
  • 网络Clever;Clervaux;Kleve
  1. 克莱沃的安妮:英国王后(1540年1月至7月),是亨利八世的第四个妻子。

    Anne of Cleves : Queen of England ( January-July 1540 ) as the fourth wife of Henry VIII .

  2. 我们现在都知道扎克伯格早早就投下的赌注获得了多大的成功(更不必说他还彻底击败了卑劣的文克莱沃斯孪生兄弟)。

    We all know how well Zuckerberg 's long bet paid off ( not to mention how thoroughly he vanquished those dastardly Winklevoss twins ) .

  3. 审判长亚历克斯•克兹恩斯基写道:“当事人被竞争对手打败之后,力图通过起诉获得自己在市场上无法取得的收益,在这方面文克莱沃斯兄弟不是第一人。”

    Wrote chief judge Alex kozinski : " the winklevosses are not the first parties bested by a competitor who then seek to gain through litigation what they were unable to achieve in the marketplace . "