
  • 网络value;Time Value;VOT;timevalue
  1. Excel财务函数在货币的时间价值计算中的应用

    Application of Excel Financial Function on Time Value of Currency

  2. 而风险是,rbs不仅仅损害了资金的时间价值。

    The risk is that RBS has jeopardised more than the time value of money .

  3. 旅客行为时间价值的Logit计算模型改进研究

    Study on Improvement of Logit Model for Value of Travel Time

  4. 首先从MM模型以及修正的MM模型入手,以时间价值为基础建立反映资本结构与财务风险的企业价值基本模型。

    First , through the MM model and adjusted MM model , a fundamental firm value model is set to reflect capital structure and financial risk on the basis of time value .

  5. 本文结合众多案例,从资金时间价值的计算和投资决策中有关指标的计算两方面,详细地介绍了EXCEL财务函数在财务管理中的应用。

    From fund time value computation and investment decision related target computation , this article unifies the multitudinous cases , and introduced the EXCEL finance function in the financial control application .

  6. 研究表明,考虑货币时间价值时,传统的EOQ模型失效,而本方法能够确定不同假定下零售商的最优运营策略。

    Different from the traditional EOQ model , the temporary price discounts model can be applied to optimal decision-making with different assumption .

  7. 我在进入商学院之前就知道利率这些东西,但是直到我拿到了MBA学位,我才真正知道了金钱的时间价值和现值这些概念。

    I knew about interest rates and such before I went to business school , but the concept of the time value of money and present values were foriegn to me until I got my MBA .

  8. 可转债的内在价值可以近似为max(内嵌债券价值,转股价值),可转债的时间价值等于可转债价值减去其内在价值。

    The intrinsic value of convertible bonds is approximate to max ( bond value , conversion value ), and the time value of convertible bonds is the difference of convertible bonds ' value minus their intrinsic value .

  9. 本文探讨了考虑通货膨胀因素的资金时间价值问题,推导出通货膨胀条件下NPV法的基本公式,通过两个现实案例的分析,结果表明:通货膨胀会给贷款者带来好处,而对放贷者不利;

    Discusses the relationship between time and money with factor of inflation into an account , and deducts the formula of Net Present Value Method under the condition of inflation .

  10. 本文研究了资金时间价值问题在存货管理中的地位,结合我国增值税的征收情况,对传统EOQ模型进行了必要的修正。

    The paper states the importance of time-value cost in inventory management , and makes some revision on the traditional EOQ mode by taking VAT into consideration .

  11. 基于需求和采购价均为时变的EOQ模型,进一步考虑时变短缺量拖后率以及资金时间价值等因素对变质物品库存管理的影响,建立了相应的EOQ模型。

    An EOQ model is developed for deteriorating items with time-varying demand purchase price and partial backlogging under stock dependent selling rate and time-value of system cost .

  12. 此时,根据货币时间价值的思想,引入创新型外部收益率(ERR)法,实现对IRR法在理论假设和实际应用方面的全面修正。

    In the situation , according to the concept of the time value of money , an innovative method & ERR is introduced to totally revise IRR in theory hypothesis and practical use .

  13. 优化模型考虑线路投资的时间价值,以计及投资和损耗费用的年费用最小为目标函数,采用点溶合法求解备选网络的生成树作为Tabu搜索的初始解。

    The optimization module consideres the time value of capital investment , and the minimum annual cost is its object which takes investment and loss into account , and the generation tree of the alternative network is used as Tabu search initial solution .

  14. 传统的房地产价值评估NPV方法,对未来预期收益进行时间价值贴现,根据贴现后的现值来评估资产价值,认为资产收益或价格的不确定性因素造成资产价值损失,并忽略资产管理的灵活性价值。

    The traditional NPV method discounts the future expected returns and makes evaluations on current asset value . It advocates that uncertainties in the future capital returns or prices will cause value deduction , and neglects the value of flexibility in asset management .

  15. 货物运输时间价值确定方法研究

    Research on Methods for Value of Time Determination for Freight Transport

  16. 期权的时间价值对执行或出售期权决策的影响

    Option time value 's influence on executing or selling option decision

  17. 资金时间价值因素对延迟策略选择的影响研究

    Research about effect of time cost of capital on postponement strategy

  18. 资金时间价值在公司理财中的应用

    The application of the time value of money to corporate finance

  19. 在价值哲学研究的主客体模式之上&海德格尔对时间价值论的猜测和普里戈津对该论的证明

    Beyond the Subject and Object of Value Philosophy ′ s Research

  20. 旅客旅行时间价值分析方法研究

    Research on the approach to the travel time value analysis

  21. 它忽略了金钱的时间价值&折扣率。

    It ignores the time value of money & the discount rate .

  22. 基于时间价值的网络拍卖方法研究

    Research on Internet Auction Approach Based on the Time Value

  23. 货物的时间价值的评估方法及应用研究

    Study on Estimation of the Time Value in Freight Transport

  24. 基于动态利息率的资金时间价值模型

    The Model of Capital Time-Value Based on Dynamic Interest Rate

  25. 时间价值在应收账款管理中的不同处理方法

    Different treatment of time value in management of receivable account

  26. 正确认识货币时间价值具有重要意义。

    It has great significance to understand time value of money correctly .

  27. 基于时间价值的国际集装箱运输路径的优化研究

    Optimized the Transport Routes of International Containers Based on the Time Value

  28. 考虑进度款时间价值的招评标对策

    Strategies of Bidding in Considering Time Value of Progress Fund

  29. 资金的时间价值计算浅析

    A Brief Analysis of Calculation of Time Value of Capital

  30. 货币时间价值现象是客现存在的经济现象。

    The currency time value exists objectively in economic appearance .