
  • 网络Time preference
  1. 病人跨期选择中的时间偏好与慢性病防治

    The Time Preference on Intertemporal Choice and Preventing the Chronic Diseases

  2. 不一致时间偏好下的最优税收政策

    Optimal Tax Policy with Variable Rate of Time Preference

  3. 中国农村居民消费的时间偏好与扩大内需政策创新

    The Temporal Tendency of Chinese Rural Resident Consumption and the Politic Renovation for Enlarging Domestic Demand

  4. 时间偏好决定利率论

    Time preference theory of interest rate

  5. 这些实证结果说明地方政府在时间偏好不一致的情况下拥有剩余控制权。

    The positive conclusions imply the local government owns the residual control right when their time preferences are not consistent .

  6. 但是,在竞争性市场,经济利润有三个来源:时间偏好、不确定性和金融机构能力。

    However , in a competitive market , economic profit comes from three sources : time preference , uncertainty and the abilities of financial institutions .

  7. 时间偏好:人们的消费意愿宜早不宜迟的程度,衡量人们对于享乐的渴望程度。

    Time preference : the degree to which people prefer to consume sooner rather than later ; a gauge of people 's impatience to receive enjoyments .

  8. 时间偏好理论认为,现在消费和未来消费存在相互替代的关系,时间价值的存在使得人们更加倾向于现在消费。

    Time-favor theory is that there is substitution effect between present consumption and future consumption , and the existence of time value makes people incline to consume now .

  9. 对金融机构来说,其时间偏好大小及其不一致性取决于投资决策的制度框架和决策主体的识解水平。

    For financial institutions , the size of the time discounting rate and its inconsistency depend on the institutional framework of the investment decision-making and decision-makers ' construal-level .

  10. 而后追根溯源,阐释了消费信贷的经济学理论基础,即时间偏好理论、生命周期假说和持久性收入假说。

    Then , tracing to its source , explains the economics theoretical foundation of the consumer credit , that is , time-favor theory , life-cycle hypothesis and permanent-income theory .

  11. 特别是,在三种生育偏好中存在着一种由文化自觉编排好的内在逻辑,即性别偏好是最重要的,其次是时间偏好,最后才是数量偏好。

    The three dimensions of fertility preferences are structured logically as follows : sex preference is most important , then the timing preference , and finally the number preference .

  12. 可比条件下,跨期风险-价值模型将给出更加保守的结论,反映时间偏好对跨期风险决策的实质性影响。

    That is , in the same conditions , the time-probability tradeoff will give more conservative results , which reflects the substantial impact of time preference on intertemporal risk decision-making .

  13. 现有的两种方法&资本的社会机会成本方法和社会时间偏好率方法,试图从不同的角度来得到社会贴现率,但都不甚理想。

    Neither of the two existing ways & the social opportunity cost of capital and the social time preferences , which try to determine the social discount rate from different angles , is satisfactory .

  14. 城镇居民与农村居民的时间偏好率差异表明:城镇居民更注重现期消费,而农村居民更注重未来消费。

    The rate of time preference of consumption of urban residents is greater than rural residents ', that means : urban residents pay more attention to current consumption , while rural residents pay more attention to future consumption .

  15. 理论研究的结果表明,如果博弈双方的时间偏好相同,剩余控制权(或者称之为相对讨价还价优势)的配置与博弈双方的福利水平无关;

    The conclusion of theory is that if the time preferences of two parties in the game are consistent , the collocation of residual control right ( or call it relative bargaining advantage ) will not influence their welfare ;

  16. 第二,沿均衡轨道,每一代的边际时间偏好率必等于其所面临的物资资本的利息率;

    Secondly , along an equilibrium path , the marginal rate of time preference of each generation must be equal to the rate of interest it faces and that the resource price must rise at the rate of interest over time ;

  17. 而当我们考虑消费者对消费具有短期非耐心,但又缺乏对未来行为的承诺能力的时候,均衡的产出税率与消费者有效的常时间偏好率成正比。

    When the model is modified to include a variable rate of time preference and lack in commitment ability , the Markov perfect equilibrium prefers a constant optimal tax rate nevertheless , being proportional to the constant effective rate of time preference .

  18. 而时间偏好不相同时,剩余控制权的配置将影响双方的福利水平,这个研究结论与是否存在交易成本不必相关。

    But when the time preferences of two parties in the game are not consistent , the collocation of residual control right is important to the welfare of two parties , which implies that the collocation of residual control right need not be relevant to transaction costs .

  19. 同时,在个性、态度、锻炼时间、偏好的原因、重视程度、课程评价及改进方面显示出不同的差异。

    There exist great differences in personality , cognition , time of training , cause of favoritism , course judgement and its improvement .

  20. 从经济学角度阐述休闲,并对休闲产生的收入、价格、时间、偏好4个基本条件进行了分析,最后从宏观和微观上对休闲的效用进行了评价。

    Expound leisure in economics angle , analyse the income , price , time and partiality that be produced by leisure , and judge the effectiveness of leisure in macroscopic view and microcosmic view .

  21. 是否会影响到你对不同时间段的偏好?

    affect your propensity to behave across time ?

  22. 前提加工时间上,偏好性主效应显著;格的主效应显著;其他效应不显著。

    On duration on premise , partial preference has significant main effects ; figure has significant main effects markedly ; Other effects are not significant .

  23. 首先,我们刻画了考虑时间不一致偏好的集中决策系统的最优决策,并讨论了时间不一致偏好对二次定价的影响。

    We first characterize the optimal solution to the centralized system , but also discuss the effect of the time inconsistent preference on the second pricing .

  24. 在此基础上,我们对各种模型进行了数值分析比较,定量地得到了更进一步的结论,对几种情形下供应链成员的决策以及绩效进行讨论,分析时间不一致偏好对各种情形的影响程度。

    Furthermore , by comparing the numerical results of different models , we find quantificationally some conclusions , and analyze the extent of the effects of the time inconsistent preference in different cases .

  25. 本研究得出如下结论:1.大学生适应性拖延动机包括四个维度,分别为对时间压力的偏好、对挑战与刺激感觉的寻求、拖延的适应性结果以及避免失败。

    Undergraduate adaptability procrastination motivation is composed with four dimensions : the preference of time pressure , the seeking for challenges and excitement , the adaptability results of procrastination , and the avoidance of failure . 2 .

  26. 维奥塔以以下可定制因素为基础:准备外出的时间、日期、偏好的地理范围、当前的活动、以及你在Facebook上标记为喜欢的内容、还有最重要的社交图。

    Weotta bases its on customizable factors like time , date , preferred geographic radius , current events , as well as Facebook likes and your all-important social graph .

  27. 基于时间不一致性偏好的项目进度延误研究

    Study of Project Schedule Delay Based on Time-Inconsistent Preferences

  28. 摘要在大量问卷调查的基础上,根据旅客对不同到发时间域选择的偏好,确定了各发车时间域旅客出行的方便系数。

    According to the departure and arrival time intervals passengers favour in a great deal of questionnaire survey , the convenience coefficients of various departure time intervals are ascertained .

  29. 8月初,南大开始进行网络问卷调查,不仅有作息时间、空调使用偏好和个人卫生习惯等调查选项,还有兴趣爱好等开放性问题。

    The university launched the online questionnaires in early August , containing not only survey options , such as study and rest timetables , air conditioner preferences and personal hygiene habits , but also open-ended questions such as interests and hobbies .

  30. 传统的决策理论很少考虑决策结果的时间分布和跨时间偏好对决策的影响,因此往往不能很好的解释跨期决策现象。

    There is no output of decision can exist without time . Traditional decision-making theories little consider the effect of the time distributing of output and the intertemporal preference , which can affect the decision . So they cannot explain intertemporal perfect .