
  1. 澳大利亚新州宣布防止濒危生物灭绝的计划

    Australian State Announces Plan to Prevent Endangered Life from Disappearing

  2. 鹰的死亡威胁着全国一项颇见成效的挽救濒危生物的计划。

    The eagle deaths threaten one of the nation 's most successful endangered species recovery programs .

  3. 保护珍稀、濒危生物资源和湿地资源,实施野生动物及其栖息地保护建设工程,恢复生态功能和生物多样性。

    Efforts will be made to protect rare and endangered species and wetland resources , build wild animal and habitat protection projects , and revive ecological functions and biodiversity .

  4. 生物学家兼电视节目主持人西门-瓦特是英国丑陋动物保护协会的主席,他表示希望这次的活动能够让公众关注这些长相奇怪但其实很棒的濒危生物。

    Biologist and TV presenter Simon Watt , president of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society , said he hoped the campaign would draw attention to the threats facing these weird and wonderful creatures .

  5. 我国珍稀濒危野生生物保护法律研究

    The Legal Study of Chinese Endangered Wildlife Protection

  6. 生境丧失及破碎化是引起物种濒危和生物多样性降低的主要原因。

    Based on the habitat suitability maps , the causation and change law of habitat loss and fragmentation of red-crow .

  7. 生态保育方面突出保护华东植物濒危物种、生物多样性,恢复原生环境;

    The Botanical Garden puts emphasis on the protection of endangered species of East China plants and biodiversity and the restoration of habitat .

  8. 文中例举了过去我国濒危、珍稀生物资源破坏和流失情况,并介绍了在加强对濒危、珍稀物种进出口管理中,动植物检疫机关所起的把关作用。

    Examples are given to illustrate the destruction and loss of rare biological resources resulted from the species outflow in international trade in the past years , and reviewed the role of animal and plant quarantine in strengthening the management of endangered and rare species .

  9. 珍稀濒危野生植物是生物多样性的重要组成部分。

    Rare and endangered wild plants are an important component of biological diversity .

  10. 厚朴为国家二级珍稀濒危保护植物,国家二级保护野生中药材。我国珍稀濒危野生生物保护法律研究

    CMO is rare and endangered in our country . The Legal Study of Chinese Endangered Wildlife Protection