    In the third part , the aloof cabinet storm and the course of Song Jiaoren rebuilding the liability cabinet are described .

  5. 最后一点是袁世凯对于暴力的极端使用,例如暗杀宋教仁,粉碎了国民党通过选举实现改革和政治目的的希望。

    And lastly , Yuan 's use of violence ( such as Song 's assassination ) , dashed Kuomintang 's hope of achieving reforms and political goals through electoral means .

  6. 同盟会辽东支部是宋教仁亲自倡导和创建的革命领导机关,它的建立对关外革命运动起了积极的推动作用。

    Liaodong branch of the Allied society was initiated and founded by Song Jiaoren in person as a revolutionary leading organ , resulting in the positive driving role for the revolutionary movement outside Shanhaiguan pass .