
  • 网络Function Device;functional device
  1. 自动微装配系统是实现微型功能器件、接口器件与微流控芯片装配的关键设备。

    Automatic microassembly system is the key equipment to realize the assembly of miniature function device and interface device .

  2. 微型功能器件以及对外接口器件在微流控芯片上的应用,加快了微流控芯片实现产业化、商品化的进程。

    Miniature function device and interface device are applied to microfluidic chip , which has accelerated the process that the microfluidic chip realizes industrialization and commercializes .

  3. 当然,FPGA内部的部分功能器件的可靠性以及布线方式等为本设计带来了诸多难点。

    Of course , some of the functions of internal FPGA device reliability - based design and wiring methods brought many problems .

  4. 光开关是光通信网络的重要功能器件,MEMS光开关是最具发展前景的光开关之一。

    Optical switch is an important functional device in optical fibre communication networks , MEMS optical switch is one of the most promiseful optical switches .

  5. ZnO是一种有多种应用前景的光电子材料,它在压电式转换器、表面声波器件、光波导管、变阻器、透明导电氧化物、自旋功能器件和紫外光发射器等器件中具有广泛的应用。

    ZnO is a multiple applications of optoelectronic materials , It has wide application in piezoelectric transducers , transparent conductive oxides , sensors , spin functional devices , and UV-light emitters etc. .

  6. 利用液晶材料的双折射效应,探索和分析了用光子晶体实现THz功能器件的有效技术途径。

    Based on the electrically or magnetically birefringence of liquid crystal , several efficient methods for the realization of THz devices by using PCs are proposed .

  7. 玻璃基离子交换技术是大规模制作FTTH中,特别是无源光网络中,功能器件的一个很好的选择。

    Glass-based ion exchange technology is a very good choice in fabricating function devices in building FTTH , especially the positives optical network .

  8. 目前的太赫兹(Terahertz,THz)系统以自由空间为主,随着THz固态系统的发展,THz波导及其功能器件将发挥重要作用。

    Nowadays terahertz ( THz ) applications mainly depended on free space systems , but with the development of THz solid-state system , functional devices are expected to play an important role .

  9. 稀土掺杂锆钛酸铅镧(PLZT)电光陶瓷在多功能器件、集成光学和上转换器件等方面有潜在的应用价值。

    Rare earth-doped ferroelectric Lead Lanthanum Zirconate Titanate ( PLZT ) ceramics have a great prospect to be applied for monolithic multifunction compact devices , integrated optic and upconversion devices .

  10. 利用IGBT响应速度快且易于控制的特点,在主回路的输出侧直接用单片机控制大功能器件(IGBT)工作于开关状态。

    By using the characters of IGBT , swift responding and easy controlling , at the fan-out of DC , IGBT is made to works in a on-off statue with the controlling of single chip On the output end of the main circuit .

  11. 太赫兹波(?)(?)基于电光材料的应用,如THz波的检测和产生、THz电光成像、各种THz功能器件等.在太赫兹系统研究中至关重要。

    However , the applications based on the electro-optic materials , such as the detection and generation of terahertz wave , terahertz electro-optical imaging , a variety of terahertz functional devices , and etc. , are crucial for the terahertz system researches .

  12. 固态表面的分子纳米构筑与功能器件

    Nano - architecture on the Surface of Solid State and Function Devices

  13. 聚合物光纤与功能器件的研究与应用

    Research and application of polymer optical fiber and function devices

  14. 介绍这种复合功能器件的结构和制作工艺。

    In this paper , the structure and fabrication of this complex functional device are described .

  15. 纳米硅薄膜的最新进展及其在量子功能器件中的应用前景

    Progress in the Thh Film of nc-Si : H snd Its Application in Quantum Functional Devices

  16. 介电特性研究结果表明复合材料具有较高的介电常数,因此可以开发多功能器件。

    The composites might be developed as varistor-capacitor multifunctional components because of their high dielectric constant .

  17. 硫化物光纤及其功能器件的应用

    Applications of Chalcogenide Fiber and Devices

  18. 研究结果对于太赫兹波段的光子晶体功能器件的开发具有潜在的应用价值。

    Research results are potential valuable for the development of Photonic Crystal devices in THz region .

  19. 分子纳米构筑与功能器件研制是极有意义的研究课题。

    It is a significative problem for people to study on the molecular self-assembly and function devices .

  20. 随着集成电路工业的发展,单分子功能器件成为当前研究热点之一。

    With the development of integrated circuits industry , single-molecule functional devices became one of research hotspots .

  21. 这一部分的研究为基于一维平板光子晶体结构功能器件的设计提供了指导。

    This part of researches provided guidance for the design of functional devices based on 1D planar PCs.4 .

  22. 超导材料在太赫兹频段具有极低的损耗和良好的调谐特性,非常适合制作太赫兹功能器件。

    The low loss and tunability of superconductors at THz frequencies make them suitable for fabricating THz functional devices .

  23. 在分析各器件接口特点的基础上,本文实现了各个功能器件与处理器整合的硬件平台。

    This paper realizes integrated hardware environment of function units and CPU based on sound analysis of interface features .

  24. 纳米材料的有序微阵列体系的制备对于规模化功能器件如传感器等的研制具有重要的意义。

    The fabrication of ordered array nano structures is important for obtaining scaled-up functional devices such as sensors devices .

  25. 因此,本文基于金属表面等离子体激元和光子晶体,研究了太赫兹波段常用的若干功能器件。

    Based on metal SPPs and photonic crystal , some functional components at THz regime are studied in this thesis .

  26. 这对发展半导体器件,例如量子功能器件和薄膜敏感器件等是特别有价值的。

    It is especially valuable for use in some devices , for example , quantum function devices and film sensors etc.

  27. 纳米技术的最终目标是直接操纵单个原子和分子,制造新功能器件,从而开拓人类崭新的生活模式。

    The final target of nanometer technology is to manufacture new function devices that can control atom or molecule directly .

  28. 硬件体系设计包括装置各功能器件的选型、装置结构设计、装置与外围设备通讯方式的确立。

    Hardware system design includes hardware type selection , hardware structure configuration and communication realization of LCU and other devices .

  29. 利用这些效应,可以制备出各种新型功能器件,为一些科技的发展提供条件。

    Some new functional devices can be prepared when using these effects and will provide a new way to technology development .

  30. 双平板传输线由于结构简单易于加工成为太赫兹频段一种重要的功能器件。

    Due to simple structure and ease processing the double planar transmission line is an important functional device in THz band .