
  • 网络Endangered;endangered species;threatened species
  1. 造林时对珍稀濒危种需要缺乏考虑;

    Rare and endangered species of climax are seldom been considered in forestation ;

  2. 木兰科濒危种的种质资源保存及繁殖技术研究进展

    Advance in Researches on the Germplasma Resources Protection and Reproductive Technique of Endangered Species of Magnoliaceae

  3. 濒危种明党参和非濒危种峨参生态策略的比较研究

    Comparative studies on the ecological strategies of an endangered species Changium smyrnioides and a non-endangered species Anthriscus sylvestris

  4. 调查结果:极危种1种、濒危种2种、近危种4种、安全种18种。

    The outcome of survey showed that there was 1 most endangered species , 2 endangered species , 4 easy to endangered species and 18 safety species .

  5. 河北新纪录种46种,其中,极危种植物5种,濒危种6种,渐危种24种,敏感种11种;

    There are 46 new recorded plants of Hebei , among those there are 5 critically endangered species , 6 endangered species , 24 vulnerable , 11 lower risk species ;

  6. 该林区有区域濒危种1种,林区易危种6种,区域近危种19种,林区安全种247种。

    The research of the endangerment class of the plants shows that there are 1 endangered species , 6 vulnerable species , 19 near threatened species and 247 safety species .

  7. 在黄河故道发现了三种列入IUCN/ICBP的濒危种或稀有种,在将来的研究中,应注意其鸟类学重要性;

    Endangered / rare species listed in I-UCN / ICBP Red Data Book were found in the Old Course of Yellow River and the ornithological importance of the area should be highlighted in the future serveys ;

  8. 有省级重点保护植物13种,隶属8科12属,占陕西省地方重点保护植物总数的22.0%,其中濒危种2种、稀有种4种、渐危种6种,保护类型未定的有1种。

    13 species were provincial key protected belonging to 8 families and 12 genuses in the reserve and there 22 % of the total local key protected species including 2 endangered species , 4 rare species , 6 vulnerable species and 1 unknown pecies .

  9. 珍稀濒危鸡种不同取样方法DNA提取的研究

    Effects of Different Sampling Methods on the DNA Extraction in Rare and Endangered Chicken Breeds

  10. 属濒危2种,稀有14种,渐危17种。

    Of which 2 species belong to endangered species , 14 species to rare species , and 17 species to vulnerable species .

  11. 中国是世界鸟类分布种数最丰富的国家之一,而且有许多珍稀濒危特有种。

    China is one of the countries with the most bird species in the world , and among these species are many rare , endangered and endemic ones .

  12. 我国野生动物资源(两栖类、爬行类、鸟类和哺乳类)有四个特点:种类丰富、特有种多、濒危珍稀种多、具有重要经济价值的种类多。

    The wildlife resources ( amphibians , reptiles , birds and mammals ) of China contain four characteristics : plenty of species number , a lot of unique species , many rare and precious species , many economic valuable species .

  13. 在此基础上,探讨了珍稀濒危竹种在保护生物多样性中的价值、策略,并提出三种珍稀濒危竹种保护对策和建议,及其在园林景观营造中的应用。

    Basing on this analysis , we discussed the value and strategy of rare and endangered ornamental bamboos in biology diversity conservation , put forward countermeasure and suggestion of three rare and endangered ornamental bamboos , and those applied landscaping planning .

  14. 珍稀濒危药用植物种14种。

    There are 14 species of rare and endangered medicinal plants .

  15. 广东省珍稀濒危植物4种;

    Species are the rare and endangered plants in Guangdong Province .

  16. 西双版纳自然分布有珍稀濒危植物61种。

    There are 61 rare and endangered plant species in Xishuangbanna .

  17. 中国特产濒危保护竹种及标准探讨

    Exploring the Criteria for Endangered Categories of Bamboo Species from China

  18. 西安植物园现存珍稀濒危植物39种。

    39 rare and endangered plants are Ex - situ conservation in Xi ' an Botanical Garden .

  19. 境内分布珍稀植物34种,其中属于国家重点保护的珍稀濒危植物20种。

    There are 34 species rare plants , 20 of them are rare and endangered plants targeted by important protection .

  20. 在这些植物中,有国家重点保护野生植物8种、珍稀濒危植物61种。

    Among these plants found , 8 species are the national key protected plants , 61 species are the rare and endangered plants .

  21. 遏止濒危动植物种的走私活动和对环境敏感的货物(例如:耗蚀臭氧层物质、危险废物,以及化学武器)的非法贸易。

    and flora and the illegal trade in " environmentally sensitive " commodities such as ozone depleting substances , hazardous and other waste , and chemical weapons .

  22. 广东省有野生珍稀濒危植物75种,占全国珍稀濒危植物总数(388种)的19.3%。

    There are 75 species of rare and endangered plants in Guangdong province , and takes 19.3 % of the total in China , which is known as 388 species .

  23. 报道武义县珍稀濒危树种17种,其中国家级7种,省级10种;

    Wuyi County has 17 species of rare trees , in which 7 species are classified as rare trees of national level , 10 species as provincial level , and 2 species , i. e.

  24. 稀有濒危植物88种,分属46科75属,其中濒危植物14种,渐危植物49种,稀有植物25种;

    Among these species , there are 88 rare and endangered plant species in total , belonging to 46 families 75 genera , 14 species of which are endangered , 49 threatened and 25 rare .

  25. 初步调查表明,福建永安安砂库区生态公益林有野生珍稀濒危植物21种,隶属14科19属。

    A preliminary investigation indicated that there exist 21 species of rare and endangered plants under 19 genera of 14 families in ecology public good forest around Ansha Reservoir , Yong'an City , Fujian Province .

  26. 综合《中国植物红皮书》(第一册)和《国家重点保护野生植物名录》(1999)的统计,贵州省有珍稀濒危植物100种(除去重复部分),隶属于79属、48科。

    Based on Red List of Plants in China and List of National Protected Wild Plants , there are totally 100 rare and endangered plants in Guizhou , which belong to 79 genera of 48 families .

  27. 其中有国家重点保护野生植物12种,珍稀濒危植物20种;具有较明显经济用途的有药用植物619种,用材树种146种,观赏植物110种等。

    Among them , 12 species are national key protected plants , 20 species are rare and endangered plants , there are also 619 medicinal plants , 146 timber plants and 110 ornamental plants which have economic value .

  28. 江西省国家珍稀濒危植物103种48科80属,其中自然成分85种69属46科。

    There are 103 species of the threatened plants in Jiangxi Province , which belong to 80 genera and 48 families . The wild plants of Jiangxi Province have 85 species , 69 genera and 46 families among them .

  29. 湿地有珍稀濒危动物43种,其中国家Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级保护动物有24种,湿地经济动物种类较多,在本区域有较高的生物多样性。

    In the everglade there are 43 kinds of be in severe danger animals . and the nation protect animals rank ⅰ and rank ⅱ 24 genus . there are a lot of everglade economy animals and have upper biology variety .

  30. 广东省共有珍稀濒危植物75种,占我国珍稀濒危植物总数的193%。

    According to Red Data Book of Plant in China-Rare and Endangered Species ( No.1 ), there are 75 species of rare and endangered plants in Guangdong Province , and takes 19.3 % of the total in China ( 388 species ) .