
  • 网络Karen;Kayin
  1. 美国市场调研公司NPD资深美容业分析师克伦•格兰特(KarenGrant),将家庭美容服务需求的不断攀升,与网上购物的兴起和水疗聚会的流行联系起来。

    Karen Grant , senior beauty industry analyst with NPD , a US market research company , links the increasing demand for at-home beauty services to the rise in internet shopping and popularity of spa parties .

  2. 克伦用她的特殊能力去做了早晨天气预报员

    Karen used her special talents to do the morning weather announcements .

  3. 俄亥俄州阿克伦大学教授马克·D。舍米斯是休利特基金会短文自动评分竞赛的监督者,而且还就这次试验写过一篇论文。

    Mark D. Shermis , a professor at the University of Akron in Ohio , supervised the Hewlett Foundation 's contest on automated essay scoring and wrote a paper about the experiment .

  4. 国内外克伦特罗ELISA检测试剂盒评价

    Evaluation of the Clenbuterol ELISA Test Kits at Home and Abroad

  5. 猪尿中克伦特罗残留的ELISA检测研究

    Study on ELISA for detecting clenbuterol residue in swine urine

  6. ELISA法测定猪尿及饲料中盐酸克伦特罗残留量

    Determination of the Clenbuterol Residues in Pig Urine and Feeds by ELISA

  7. 纳米CeO2修饰碳糊电极微分脉冲伏安法对盐酸克伦特罗的测定

    Differential Pulse Voltammetric Determination of Clenbuterol with Carbon Paste Electrode Modified by Nano-CeO_2

  8. 同时适用ELISA和GC-MS快速测定猪肉中盐酸克伦特罗的前处理方法研究

    A Pre-treatment Method Suitable for ELISA and GC-MS Determination of Clenbuterol in Pork

  9. 它位于距阿克伦西南几英里的东部水库(EastReservoir)的东南水滨的树丛中,树丛中还有其他七座别墅。

    It stood with seven others in a grove on the southeast shore of the East Reservoir , a few miles south of Akron .

  10. 猪抗克伦特罗(CL)抗血清的制备及其IgG纯化与鉴定

    The preparation of pig anti-clenbuterol sera and purification and identification of its serum IgG

  11. 盐酸克伦特罗对小鼠心肌ATP酶和抗氧化能力的影响

    Effects of Clenbuterol on Levels of ATP and Antioxidant Capacity of Myocardium in Mice

  12. RP-HPLC法测定猪肝中盐酸克伦特罗的残留量

    Determination of clenbuterol hydrochloride in pork liver by RP-HPLC

  13. 克伦特罗、青霉素和庆大霉素抗体的制备与间接竞争ELISA检测克伦特罗残留的初步研究

    Production of Antibodies Against Clenbuterol , Penicillin and Gentamycin and Primary Research on Detection of Clenbuterol Residue by Indirect Competitive ELISA

  14. 用自制的β激动剂克伦特罗(CL)抗血清建立其酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)方法。

    CL ELISA detection method was established with the sera to the β agonist of Clenbuterol ( CL ) .

  15. 克伦特罗单克隆抗体制备和残留ELISA检测方法及试剂盒研究

    Preparation of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Clenbuterol and Development of an ELISA and Its Kit for Screening of Clenbuterol Residue in Animal Tissues

  16. 目的:探讨克伦特罗(CL)影响机体物质代谢的有关肝脏机制。

    Aim : To examine the liver mechanism with which clenbuterol ( CL ) is explained how to affect growth metabolism .

  17. 这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是让·科克伦。

    From NPR News in Washington , I 'm Jean Cochran .

  18. 与他同组的两届大师赛冠军本•克伦肖(BenCrenshaw)在那一轮打出了81杆的成绩。

    His partner - two-times Masters winner Ben Crenshaw - shot 81 .

  19. 采用猪视网膜为靶组织,采用FDA酶联免疫检测的样品前处理方法进行了盐酸克伦特罗残留的定性及定量检测方法研究。

    The qualitative and quantitative determination of Clenbuterol residue in porcine retinal tissue by the method of FDA was studied .

  20. SPE-HPLC法同时测定猪肉中常见抗生素和克伦特罗的研究

    Research on determination of popular antibiotics and clenbuterol in pork by SPE-HPLC

  21. 此前在Evant公司任职期间,柯克伦曾经帮助该公司募集了110亿美元。对于King公司的IPO和雄心勃勃的增长计划而言,这份履历是个好兆头。

    Cochran previously helped raise over $ 11 billion while at Evant , which bodes well for King 's IPO and aggressive growth plans .

  22. 本文阐述了盐酸克伦特罗在机体内的分解代谢、残留和对人畜的危害,比较分析了残留的检测技术,重点阐述了ELISA方法的原理、应用及发展前景,为保证肉品卫生作好监控。

    The testing technology of residue is comparatively analyzed , while the theory , application and prospect of ELISA are stressed in this paper so that meat hygiene can be relatively ensured by monitoring .

  23. 她的父亲,雅克比·莫茨(JakobMotz),在阿克伦以北几英里的地方获得了一个农场。

    Her father , Jakob Motz , acquired a farm a few miles north of Arkron .

  24. 杰里米•布洛(JeremyBulow)和保罗•克伦佩雷尔(PaulKlemperer)的研究表明,在这种情况下,理性的策略是,除了两个人以外,所有人几乎都立刻停止鼓掌。

    Research by Jeremy Bulow and Paul Klemperer shows that in such circumstances , the rational strategy is for all but two to stop applauding almost immediately .

  25. 这一接班方案实际上是在一年前敲定的,当时默多克的两个儿子在福克斯和新闻集团(NewsCorp)被赋予新职。拉克伦重返家族企业的十年前,曾辞去新闻集团高管职务、移居澳大利亚。

    The succession was in effect sealed a year ago when the two Murdoch sons were given fresh roles at Fox and News Corp. Lachlan 's return to the fold came a decade after he resigned as a News Corp executive and moved to Australia .

  26. 英国3g移动频段拍卖会背后的经济学家之一保罗克伦佩雷尔(paulklemperer)发表了一篇论文,提出英国央行也许该如何拍卖以不同质量抵押资产获得的贷款。

    Paul Klemperer , one of the economists behind the 3G mobile spectrum auctions in the UK , has published a paper explaining how the bank might auction off loans secured against different qualities of collateral .

  27. 在湖北的省会城市武汉,我遇到詹妮•克伦姆(JanieCorum)和她的丈夫拉尔夫(Ralph),两人已经在那里生活了六年左右。

    In Wuhan , the capital of the central province of Hubei , I met Janie Corum and her husband Ralph , who have lived there for about six years .

  28. 结果:项目分析之后的15题PSPS的各项指标符合心理测量学要求(克伦巴赫α系数分别为0.742、0.705和0.681)。

    Results : All psychometric indices of the revised PSPS were satisfactory ( the Cronbach α index for the three subscales were 0.742 , 0.705 and 0.681 ) .

  29. 使用OLS法进行回归分析时,考虑了数据的平稳性问题,进行了数据的平稳性检验,并运用科克伦-奥克特(Cochrane-Orcutt)方法纠正了可能存在的虚假回归现象。

    It considers the stationary process of the data , has carried on the stationarity inspection of the data , and uses Cochrane-Orcutt method to correct spurious regression that may exist .

  30. 〔方法〕应用ELISA法重复测定样品,变异系数为6.9%,方法的添加回收率尿样为92.5%,检测限可达0.1ng/ml,克伦特罗抗体与沙丁胺醇、异丙肾上腺素交叉反应率分别为1.25%、0.03%。

    〔 Methods 〕 ELISA was repeatedly used to detect clenbuterol in samples . 〔 Results 〕 The coefficient of variation of repeated detection was 6.9 % , recovery rate of clenbuterol from spiked urine samples 92.5 % , the detection limit 0.1ng/ml .