
gōng xūn
  • exploit;feats;meritorious service;meritorious deeds;outstandingly meritorious deed
功勋 [gōng xūn]
  • [meritorious deeds] 功绩。尤指对国家、人民做出的重大贡献

  • 建立功勋

  • 功勋卓著

功勋[gōng xūn]
  1. 固定功勋使用的在嗅气味包的时候,赌博。

    Fixed the " packet sniffing " exploit used when gambling .

  2. 因陀罗最显赫的功勋是他和维他的战斗。

    Indra 's most notable exploit was his battle with vritra .

  3. 奖章上刻有“功勋卓越”的字样。

    The medal bears the inscription ' For distinguished service ' .

  4. 我之所以得到提拔是由于立下了所谓的英勇卓越的功勋。

    I had been promoted for what was called gallant and meritorious service .

  5. 霍光掌握朝政大权四十多年,为西汉王进立下了不小的功勋。

    Controlling the imperial government for more than 40 years , Huo Guang had rendered fairly outstanding service to the Western Han Dynasty .

  6. 她一生功勋无数,包括6次温布尔顿(Wimbledon)单打冠军。

    Her numerous accomplishments include six Wimbledon singles championship wins .

  7. 但他担任创意总监这几年成绩喜人,也会永远记刻在1946年创立于巴黎蒙田大道30号(30AvenueMontaigne)的迪奥的历史功勋簿上。

    His tenure was successful , a fact that will not be lost on the fashion house founded at Paris 's 30 Avenue Montaigne in 1946 .

  8. 2005年,迪士尼功勋动画师GlenKeane确定了一部长片的首要角色,这就是我们今天所知道的&长发公主。

    As of2005 , Rapunzel Unbraided , as it was known , was to be the first feature directed by honored Disney animator Glen Keane .

  9. 朝鲜人民军国家功勋合唱团的一个激光唱片。

    A CD from the Korean People 's Army Merited Chorus .

  10. 他因在朝鲜的功勋而获得奖章。

    He won the medal for his exploit in Korea .

  11. 不要去企求奖赏,为了你高贵的功勋。

    Do not go begging reward for your noble deeds .

  12. 我们的功勋人物老队长丹尼斯-怀斯加盟南安普顿。

    Our old captain and hero Dennis Wise joins Southampton .

  13. 在他的外交生涯中他功勋卓著。

    He has made distinguished services in his diplomatic career .

  14. 他的功勋彪炳,值得在教科书里大写特写。

    He 's worth three chapters in a textbook .

  15. 那时很多人曾出去争取荣誉和建立功勋。

    In those days many men went away to win honour and glory .

  16. 这关于每一个企盼天下和平的人来说都是一个庞年夜的功勋。

    This is a great achievement for everyone that believes in world peace .

  17. “由于功勋卓著,今天授予二等功。”

    " Today awarded posthumous order of conspicuous merit , second class . "

  18. 在他的铁甲上,有个银质的功勋十字章。

    On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor .

  19. 罗伯特·艾德文·皮瑞以他北极探险家的功勋而闻名于世。

    Robert E. Peary won worldwide fame for his exploits as an Arctic explorer .

  20. 可以说反证法为数学所建立的功勋是不可磨灭的。

    Mathematics can be said to be required to build on the achievements is indelible .

  21. 这个是一个非常特别的功勋。

    This merit is something quite special .

  22. 一些人在最高处详述历史,记录伟人们的卓著功勋;

    SOME people recite history from above , recording the grand deeds of great men .

  23. 南希·威克——二战间功勋卓越的英国间谍特工,8月7日去世,享年98岁。

    Nancy Wake - saboteur and special agent , died on August 7th , aged 98 .

  24. 麦克阿瑟将军是获得“功勋最卓著的美国军人”称号呼声最高的人。

    General MacArthur has the strongest claim to the title of most highly decorated American soldier .

  25. 我们确信,你和你部下勇敢的士兵将建立不朽的功勋。

    We are sure that you and your brave men will perform a deed of lasting fame .

  26. 马修.麦奈特希望没有人能超越他在健力士世界纪录的功勋。

    Matthew McKnight hopes nobody manages to top his feat in the Guinness Book of World Records .

  27. 此宽限期不能功勋,它的收益,因此单从爱与慈悲的上帝。

    This grace cannot be merited ; it proceeds solely from the love and mercy of God .

  28. 他生于危地马拉,加入了海军陆战队,在阿富汗服役期间功勋卓著。

    Born in Guatemala , he enlisted in the Marine Corps , served with honor in Afghanistan .

  29. 许多功勋难以置信的力量和耐力已完成的影响下,飞金顶。

    Many unbelievable feats of strength and endurance have been accomplished under the influence of Fly Agaric .

  30. 从苏公塔看额敏和卓家族维护祖国统一的历史功勋

    Look at Emin Hoja Clans ' Historical Merits of Safeguarding the Motherland Unification from the Su Gong Tower