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tǒng shuài
  • commander in chief;commander;command
统帅 [tǒng shuài]
  • [commander in chief] 统率全国武装力量的主帅

  • [command] 同统率

统帅[tǒng shuài]
  1. 他是远征队的统帅。

    He is the commander in chief of an expedition .

  2. 慨然表现出他作为统帅的无畏胆识与雄大气魄。

    Generously to show him as commander in chief for the fearless courage and great spirit hung .

  3. 他将担任武装部队的最高统帅。

    He was to be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces .

  4. 麦克阿瑟将军曾是太平洋战区盟军的最高统帅。

    MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific .

  5. 总统也是三军的统帅。

    The president is also the chief of the armed forces .

  6. 女皇理应是武装部队的统帅。

    The queen is the chief of the armed forces by power .

  7. 统帅无人。

    There is no commander .

  8. 一次吴越发生战争,吴王任命商人做统帅,冬天和越人进行水战。

    Once the state of Wu went into war with the state of Yue . The king appointed the merchant to be the general to fight the Yue soldiers in the river in winter times .

  9. 担任统帅的是米尔顿弗里德曼(miltonfriedman),一批聪明杰出的年轻门徒追随着他。

    The new assault was led by Milton Friedman and followed up by a galaxy of clever young disciples .

  10. 被问到如果人们不遵守法纪应该怎样办,GeneralCamara说,“如果那样,我就已经不是几内亚的三军统帅了。”

    Asked what would happen if they did not , General Camara said , " By then , I may not be chief of staff anymore . "

  11. 这一做法在儒略历出现前一直被延用,直到公元前46年,罗马统帅尤利乌斯•凯撒(JuliusCaesar)与天文学家索西琴尼(Sosigenes)一起,创立了同阳历相符的儒略历。

    This practice continued until 46 B.C. , when Julius Caesar and the astronomer Sosigenes instituted the Julian system to align the calendar with the solar year .

  12. 公元235年,马克西米努斯在德国负责统帅新兵团。士兵们极力拥护他称帝,并杀了当时的罗马帝国皇帝亚历山大·塞维鲁(Alexander),从而把这位巨人推向权力的巅峰。

    In 235 AD , when in command of a force of recruits in Germany , the soldiers decided they would prefer Maximinus to be their ruler , killing Alexander and putting the giant into a position of ultimate power .

  13. 南美的反美统帅乌戈查韦斯(HugoChvez)支持北京的立场,并建议创造一种由石油储备支撑的超级货币,其中包括他自己的储备。

    Hugo Chvez , South America 's gringo-basher-in-chief , supports Beijing 's stance and suggests that a new supra-currency be backed by oil reserves , his own included .

  14. 古代马其顿亚历山大大帝的军事统帅艺术

    The Military Commanding Skills Of An Ancient Macedonian Alexander The Great

  15. 总统也是三军的统帅。

    The president is also the chief of the armed force .

  16. 作为最高统帅,我希望我们的军人知道:

    And as Commander-in-Chief , I want our troops to know :

  17. 他统帅所属部队前往增援。

    He commanded his troops , who marched forward as reinforcements .

  18. 古罗马将领恺撒的军事统帅艺术

    The Military Commanding Skills Of Caesar , An Acient Roman Commander

  19. 足太阴脾经统帅三阴。

    The Spleen Meridian of Foot-Tai yin captains three - yin .

  20. 这位最高统帅公布了他那臭名昭著的实行焦土政策的指示。

    The Supreme Warlord promulgated his infamous " scorched earth " directive .

  21. 我想像不了你叫别人叫统帅。

    I can not picture you call anyone call chief .

  22. 首先,我确实是生日会统帅。

    First of all , I 'm the birthday captain .

  23. 最高统帅命令投入4个师人马。

    The supreme commander ordered the release off our divisions .

  24. 显要的官员;统帅命令式的风格。

    An important official ; the captain 's authoritative manner .

  25. 要统帅这些队伍,需要惊人的将才。

    It needed a prodigious amount of generalship to marshal these forces .

  26. 盟国远征军最高统帅部统帅部正在调遣部队进入攻击发动地带。

    The high Command was jockeying its force into place for attack .

  27. 将军被授权统帅全军。

    The general was invested with the command of the whole army .

  28. 要打败萨克逊人,需要高明的统帅。

    To defeat the Saxon , we need a master of war .

  29. 能够担任军队统帅我感到非常自豪。

    I am proud to have served as their Commander-in-Chief .

  30. 学习统帅教育&中国教育理论的再发现与新认识

    Learning command education & Rediscovery and new understanding of Chinese educational theory