
  • 网络Rhinopithecus bieti;Pygathrix bieti;Black Snub-nosed Monkey;bieti
  1. 基于线粒体控制区的滇金丝猴群体遗传学研究

    Population Genetics of Rhinopithecus bieti : a Study of the Mitochondrial Control Region

  2. 结合专家知识,应用GIS空间分析功能,对该地区的滇金丝猴生境做出适宜性评价。

    Assessed its habitats quality base on geographic information , experts ' knowledge and by using GIS software it is good at the spatial analysis .

  3. 第五部分论述了应用GIS空间分析能力,紧密结合滇金丝猴动物行为的专家知识,对滇金丝猴生境做适宜性评价,并应用景观生态指数对其状况进行描述;

    In the fifth chapter , assesses the degree of the suitable habitat of the monkey and describe the situation using the landscape index by combining the GIS technology with the experts ' knowledge .

  4. 一个滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecusbieti)群生态行为的初步观察

    A preliminary survey of ecology and behavior on a Yunnan snub-nosed monkey ( rhinopithecus bieti ) group

  5. 滇金丝猴适宜栖息地的遥感分析

    Analysis of Suitable Habitat for Yunnan Golden Monkey with Remote Sensing

  6. 滇金丝猴的社会行为和栖息特征的初步研究

    Study on the social behavior and habitual speciality of Yunnan golden monkey

  7. 滇金丝猴生境破碎化研究中的遥感影像预处理

    The Image Previous Process in Study the Habitat Fragmentation of Yunnan Snub-nosed Monkey

  8. 气候变化对滇金丝猴分布的潜在影响

    Potential effects of climate change on the distributions of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey ( Pygathrix Bieti ) in China

  9. 这里讲述的是动物行为学家龙勇诚在野外追踪研究野生滇金丝猴的经历。

    The Man Who Follows up Dian Golden-haired MonkeysHere is a story about the experience of animal behaviorist Long Yongcheng who follows and studies the Dian golden-haired monkeys .

  10. 通过对笼养滇金丝猴消化能力的测定,建立野外滇金丝猴群摄食量议程;结合数理统计进行分析。

    Through the determination of digestive ability from an individual of R.bieti in captivity , an equantion about quantity of diets taken in by wild R.bieti groups was established .

  11. 第六部分根据景观生态规划原理和滇金丝猴动物行为的专家知识,对滇金丝猴栖息地进行核心区和生态廊道规划。

    The sixth chapter disserts the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey 's habitat planning ( core area and the corridor of the monkey ) according to the theories of landscape planning and conservation area planning .

  12. 在各项生物化学指标中,血清尿酸含量比滇金猴的高,血清总胆固醇和尿素氮的含量比滇金丝猴的低,血清白蛋白和球蛋白比值与人的差异明显;

    In all the blood biochemical parameters , the content of uric acid is higher than that of Yunnan golden monkeys , while the contents of cholesterol and urea nitrogen are lower . In addition , the albumin globulin ratio is quite different from that of human beings .