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Shěn yuē
  • author of an epochmaking work in phonology
  1. 近五十年来沈约文学思想研究评述

    An Overview of SHEN Yue Literary View Research for Recent Fifty Years

  2. 沈约的赋学理论及其在创作中的实践意义

    The Ci-Fu Theory of SHEN Yue and its Practical Significance in the Creations

  3. 沈约的诗歌理论为新体诗的发展指明了方向。

    Shenyue 's poetic theory was a milestone in the development of the new style of poetry .

  4. 第四章主要从梁中后期享乐的社会风气以及艳曲的流行来分析宫体诗人接受沈约的必然性。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the inevitability from enjoy custom and gorgeous phrase , Shen Yue was accepted with Palace-style poet .

  5. 本论文主要着眼于沈约在齐梁诗风演变中的关键作用和重要地位来展开。

    This thesis research the key function and important position of Shen Yue in poetic style of Qi and Liang Dynasties .

  6. 沈诗任笔&沈约任昉比较研究

    " Shen Yue 's Poems and Ren Fang 's Bi " - A Comparative Research on Shen Yue and Ren Fang

  7. 沈约是南朝齐梁时的重要诗人,是当时的“一代辞宗”。

    Shen Yue was a noted poet during Qi and Liang Dynasties , a great master of poetry at that time .

  8. 其理论倡导者沈约的三易说,起着举足轻重的作用。

    Shen Yue , the theoretical advocate of the style , offered a three easy theory which played a significant role in it .

  9. 沈约所处的时代,古典与俗化诗歌潮流并存,且俗化诗歌有抬头的趋势。

    The times that Shen Yue living , the classical co-exist with the tide of secularization poetry , and poetry there is the rise of secularization trend .

  10. 开齐梁风气之先的沈约诗&论沈约诗歌对齐梁诗题材上的开拓

    Shen Yue : the Pioneer of Poetry in Qi and Liang Dynasties & The pioneering influence of Shen Yue upon the poetry of Qi and Liang Dynasties

  11. 并在此基础上,透视沈约所处时代的文学、文化新变,进而揭示这一新变对诗歌发展产生的深远影响。

    What 's more , the article is to analyse the literature and literal changes at his times and promulgate the influence the changes make to the poem development .

  12. 《郊居赋》可属《文选》赋“志”类,但沈约《郊居赋》与“志”类潘岳《闲居赋》,意思有重复之处;

    Jiao Ju Fu could be classified in the type of Zhi in Wenxuan , but there are some repetitions with Pan Yue 's Xian Ju Fu of the same type .

  13. 南朝时期,多数作家与佛教有千丝万缕的联系,而历代研究者大多把眼光聚焦于谢灵运、颜延之、沈约等人。

    In the Nan Dynasty , there existed countless ties between most writers and Buddhism , but most researchers only focused their attention on Xie Linyun , Yan Yanzhi and Shen Yue .

  14. 全文分为两个部分:首先对沈约的诗作内容进行研究,从题材角度上,划分为咏物诗、山水诗、艳情诗、感怀诗等四节,来分类论述;

    The article is devided into two parts : firstly , study the content of Shen Yue 's poems , respectively discussing his poems which praise the object , the hill and water , romantic love , the emotion and feelings ;

  15. 本文旨通过对沈约诗歌的研读,从不同角度来分析沈约诗歌,并进一步深入挖掘沈约其人其作的时代贡献,并在此基础上,全面、系统认识齐梁文学。

    Shen Zhi article about poetry through the study , analyzed from different angles , Shen about poetry , and to further dig Shen Yue and His contribution to the era , and on this basis , a comprehensive , systematic understanding of Qi Liang literature .

  16. 沈约追求新变,效法倡导文学俗化的鲍照诗风,又结合自身特点,形成了清怨的独特诗歌风貌。

    Shen Yue get the pursuit of new changes , follow the example of the secularization of Bao Zhao advocated literary poetry , but also in light of its own characteristics , the formation of a " fresh and discontent ," the unique style of poetry .

  17. 经过对记载这一历史事件的相关史料考辨祛疑,最终证实沈约《宋书》的记载属于历史事实,可以消除各种记载之间的相互歧异,纠正历代学者的某些错误结论。

    On the basis of detailed exploration to the relevant historical materials , the records in The Book of Song by Sheng Yue are proved in time to be true to the facts , which can help to clear the ambiguity between kinds of records and correct some mistakes .