
dǎnɡ ɡuó
  • party-state
党国 [dǎng guó]
  • [nation;country] 国民党有“以党治国”的口号,因而把国说成“党国”

  1. 这是私人和公共的复兴,是社会和党国的事件。

    This is a private and public revival , a social and a party-state affair .

  2. 因为有中国的党国体制全力“支持”,私营企业都被孤立了,并且失去了他们讲价的力量。

    Backed by the full force of the Chinese Party-state , individual companies were isolated and lost their bargaining power .

  3. 当一位执政党国会议员质疑签名后,人们就在一个Facebook页面张贴他们的照片,有些人还写道:就是我签的,本人就是这样。

    When a ruling party congressman questioned the signatures , people posted their photos on a Facebook page , some with notes saying : " I signed and I am real .

  4. 老保守党国会议员安德鲁麦凯(AndrewMacKay)宣布辞去卡梅伦的国会助手一职。他此前承认,他在第二居所的费用申报上犯下了判断错误。

    Andrew MacKay , a veteran Conservative MP , announced his resignation as a parliamentary aide to Mr Cameron after confessing he had made an error of judgment ' ' on his second home claims .

  5. 南京国民政府时期党国体制下公务员制度的变异

    Changes of the Civil Service System Under the Party State System of the Nanjing National Government

  6. 党国体制在权力形式上遵循权力统一的原则,所有权力统一于党。

    As for the power forms , a party state system follows the principle of power unity .

  7. 由于每家国企都是党国经济的一个细胞,供应商与客户之间的界限是模糊的。

    As every SOE is a cell of the party state economy , distinctions between suppliers and customers are blurred .

  8. 保守党国会议员就应该以什么条件同意单一货币区成员国形成更加紧密的联系进行了一系列的争论,这使得威斯敏斯特现在的气氛很是紧张。

    The mood at Westminster is febrile , as Conservative MPs debate the concessions that Britain should demand in exchange for allowing single-currency members to huddle closer .

  9. 建国前,由于我国构建了党国一体的全能型政府,人人靠政府是那个时代的最大特点。

    Before the setting of our country , it build the one-party state perimeter government , everyone depends on government is the biggest characteristic at that time .

  10. 英国保守党国会议员罗伯特•阿尔丰说:杜伦大学为什么招收了一名来自阿萨德政权的成员,这牵涉到道德问题。

    Tory MP Robert Halfon said : Ethical questions need to be asked as to why Durham University is providing an education to a member of the Assad regime .

  11. 本着由来已久的、只关心为党国宣传,而不关注事实的作风,塔斯社紧接着又发表了第二篇文章,称单单1979年这一年,美国就经历过2300次核事故和故障。

    Dwelling in time-honoured fashion on propaganda rather than facts , Tass then issued a second article alleging the US had experienced 2,300 nuclear accidents and breakdowns in 1979 alone .

  12. 但它的三阶段说也有现代合法性的某些特征。但它是一种实质正当性而非形式合法性。党国体制是主权在党的政体。

    But its Three-Stage Thought bears also certain characteristics of modern validity . A party state system is a political entity with the power on the party ; the party runs the government in behalf of the people .

  13. 从而使其学习俄国经验时在建党思想、党国体制、党务组织、军队建设、党群关系等方面具有相同之处。

    It had caused to study Russia experiences in the party-building thought , the party country system , the party affairs organizes , aspects and so on modernization of the armed forces , single round-robin system to have the similarity .

  14. 在党国体制下,人民是被规训的对象,人民被动员、教育、组织和训练。他们首先要成为信徒,然后才能拥有权利。

    In a party state system , the people are the audience to be taught ; they must first become disciples before getting their rights . The people are the object that should be called on , educated , organized and trained .

  15. 党国体制重视法制建设,但党治国家并非法治社会,党治国家的法律充分体现了党国体制的价值和原则。

    The party state system cares much for the construction of the legislation , but a party-governed country is by no means a law society . The law of a party-governed country fully shows up the values and principles of its party state system .

  16. 虽然在外来文化和外来势力的影响下,它勉强进行了原定的转化(即向宪政的过渡),但是早已背离了政体原则的党国体制却无法支持这一演变。

    Although under the influence of outside culture and power , it reluctantly carried out the originally planned transition ( to the constitution system ), the party state system which had deviated from the creeds of a political entity was unable to support this transition .

  17. 英国保守党国会议员罗伯特•阿尔丰说:“杜伦大学为什么招收了一名来自阿萨德政权的成员,这牵涉到道德问题。鉴于阿萨德政权害死了成千上万的叙利亚人,杜伦大学应该重新考虑是否颁发这个博士学位。”

    Tory MP Robert Halfon said : " Ethical questions need to be asked as to why Durham University is providing an education to a member of the Assad regime . Given the murder of thousands of Syrians by the Assad regime , Durham should reconsider whether it awards this PhD . "

  18. 人民是我们的立党立国之本。

    The people are the foundation of our Party and country .

  19. 执政是立党立国之基。

    Be in power is the foundation of constructing the party and country .

  20. 马克思主义是立党立国的根本指导思想。

    Marxism is the basic guiding principle for our party and our country .

  21. 摘要马克思主义是社会主义意识形态的灵魂,是我们立党立国的指导思想。

    Marxism is the soul of socialistic ideology and the guiding thought of our party .

  22. 马克思主义是“放之四海而皆准”的真理,是我们立党立国的根本指导思想,是我们的老祖宗。

    Marxism is " one size fits all " truth and our foundation founding of the fundamental guiding ideology and our ancestors .

  23. 惩治受贿犯罪,是目前中国社会最受关注的重大问题之一,也是党和国家长期面对的艰巨历史任务。

    Punishment for bribe crimes is one of the most important issues of concern in china currently , as well as a daunting long-term historical task which the Party and State faces .

  24. 在去年二月,中国东北部城市大连宣布不会再给所有的女孤儿和男孤儿分别冠以党和国的姓氏,这激起了全国范围内震动。

    In February last year , the north-eastern city of Dalian caused a nationwide stir when it announced that it would no longer give all girl orphans the surname Dang and boys Guo .

  25. 针对马克思主义是立党立国及进行社会主义建设的思想灵魂,提出了随着时代的发展、社会的进步要不断丰富发展马克思主义理论的重要性。

    Marxism is an ideological basis of the found of our party and country , and of socialist construction . With development of times and society , it is to be enriched and its significance oughts to be highlighted .

  26. 本文通过挖掘石油工人在对国家意识形态进行主体建构的同时,又是如何发挥个体能动性进行改写,以最终达成与党/国意识形态的相互妥协的。

    In this paper , mining oil workers in the construction of the national ideology of the same subject , but also how to play the individual initiative to rewrite , to finally reach the party / state ideology of mutual compromise .

  27. 如今,德国新选项党在该国16个州议会中的3个拥有席位,在欧洲议会也拥有席位。该党的成功,是导致自由派的德国自民党(FDP)在选举中溃败的因素之一。

    AfD 's success - it now holds seats in three of Germany 's 16 state assemblies as well as the European Parliament - is one factor behind the electoral collapse of the liberal Free Democrats .

  28. 论党对我国少数民族地区发展问题的探索与实践

    Explorations and Practice of the CPC with Regard to the Development in the Minority Nationality Regions in China

  29. 我们党和我国人民经历了艰难曲折,积累了丰富经验,愈益成熟起来。

    After going through all the hardships and setbacks , our Party and people have gained rich experience and become increasingly mature .

  30. 现在我们党对我国社会主义建设规律的认识深刻得多了。

    Our Party now has a much deeper understanding of the laws governing China 's socialist construction than it did at the time of the Eighth Congress .