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Yán dì
  • legendary emperor Shen Nong
炎帝 [yán dì]
  • [Yan emperor] 一说黄河流域姜姓部落首领。号烈山氏、厉山氏。原居西北高原姜水流域(今陕西岐山东),后到达中原地区。曾与黄帝部落在阪泉(今河北涿鹿东南)大战。战败后两部落结成联盟,由黄帝率领在涿鹿(今河北涿鹿南)大战南方九黎族。击败并擒杀其首领蚩尤。炎黄两部的结合成为中原各族的主干,故炎帝亦与黄帝并称为中原各族的共同祖先。一说炎帝即神农氏,制作耒耜,最早发明农业。并尝百草,发现药材,教人治病

  1. 蚩尤和炎帝的关系考

    A Study on the Relationship Between Chi You and Yan Di

  2. 炎帝文化是中华文明的源泉,经过历代提炼、重铸,贯穿于中华民族延续发展的整个历史过程之中。

    The Emperor Yan culture is the source of Chinese civilization .

  3. 中华民族的始祖炎帝以及舜帝,也安寝在湖南。

    Emperor Yan and Emperor Shun are all buried in Hunan .

  4. 黄帝、炎帝和我国的英雄时代

    Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan and the heroic Age of China

  5. 炎帝的创新精神与中华民族的复兴

    Yan Emperor 's Spirit of Innovation and Revivification of Chinese Nationality

  6. 株洲原始稻作与炎帝文化初探

    Preliminary Research of Original Rice Cultivation and Yan Emperor Culture in Zhuzhou

  7. 炎帝精神是中华民族精神的精髓。

    Yan Di spirit is the essence of Chinese nation .

  8. 论弘扬炎帝精神与炎帝文化的现代意义

    On the Modern Significance of Yan Di Spirit and Yan Di Culture

  9. 炎帝是沿江河拓展农耕的汉族先民首领

    Yandi Is the Leader of Han Ancestors Cultivating along Rivers

  10. 炎帝文化实质是长江文明。

    The emperor 's Yan culture is Yangtze River Civilization in essence .

  11. 弘扬炎帝文化促进株洲发展

    Carrying forward Culture of Yan Emperor to Promote the Development of Zhuzhou City

  12. 炎帝与炎帝传说的南迁

    Yan Di and the Moving South of His Legends

  13. 当然,从现实意义上讲,这特有的炎帝文化资源对于当地人民开发旅游项目也具有重大价值。

    So these phenomena will be of great value to the local tourism .

  14. 炎帝文化与时代精神

    The Emperor Yan Culture and the Chinese National Spirit

  15. 炎帝部落早期图腾初探

    An Inquiry Into the Prehistorical Totems of the Yandi ( Yan Emperor ) Tribe

  16. 炎帝神农氏几个问题之探讨

    A Discussion of Several Problems about Yan Di

  17. 晋东南一带炎帝历史传说、民俗文化考释

    A Study of YanDi 's Legends and Folk Customs in the South-east of Shanxi

  18. 根据文献记载,宝鸡是炎帝部落的发祥地。

    According to the historical document , Baoji is the birthplace of Yandi tribe .

  19. 株洲在炎帝文化的形成与发展过程有特殊的地位。

    Zhuzhou has had a special position in formation and development process of Yan Emperor culture .

  20. 炎帝与龙文化

    Yan Di and Dragon Culture

  21. 结合炎帝陵区旅游资源的实际情况,对开发炎帝陵区旅游资源进行了可行性分析。

    This paper makes a feasibility analysis of the tourist resources in the Yan imperial tomb zone .

  22. 《帝王世纪》等古籍称炎帝与龙关系密切,是其母感应神龙首后所生;

    There have been records about the close relationship between Yan Di and dragon in ancient books .

  23. 神农,又名炎帝,发明了犁耙、铲子、和镰刀。

    Shennong alias Yandi was credited with the invention of the rake , spade , plough and sickle .

  24. 炎帝陵区旅游资源开发的现状分析。

    Analysis on the status quo of developing the tourist resources in the imperial tomb district of Yan Di .

  25. 以农耕文化为主要内容的炎帝文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。

    Yan Di culture with agro-farming culture as its chief content is an important component of traditional Chinese culture .

  26. 如阴阳对立统一是炎帝时代和谐思想的哲学基础;

    The unity of opposites , Yin and Yang , forms the philosophical basis of the thought of harmony ;

  27. 《连山易》中所隐含的许多观点都体现了炎帝时代的和谐思想。

    Many implied ideas in Lian Shan Yi are reflections of the thought of harmony in Emperor Yan stime .

  28. 黄帝、炎帝、蚩尤中华合符坛规划设计

    Planning and Design for the Chinese Unification Altar Commemorating the Yellow Emperor , the Yan Emperor and Chi You

  29. 湖南省炎帝文化旅游资源的空间分布与开发利用

    On the Spatial Distribution of the Emperor Yan Cultural Tourism Resources in Hunan Province and its Development and Utilization

  30. 古文献多把黄帝、炎帝作为华夏文明开化的肇始,海内外华人也多以黄、炎二帝为祖。

    Generally speaking , the Emperor Huang and the Emperor Yan are taken as Founder of the ancient Chinese civilization .