
  • 网络WBC;inflammatory cell IC;inflammatory cell
  1. C组甲基纤维素注入组织后,仅少量炎症细胞浸润,3天组织结构恢复正常。

    When methylcellulose entered tissues , a small amount inflammatory cells were seen at the first day , tissues structure become normal at third day .

  2. 用免疫组织化学法检测气道黏膜炎症细胞Fas的表达。

    The expression of Fas in tracheal inflammatory cells was tested by immunohistochemical method .

  3. NF-κB是一种调节各种炎症细胞因子、趋化因子的转录因子。

    NF - K B is a transcription factor of regulating inflammatory cytokines .

  4. 有的C型凝集素可直接诱导胞内信号传导,激活NF-κB通路,导致炎症细胞因子的产生。

    Some CLRs can directly induce intracellular signal transduction and activation of NF - К B pathway , leading to the production of inflammatory cytokines .

  5. 高压氧对急性坏死性胰腺炎胰腺腺泡细胞NF-κB活性与血液炎症细胞因子影响的研究

    Experimental study of effect of hyperbaric oxygen on NF - κ B Activity of pancreatic acinar cells in acute necrotizing pancreatitis ( ANP ) of rats

  6. PCNA蛋白主要在肺泡上皮细胞,支气管上皮细胞,肺泡巨噬细胞和炎症细胞表达。

    PCNA was mainly expressed in alveolar epithelium cells , pulmonary macrophages and inflammatory cells .

  7. 炎症细胞因子对人脐静脉内皮细胞分泌VEGF、ICAM-1的影响

    Effects of inflammatory cytokine on secretions of VEGF and ICAM-1 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells

  8. VEGF的表达位于上皮细胞、血管内皮细胞及部分慢性炎症细胞;

    The expression of VEGF was located in epithelial cells , vascular endothelial cells and some chronic inflammatory cells .

  9. 结果高氧暴露的SD大鼠肺组织可见水肿、大量炎症细胞浸润等急性炎症反应。

    Results After hyperoxia exposure , there were edema and inflammatory cell infiltration in the lung tissues of SD rats .

  10. 补气活血法对衰老性ALI大鼠炎症细胞因子的作用机理研究

    Mechanism of Invigorating Qi and Promoting Blood Circulation on Cytokine Expression of Aged Rats with ALI

  11. IL-8表达主要位于瘤细胞的细胞浆,偶见于浸润的炎症细胞。

    IL-8 was major expressed in cytoplasm of tumor cells , occasionally in infiltrated inflammatory cells .

  12. 炎症细胞、促炎细胞因子和COX-2等在肿瘤淋巴管生成过程中发挥了重要作用。

    Inflammatory cells , proinflammatory cytokines and COX-2 play an important role in the process of lymphangiogenesis .

  13. 糖尿病小鼠创面愈合过程中炎症细胞和GM-CSF表达

    Expression of inflammatory cells and GM-CSF during wound healing in diabetic mice

  14. PDTC对暴发性肝衰竭大鼠肝组织NF-κB及其调控炎症细胞因子的影响

    Effect of PDTC on NF - κ B and the Inflammatory Cytokines in Liver Tissue of Experimental Fulminant Hepatic Failure

  15. 用序惯性脏器衰竭评分(SOFA)方法、生化指标及炎症细胞因子水平等评价疗效。

    The efficacy was evaluated by sequential organ failure assessment , biochemical parameters and the levels of proinflammatory cytokines .

  16. 原癌基因C-jun在大鼠变应性鼻炎鼻黏膜炎症细胞的表达及相关性研究

    Expression of oncogene C-jun in the cells of rat nasal mucosa and relevance with rhinorrhea

  17. 取肺组织行HE染色,观察支气管黏膜及黏膜下炎症细胞浸润及EOS的浸润情况。

    Take lung for HE dye , observe the EOS infiltration and inflammatory cell infiltration under bronchial mucosa .

  18. 目的观察吸入甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)诱发的小鼠肺损伤和TDI引起的肺内炎症细胞cMyc的表达变化。

    Objective To observe toluene diisocyanate ( TDI ) inhalation induced lung injury and c-myc expression in inflammatory cells of mice lungs .

  19. 丝裂原激活蛋白激酶(MAPK)和NFκB介导了炎症细胞转录活性的信号转导过程。

    Inflammatory cell signaling leading to transcriptional activation is primarily mediated by intracellular signal transduction via mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) and NF κ B pathways .

  20. 受试的复方中药对eotaxinmRNA表达以及炎症细胞浸润有明显抑制作用,对TNF-α表达无明显影响。

    A compound preparation of traditional Chinese medicine inhibited eotaxin mRNA and eosinophil infiltration , influenced TNF - α mRNA expression .

  21. 结论:平喘合剂可降低炎症细胞计数、ECP、IL5而治疗哮喘。

    Conclusion : PCM could treat asthma by reducing the inflammatory cell count , ECP and IL-5 .

  22. 研究人员指出,抗氧化治疗还可显著减少RSV引起的炎症细胞进入肺组织。

    Antioxidant treatment also significantly reduced RSV-induced influx of inflammatory cells into lung tissues , the researchers note .

  23. 淫羊藿苷在体内对香烟烟雾暴露所致COPD模型大鼠的炎症细胞的浸润、促炎细胞因子和NF-κB的表达有抑制作用,对抑炎细胞因子的表达有促进作用。

    In vivo , Icariin can inhibit the infiltration of inflammatory cells , expression of proinflammatory cytokines and NF-Kb , but promote anti-inflammatory cytokines expression in CS exposure induced rat COPD model .

  24. 白细胞介素-1(IL-1)为体内作用较强的致炎症细胞因子之一,在哮喘病发生、发展过程中具有重要作用。

    Interleukin 1 ( IL-1 ) is one of stronge pro-inflammatory cytokines , which plays an important role in the generation and progress of asthma .

  25. COPD患者痰中主要的炎症细胞是中性粒细胞,与肺通气功能呈负相关,可以反映COPD严重程度。

    Patients with COPD phlegmy in inflammatory cells are mainly neutrophils , and pulmonary ventilation function was negatively correlated , can reflect the severity of COPD .

  26. 结果:T组在3、7d时牙髓、根尖周炎症细胞浸润程度均较C组轻。

    RESULTS : At the 3 d and 7 d period , the degree of inflammatory cell infiltration in T group were less than that in C group .

  27. 急性肺损伤(acutelunginjury,ALI)是SIR在肺脏的集中表现,以肺内弥漫性炎症细胞浸润、肺毛细血管通透性增加和低氧血症为特征。

    Acute lung injury ( ALI ) is a mainstay of SIR at lungs , which is characterized by spread of pulmonary infiltration of inflammatory cells , increased pulmonary capillary vascular permeability succeeded by hypoxemia .

  28. 艾灸可通过调节抑炎细胞因子和促炎症细胞因子及NO、iNOS的释放,来干预Hp胃黏膜炎性损伤过程。

    Moxibustion can intervene the injury of Hp gastric inflammatory by regulating the release of inflammatory cytokines 、 suppression of inflammatory cytokines and NO , iNOS . 4 .

  29. 补气摄血法治疗月经过多82例临床经验补气活血法对衰老性ALI大鼠炎症细胞因子的作用机理研究

    Clinical Experience on Treating Menorrhagia with Method of Hemostasis by Invigorating Qi Mechanism of Invigorating Qi and Promoting Blood Circulation on Cytokine Expression of Aged Rats with ALI

  30. 结果TDI可引起小鼠肺间质增生,肺内炎症细胞出游,以巨嗜细胞和淋巴细胞为主;

    RESULTS In the experiment groups , there were interstitium proliferation and increased inflammatory cells in lung , most of which were macrophages and lymphocytes .