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jǐ nán
  • Jinan
济南 [jǐ nán]
  • [Jinan] 山东省省会。位于山东省西部,南临泰山,北临黄河,面积4875平方公里,人口335万,其中市区132万。位于丘陵和平原交界地,泉水很多,素有泉城之称。为山东省的政治、文化、交通中心

济南[jǐ nán]
  1. 我班其余的同学都在济南工作。

    The other students in my class work in jinan .

  2. 只售济南以远的车票。

    Only tickets for Jinan and beyond are available .

  3. 济南市绿景嘉园B区住宅设计介绍

    Introduction of Jinan Lu Jing Jia Yuan B Section Housing Design

  4. 项链上的钻石:济南市齐鲁软件园B座建筑方案

    A diamond on the necklace : schematic design of building B of Qilu Software Campus , Jinan

  5. CO生产新工艺和新炉型在济南石化二厂的应用

    Application of a New Type Gasifier for CO Production

  6. 基于GIS的济南市城区扩展遥感动态监测

    GIS and remote sensing supported study on dynamic monitoring the urban extension of Jinan City

  7. 2003~2005年济南市献血者梅毒、HCV、HIV感染状况调查

    Investigation of TP 、 HCV 、 HIV Infection among Blood Donors in Ji'nan City from 2003 to 2005

  8. 通过对济南、韩国和加德士等3种沥青的大量室内试验研究,提出了用沥青热重法(TG)划分沥青组分的新方法。

    According to a large amount of indoor experiments , TG methodology is put forward as a new methodology .

  9. 济南市软科学信息管理系统采用了面向对象技术的设计方法,在系统建设上采用了B/S模式信息系统建设,数据流技术,等相关技术。

    The Jinan soft sciences information management system has used the object-oriented design , B / S model information system construction , data stream technology , and so on related technology .

  10. 济南市CBD规划初探

    Primary study on Jinan City CBD planning

  11. 因此,人物角色与目标的运用对于济南BRT站台导乘查询机触摸界面的设计提供了强大的理论支撑。

    Therefore , the use of characters and objectives for Jinan BRT is a strong theoretical support .

  12. 本文利用统计软件SAS对济南1951&2000年夏季降水量数据进行统计分析。

    Statistical analysis of data of summer rain ( 6 ~ 8 ) from 1951 to 2000 in Jinan is made with SAS .

  13. 从实验室管理的角度来看,济南市疾控中心OA智能办公系统的实现为实验室网络化全面管理迈出了重要的一步。

    From the perspective of the laboratory management , jinan CDC OA intelligent office system for laboratory network realization of comprehensive management made an important step .

  14. 目前第一代HPV预防性疫苗适用于济南地区女性接种以预防宫颈癌。

    It is the first generation of HPV prophylactic vaccine that applies to women in Jinan area to inoculate in order to prevent cervical cancer . 2 .

  15. 目前P&G济南分销商web报表生成系统已经正式完成并交付用户使用,已经投入运行,承担起自动生成公司每日报表以及各种重要数据实时观看的工作。

    P & G Jinan distributors web report generation system has been officially completed and delivered to users , has been put into operation , to assume automatically generate daily reports and real-time viewing of the work of a variety of important data .

  16. 利用从济南地区ETM图像中提取出的灰度共生纹理特征向量和灰度共生-差分维数向量对BP神经网络和朴素贝叶斯网络进行训练,并用训练后的网络对其它地区遥感图像进行地物识别实验。

    In this article gray co-occurrence vector and co-dimension feature vector extracted from ETM images of Jinan are used in recognition experiment with BP neural network and Bayesian network .

  17. 泰山顶各月O3小时平均浓度的平均值和日均值均高于济南市;

    The monthly average concentration and the daily average concentrations on the top of Mountain Tai were higher than those in Jinan ;

  18. 第四,以RMP分析理论为基础,以济南市体育旅游产品开发为例进行了实证分析。

    Fourthly , using RMP theory as foundation , it takes sports tourism products exploration of Jinan as an example .

  19. 方法分层整群抽取济南市3所医院护士432名,采用护士职业倦怠调查表(MBI)、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)、自尊量表(SES)及社会支持评定量表(SSRS)对其进行测试。

    Methods MBI , EPQ , SES and SSRS were conducted in 432 nurses selected from three hospitals in Jinan by stratified cluster sampling .

  20. 不仅立足现状,而且考虑到济南市CNG加气站发展的历史,分析得出济南市独有的发展特点,并提出可靠的解决办法,指明其未来发展方向,具有很大的现实意义。

    Considering the history of CNG stations in Jinan , we can get the unique characteristics , then make reliable solutions , specify its future development direction , and it is very practical significance .

  21. 乙烷、异丁烷、正丁烷、环戊烷、异戊烷、甲苯、乙基苯、间/对二甲苯、1,2,4-三甲基苯、乙烯、丙烯与异戊二烯是济南市环境空气中主要VOCs。

    Ethane , isobutane , butane , cyclopentane , isopentane , toluene , ethylbenzene , m / p-xylene , 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene , ethylene , propylene and isoprene are the main VOCs in ambient air in Jinan .

  22. 方法分层整群选取济南市三所高校470名大学生进行父母教养方式评价问卷(EMBU),简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)和一般情况问卷进行测试。

    MethodsEMBU , SCSQ and the self-made questionnaire about individual information were conducted to survey a stratified cluster sampling of470 college students of3 colleges in jinan .

  23. 采用病例-对照的研究方法,对济南市区6所小学的8~10岁血压偏高的儿童进行了4h尿中血栓素B2(TXB2)、前列环素(PGI2,放射免疫法)排出量的对比观察。

    The relationship between the excretion of TXB2 and PGI2 in urine and blood pressure ( BP ) of 8 ~ 10 years old children from six primary schools in Jinan was studied by case-control study .

  24. 近几年来,民间社工服务机构飞速发展,以济南J机构为例,这些民间机构部分是通过政府购买服务的方式,依托社区开展的一种新型社会服务。

    Rapid development in recent years , the folk social work service agencies , in Jinan J institutions , for example , some of these folk agencies are through the way of government purchase services , relying on the community to carry out a new type of social services .

  25. 从济南地区某疑似慢性呼吸道病(CRD)的鸡场分离到1株支原体菌株,经菌落形态观察、生化试验、血清学鉴定,证明该分离株为鸡毒支原体(MG)。

    One mycoplasma strain was isolated from chickens at jinan area of shandong province , which were affected with suspicious chronic respiratory disease ( CRD ) . Colony morphology , biochemical feature and serotype were determined . The results indicated that the isolate was mycoplasma gallisepticum ( MG ) .

  26. 在济南、潍坊两供电公司进行了现场实测,同时深入研究了RTV涂层对超声探伤影响的程度,并从经过超声探伤的试品中抽取部分支柱绝缘子进行机械强度试验。

    Ultrasonic crack detection test was carried out both in Jinan and Weifang electrical power company , effect of RTV coating on Ultrasonic crack detection was studied at the same time , several post porcelain insulators were selected to do mechanism strength test .

  27. 指出了兼顾环境效益和经济效益,济南市高排放烟囱的高度不宜低于150m,也不宜高于250m,一般以210m左右为宜。

    It proposes that taking account of both environmental effectiveness and economic benefits , the altitude of high exhaustion stack in Jinan city is generally more adequate at 210m , not lower than 150m , and not higher than 250m .

  28. 济南炼油厂0.15Mt/a催化重整装置采用两段混氢、4台反应器混装两种催化剂,并配有制氢系统为开工提供氢气。

    In the 0.15Mt/a catalytic reformer in Jinan Refinery two-stage hydrogen mixing scheme was adopted and a hydrogen manufacturing system was provided to supply hydrogen for start-up purpose .

  29. 本文以检测巨噬细胞介导的肿瘤细胞溶解作用为手段,研究了济南假单胞菌细胞壁组分(PJ-CW)体外对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞细胞毒功能的调节作用。

    It was investigated about the regulatory function of Pseudomonas Jinanensis Cell Wall ( PJ-CW ) on mouse peritoneal macrophage-mediated cytotoxic activity in vitro . Macrophage-mediated tumor cell lysis ( MTC ) was assayed .

  30. 通过分析2001年7月2日的一次强雷暴带来的下击暴流,发现WINDEX在我国某些地区(例如济南)可能有一定用处,值得进一步尝试。

    Based on the analysis of a downburst event brought by severe thunderstorm on 2nd July 2001 , it is found that WINDEX is a helpful index in some regions and is worthwhile to try farther .