
  • endangered species;CITES;Threatened Species
  1. 成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。

    The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction .

  2. 海龟是濒危物种。

    The sea turtle is an endangered species .

  3. 熊猫是濒危物种。

    Pandas are an endangered species

  4. 这次战役确实起作用了。现在,美国各联邦机构正准备将岛屿灰狐移出“濒危物种名单”。

    And it worked , today , federal agencies are pulling the island fox from the Endangered Species List .

  5. 波沙说:“我们有义务对灰狐的量再持续关注至少5年,直到它被移除出濒危物种名单。”

    " We 're obligated to keep a pulse on the population for at least five years after the foxes are delisted , " says Boser .

  6. 在被拯救的诸多哺乳动物中,岛屿灰狐是恢复最快的一个种群,和路易斯安那黑熊等一起成为《濒危物种法》保护历史上最瞩目的成功案例。

    It 's the fastest-ever recovery of a mammal , joining peers like the Louisiana black bear as glowing successes in the history of the Endangered Species Act .

  7. 这让人感到不真实。感觉我们就像是某种形式的濒危物种。

    It feels unreal . It feels like we 're some form of endangered species .

  8. 微波炉和快餐连锁店是罪魁祸首,但是大型食品公司才是使家庭厨师成为濒危物种的幕后黑手——它们想尽办法出售商品,却偏偏不卖新鲜食材。

    The microwave and fast-food chains were the biggest catalyst , but the big food companies — which want to sell anything except the raw ingredients that go into cooking — made the home cook an endangered species .

  9. 非洲森林象现在更临近灭绝,被列为极度濒危物种。

    Forest elephants are now even closer to extinction2 – critically endangered .

  10. 尽管蓝鲸的数量在南极水域有所增加,但这两种鲸鱼均为濒危物种。

    Both are endangered , though the blue whale 's starting to make a comeback in Antarctic waters .

  11. 和成千上万的植物和动物相比,科学家们只对约五十个真菌物种是否能列入世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录中进行了评估。

    And only about 50 species have been evaluated for the extinction4 Red List compared with thousands of plants and animals .

  12. 科学家们敦促世界自然保护联盟在地球濒危物种名单中把帝企鹅所处的位置提高。

    The scientists are pressing the International Union for Conservation of Nature to lift Emperors higher up on its list of Earth 's endangered species .

  13. 世界自然保护联盟制定的濒危物种红色名录,被认为是反映日益拥挤的地球上,自然界生存现状的详尽报告,最新公布的名录将非洲草原象列为濒危物种。

    This latest Red List of Threatened Species – considered to be the comprehensive report on how nature is faring on an increasingly crowded planet – puts Africa 's savanna1 elephants into the endangered category .

  14. 二是今年6月,《濒危物种保护法》(EndangeredSpeciesAct)将所有黑猩猩列为濒危物种。

    The second was the designation of all chimps as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act in June .

  15. 随着粪便DNA分析技术的发展,这项技术在将来的濒危物种遗传结构的研究中会得到广泛的应用。

    With the development of the analytic method of faecal DNA , DNA method of study of the genetic structure of endangered species of wildlife will be extensively used .

  16. 在3月,公园迎来了一群内华达山脉大角羊,多年的拯救濒危物种计划之后,它们终于回到大教堂牧区(CathedralRange)。

    In March , the park welcomed a herd of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep back to its Cathedral Range after the conclusion of a multiyear project to repopulate the endangered species .

  17. 《中国濒危物种红皮书》(RDB,1998)收录11种。

    China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals ( RDB , 1998 ) embodied 11 species .

  18. DNA分子多态性标记技术是DNA分子水平上的多态性检测技术,在生物多样性、遗传多样性、濒危物种的鉴定和保护等研究中得到广泛的应用。

    Polymorphic marker technique of DNA molecular is a polymorphic examination technique of DNA in molecular level , it was used extensively in the studies on biological polymorphism , genetic polymorphism , examination and protection of nearly extinct species .

  19. 在实践中,这意味着在汇编国际自然与自然资源保护联合会(IUCU)和联合国濒危物种国际交易公约(CITES)的物种名单时需要纳入土著群落的优先保护物种。

    In practice , this means including the conservation priorities of indigenous communities when compiling species lists such as those of IUCN and CITES .

  20. 该发现结果与在多哈举行的濒危物种会议一致。StephanieHancock在多哈报道。

    The findings coincide with a meeting on endangered species in Doha , from where Stephanie Hancock reports .

  21. 1996年中华鲟被列入IUCN红皮书濒危物种,也是我国一级重点保护动物。本研究针对当前中华鲟群体的濒危现状,应用微卫星DNA标记开展中华鲟保护遗传学研究。

    Chinese sturgeon is included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 1996 , and is also under the category I in state protection species list of China .

  22. 大熊猫(AiluropodaMelanoleuca)是我国特有的濒危物种。

    Giant panda , Ailuropoda melanoleuca , is a well-known endangered animal , which is distributed only in China .

  23. 而当2000年“宝藏(Treasure)”号发生沉船事故时,正值有史以来科学家所记录的南非企鹅繁殖最旺盛的一个时期——而南非企鹅在当时已经被列入濒危物种的名单。

    Now when the Treasure sank in 2000 , it was the height of the best breeding season scientists had ever recorded for the African penguin , which at the time , was listed as a threatened species .

  24. 它们广泛分布于包括地中海(Mediterranean)地区在内的全球热带、亚热带海域。由于过度捕捞,相关保护机构已将旗鱼列为濒危物种。

    While these fish can be found in temperate waters around the world , including the Mediterranean Sea , heavy over harvesting has led protective agencies to place them on a list of endangered species .

  25. 《濒危物种国际贸易公约》(Cites)大会将于6月3日至15日在荷兰海牙召开。在此之前,中国官员上周在新德里商讨采取解禁措施。

    Chinese officials were in New Delhi last week to discuss the move before the meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( Cites ) at The Hague from June 3-15 .

  26. 虎(Pantheratigris)是最受瞩目的濒危物种,易地保护是虎保护中普遍采用的策略。

    Tiger ( Panthera tigris ) is one of the most concerned endangered species , so ex situ conservation is the universal strategy for tiger protection .

  27. Davidson和其他一些动物保护主义者研发了一个模型来预测由联合国自然保护组织鉴定的濒危物种的灭绝速度。

    Davidson and several other animal conservationists developed a model to predict the extinction rates of endangered mammals identified by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature , or IUCN .

  28. 大熊猫(AiluropodaMelanoleuca)是我国特有的珍稀濒危物种,国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物,我国的国宝,动物界的活化石,是全世界珍稀濒危动物保护的旗舰物种。

    The giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ), distributed only in China and called " living fossil ", has been a flagship of endangered and rare species in the world .

  29. 兰科(Orchidaceae)是显花植物中的一个大类群,全世界所有野生兰科植物均被列入《野生动植物濒危物种国际贸易公约》的保护范围,是植物保护中的旗舰类群(flagshipgroup)。

    Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of flowering plants . All wild orchid species are included in the Appendix ⅱ of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES ), and regarded as a flagship group in plant conservation .

  30. 鳄蜥(Shinisauruscrocodilurus)是古老的濒危物种,并已被列入濒危物种贸易公约附录Ⅱ。

    The Chinese crocodile lizard ( Shinisaurus crocodilurus ) is one of the critically endangered species in the world , and has been listed on Appendix ⅱ of CITES .