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gōng dé
  • merits and virtues;charitable and pious deeds;good deeds and merits
功德 [gōng dé]
  • (1) [charitable and pious deeds;good deeds and merits]

  • (2) 功业与德行

  • 功德无量

  • 武父子亡( wú)

  • (3) 功德,皆为陛下所成就,位列将,爵通侯。--《汉书.苏武传》

  • (4) 多泛指念佛、诵经、布施等佛事

  • 许下一场九昼夜的功德

功德[gōng dé]
  1. 一切功德皆源自见法,这亦是寂灭之所在。

    All merits and virtues originate from realizing the Dharma , from which Nirvana dwells .

  2. 制作一幅唐卡的过程是一次崇法人士积累善业功德的行为。

    The process of making a Tangka is the behavior of people who believe spell accumulate merits and virtues .

  3. 但是“CoolMandy”的放生行为却没有为她在中国博客用户中赢得多少功德。

    But " Cool Mandy 's " stint earned her few karma points among Chinese bloggers .

  4. 居庸关回鹘文功德记所见uday考

    Note on uday seen in the Uighur Inscription at the Ju-yong Pass

  5. 幸运者都把他们的成功归因于谨慎或功德。

    The happy impute all their success to prudence or merit .

  6. 弟子愿回向所有功德给所有众生。

    Disciple wishes to dedicate all merits to all sentient beings .

  7. 观世音菩萨是悲智双全,他的功德智慧是修行平等慈悲所成就的。

    Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva is complete in both compassion and wisdom .

  8. 愿所有功德无偏利益一切有情!

    May all merit benefit all sentient beings without partiality !

  9. “那个人倒对社会做了一件很大的功德。”

    " That some one has done society a great kindness . "

  10. 外王则是指卓越的“治平”社会功德。

    Fine morality is preeminent " Governing " society benefaction .

  11. 将这些所有功德转给你已逝世的亲人。

    Transfer all these merits to your departed relatives .

  12. 随喜功德以战胜嫉妒。

    Rejoice in other 's successes to combat jealousy .

  13. 即便是做功德,你也必须先知道什麽是功德;

    Even with making merit , you must first know what merit is ;

  14. 最后,我们将我们的功德转给世界的和平和谐。

    Finally we transfer our merits all around the world for peace and harmony .

  15. 爸,你刚才往功德箱里放了多少钱?

    Dad , how much did you put in the donation box just now ?

  16. 布施若不是真正心存喜舍,则非但没有功德,反增烦恼。

    To give without joy , not only carries no merit but increases distress .

  17. 面对石琴,我却有一丝困惑:它有何功德?

    Qin Shi face , I have a trace of confusion : what merit it ?

  18. 一提起功德,无论是否信佛,只要心地善良之人都喜欢做。

    People with kind hearts enjoy achieving merit , regardless of their faith in Buddhism .

  19. 所以从内容上来讲,两汉石刻功德碑占大多数。

    As for content , Han Dynasty stone inscription benefaction the tablet accounts for great majority .

  20. 通过修持仁爱与非暴力的功德,我们可以帮助别人。

    Through the practice of the quality of loving kindness and non-violence we can help others .

  21. 思想是很重要,信心是万法功德之母。

    Thoughts are of paramount importance while faith is the mother of all paths and merits .

  22. 作为医治精神疾病的医生,我的成就超越了自己的期望与功德。

    As a healer of the spirit I have succeeded beyond my hopes and my deserts .

  23. 我不知道家父有功德还是没有功德。

    So I can 't tell you whether my father possesses achievement and virtues worth the reputation .

  24. 烦恼临头时,要「检查自己的心」,否则瞋怒的火焰会焚毁自己的功德。

    When trouble comes , examine your mind , lest the fire to hatred consume your merits .

  25. 障碍我们得到这些良善功德的是象嗔恨等的各种染污。

    The hindrances to obtaining these good qualities are the defilements such as hatred and so on .

  26. 就算只是想起上师的名号,也能驱除迷惑,并累积无数如海的功德。

    Even just remembering the guru 's name will dispel confusion and accumulate countless oceans of merit .

  27. 功德是因为知道真相而感到欢喜,人们不必相信所听到的每一件事。

    Merit is to be glad because one knows , one doesn 't necessarily believe everything one hears .

  28. 而且,在政府经营的经济体里,得罪权威部门在任何情况下都不是功德。

    And , in a state-run economy , it is never good to be unpopular with the authorities .

  29. 同时,一翰墨如他在以下所提请之金刚萨埵心咒及功德回向文已完成。

    Also , calligraphy done for the mantra of Vajrasattva and the Dedication of Merits as he requested below .

  30. 屹立在张旗毕马威苗圃希望小学的「功德碑」,是为了感谢毕马威的贡献而建。

    The milestone stood at KPMG Zhangqi Hope School was built for the purpose of expressing gratitude towards KPMG .