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gōng chén
  • meritorious statesman;a person who hasrendered outstanding service;one who has rendered outstanding service
功臣 [gōng chén]
  • [one who has rendered outstanding service] 旧指君主的有大功的臣子,现指对国家和人民作出重大贡献的人

  • 治淮功臣

  • 今功臣名将,雁行有序。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

功臣[gōng chén]
  1. 不要以功臣自居。

    Don 't give yourself the airs of a hero .

  2. 劳动模范是民族的精英、人民的楷模,是共和国的功臣。

    Model workers are elites of the Chinese nation , role models for the people and heroes of the republic .

  3. 它成了SusanSharon和丈夫重修旧好的大功臣。

    He 'd become the glue that put Susan Sharon and her husband back together .

  4. 在职业生涯的早期阶段,奥兹曾是协作软件Lotusnotes公司的主要幕后功臣之一,这家公司后来被IBM收购。

    Earlier in his career , Ozzie was one of the masterminds of Lotus Notes , the collaboration software that was eventually acquired by IBM .

  5. 但eBay复兴的最大功臣,无论过去还是现在,都是它的移动支付服务贝宝(PayPal)。

    But the real star was and still is PayPal , the online payment service .

  6. Jess和Lili是营造难忘之夜的功臣,尤其是他们在婚礼上的跳舞和具有感染力的幸福。

    Jess and Lili were an instrumental part in creating a spectacular night , especially with their wedding dance and infectious happiness .

  7. 然而,真正的功臣是农村改革。

    But the true credit lies with the rural reforms .

  8. 加查林已经被认为是获得这第7个雷米特杯的最大功臣。

    Considered to be the biggest player of the seventh Jules rimet .

  9. 虚拟化是增强服务的多用途能力和迁移能力的一大功臣。

    Virtualization is an important enabler of verstility and mobilty of services .

  10. 东山战斗守备一等功臣连

    Garrison Company Which Won the First Class Merit Citation in Dongshan Battle

  11. 功臣就是胡桃!感谢收看“怎样用胡桃修复家具刮痕”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Seal Wood Scratches With A Walnut .

  12. 听说她是公司的大功臣之一。

    I heard she is one of the secrets of this company 's success .

  13. 而我被认为大功臣。

    And I am deemed responsible for it .

  14. 中国消费者已经成为百胜业绩增长中的头号功臣。

    The Chinese consumer has become the star in this business ' growth story .

  15. 这些成果背后的功臣是一位名叫LeslieAiello的女士。

    It 's a lady named Leslie Aiello .

  16. 德莱特特别提到了他的队友,曼联获胜的功臣吉布森。

    De Laet reserved a special final mention for fellow young gun and Reds'match-winner Darron Gibson .

  17. 进球的功臣巴顿用他的全场最佳球员奖来慰忌以被解雇的胡顿。

    And goal hero Joey Barton dedicated his man of the match award to the deposed Hughton .

  18. 张学良将军是伟大的爱国者,是中华民族的千古功臣。

    General ZHANG Xue_ liang General was a great patriot and meritorious figure of the Chinese nation .

  19. 这次比赛的功臣是后卫刘爱玲,3个球都是她射中的。

    The toast of the Chinese team was defender Liu Ailing , she scored all the goals .

  20. .那个重大计划终于大功告成了。谁是幕后功臣?同义词:

    A : The big project finally B : Who were the meritorious workers behind the scenes ?

  21. 李先生不但是学校的功臣,并且是我们的救命恩人

    " Mr. Li is not only the school 's benefactor , but also our savior . "

  22. 而《控制》一片真正的功臣要数集编导与一身的毕国智。

    But the real star of Control is Bi , who 's both the writer and director .

  23. 他可是为乐平带动了一个桃酥产业,创造了乐平一个特产和品牌的功臣。

    He 's for yaumcha fuel a , which makes semi-finished industry creates yaumcha a specialty and brand of hero .

  24. 他是我们获得2006年青年杯冠军的功臣之一,可惜并没有帮助他获得在一线队的出场机会。

    He was part of our Youth Cup winning side in2006 but has yet to make his competitive senior debut .

  25. 研读之后,更深刻的理解人们称他们为龙门功臣的原因。

    Grind to read after , more deep understanding the reason that people call them " heroes of Longmen " .

  26. 这位23岁的球员是2006年足总杯决赛中战胜西汉姆联队的场上功臣之一。

    The23-year-old was one of the star performers in the club 's FA Cup final victory over West Ham in2006 .

  27. 另一期里,人们则被问及:美国总统比尔•克林顿是不是终结了朝鲜战争的大功臣?

    in another , they asked whether former US president Bill Clinton gets enough credit for ending the Korean War .

  28. 在人类文明的传承与人性的锻造过程中,语言无疑是一大功臣。

    In the course of inheritance of human civilization , and tempering of humanity , language is undoubtedly a great donor .

  29. 当人们以感激的心情来颂扬这位功臣时,他却平静地辞世而去。

    Come with appreciative mood when people emblazon when this hero , he is quiet however ground demit world and go .

  30. 只要我们因势利导,化害为益、一定会使二氧化碳成为人类的有用功臣。

    As long as we provide guidance for the benefit of victims we will become mankind 's carbon dioxide useful hero .