
hū lüè
  • ignore;neglect;overlook;omit;lose sight of;oversight;leave out;elide;turn back on
忽略 [hū lüè]
  • [neglect;overlook] 疏忽,不在意;没注意到

  • 一些很有意义的论点被忽略了

忽略[hū lüè]
  1. 这些争论忽略了最终责任由谁来负的问题。

    Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay .

  2. 忽略早期征兆可能会导致疾病。

    Ignore the early warnings and illness could result .

  3. 公司因忽略了安全规程而受到公开批评。

    The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures .

  4. 他好像忽略了一个重要的事实。

    He seems to have overlooked one important fact .

  5. 克鲁克一心想着罗宾,忽略了其他一切事情。

    In his preoccupation with Robyn , Crook had neglected everything .

  6. 你不能自己缩在套子里而忽略这些事实。

    You cannot live in a cocoon and overlook these facts .

  7. 看看这份失实的警方报告吧,它忽略或歪曲了关键的事实。

    Look at the false police reports that omitted or misstated crucial facts

  8. 故意忽略我们的制造业引起了这个问题。

    Wilful neglect of our manufacturing industry has caused this problem

  9. 长发在实际生活中产生的不便可以忽略不计。

    The practical inconveniences of long hair are negligible .

  10. 华尔街似乎忽略了消费者花销正在减少的其他一些征兆。

    Wall Street seems to be ignoring other indications that consumers are spending less .

  11. 他们忽略了政党的官方路线。

    They ignored the official party line .

  12. 只有那些在当前的体制中有既得利益的人才会忽略改革的必要性。

    Only those with vested interests in the current system could ignore the need for change

  13. 某些情况下,美国工业在产品设计上忽略了客户的需求。

    In some cases , US industry has lost sight of customer needs in designing products

  14. 核政策的公开讨论往往过分强调技术层面,却忽略了道德问题。

    In the public discussion of nuclear policies , technology has usually been overemphasized and morality neglected

  15. 这些思维习惯忽略了普通和正常之间的区别。

    These habits of thinking elide the difference between what is common and what is normal .

  16. 我们似乎忽略了这样一个事实:营销只是达到目的的手段。

    We seem to have lost sight of the fact that marketing is only a means to an end .

  17. 他们没有发觉一些被忽略了的明显不公平的现象。

    They were unaware of some unrecognised cases of manifest injustice .

  18. 他们完全忽略了这些事实,就仿佛它们不存在似的。

    They completely ignore these facts as if they never existed .

  19. 不要忽略枝节问题。

    Don 't neglect minor issues .

  20. 我忽略了这个问题,现在不得不解决它。

    I overlooked this problem and shall have to tackle it now .

  21. 我们不能忽略大众娱乐。

    We couldn 't lose sight of mass entertainment .

  22. 小错也不该被忽略。

    A minor fault shouldn 't be neglected .

  23. 我们忽略了一个重要细节。

    We overlooked an important detail .

  24. 这种错误被忽略了。

    The wrong was neglected .

  25. 政府忽略了工业。

    The government neglected industry .

  26. 然而,这种对比方法忽略了其他相关因素:休闲时间、预期寿命和经济不平等。

    However , that comparison omits other relevant factors : leisure time , life expectancy , and economic inequality .

  27. 但在实践中,我们的大脑忽略了与未来问题相关的风险和利益。

    But in practice , our brain discounts the risks — and benefits — associated with issues that lie some way ahead .

  28. 他公开反对将“白人”和“黑人”视为不同群体的观点,声称这些区分忽略了人类多样性的范围。

    He spoke out against the idea of " white " and " black " as distinct groups , claiming that these distinctions ignored the scope of human diversity .

  29. 当Leah做出改变的承诺时,她准备好利用各种她本可能忽略的新机会。

    When Leah made the commitment to change , she primed herself to new opportunities she may otherwise have overlooked .

  30. 这头“客厅里的大象”(显而易见而又被忽略的事实)就是联网安全摄像头——一个越来越多的人在家中为求心安而使用的设备。

    The elephant in your living room is your Internet-connected security camera , a device people are increasingly using for peace of mind in their homes .