
  1. 本文利用Kendall协同系数检验考察我国股票市场风险和收益的风格效应。

    Using the test of Kendall 's coefficient of concordance , this paper studies the style effect of return and risk in Chinese stock market .

  2. 宏观压力背景下股票市场风险的稳定性研究

    Macro Stress-testing of Stability and Risk for Stock Market in China

  3. 基于柔性神经树模型的股票市场风险预测

    Forecasting stock market risks based on the flexible neural tree

  4. 中国股票市场风险度评测模型与仿真研究

    China 's Stock Market Risk Assessment Model and Simulation Study

  5. 中外股票市场风险收益的比较研究

    Comparison of Risk and Return between Chinese Stock Markets and Other Countries

  6. 我国股票市场风险的契约分析

    Contractual Analysis on the Risk of Stock Market in China

  7. 第二章对股票市场风险的特征及分类进行了详细分析。

    Chapter two labored the tinctures and sorts of risk of stock market .

  8. 中国股票市场风险值的非参数估计

    Nonparametric Estimation of Value-at-Risk of Chinese Stock Market

  9. 噪音交易行为与中国股票市场风险的理论和实证研究

    Theoretical and Empirical Study on Noise Trading Behavior and Risk of Chinese Stock Market

  10. 上市公司因素与股票市场风险关系实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Relationship between Factors of Chinese Listed Firms and Stock Market Risk

  11. 股票市场风险的多重分形分析

    Multiple Fractal Analysis of Stock Market Risks

  12. 并且针对理论分析和建模分析提出了一些股票市场风险防范的建议。

    In the end , we put forward some advices to guard against stock market risk .

  13. 股票市场风险包括非系统化风险和系统化风险。

    Stock market risk can be divided into two types including non-systematic risk and systematic risk .

  14. 第五章探讨引致中国股票市场风险结构变化的可能原因和进一步分析中国股票市场波动性风险结构同实体经济之间的关系。

    Chapter Five probe into the possible reasons causing the risk structure to change , analyse the relation between volatility and economy further .

  15. 根据经验分析的结果,考察中国股票市场风险结构的趋势、特征及其各部分之间的关系。

    According to the result , we investigate the risk change trend , the risk characteristic and relations among every part of the risk .

  16. 股指期货交易在规避股票市场风险的同时,产生了新的风险&投机风险和套期保值风险。

    The transaction in stock index futures may avoid the risk of stock market . The speculation risk and hedging risk come into being .

  17. 而股票市场风险作为金融领域最重要的一块,其风险测量作为风险管理和防范的核心,它直接决定了风险管理和防范的有效性。

    The stock market risk , the most important piece of the financial fields and the core of risk management and prevention , directly determines the effectiveness of risk management and prevention .

  18. 而从长期来看,只要投资者愿意长期持有黄金,黄金可以作为对冲通货膨胀和股票市场风险的有效工具。

    In the long run , as long as investors are willing to hold gold , it can be used as an effective tool to hedge against inflation and stock market risk .

  19. 股票市场风险溢价不仅在投资管理和公司财务决策中起着重要的作用,而且是很多金融理论模型的输入参数。

    Market risk premium plays an important role not only in asset management , but also in corporate financial decisions , and it is an input parameter of many financial theory models .

  20. 第三章论述了我国股票市场风险的主要防范方法,对系统风险防范提出了一些建议,针对非系统风险建立了证券投资组合的数学模型。

    The third chapter discussed some primary means of prevention of stock market in out country , presented some advices for the elusion of systemic risk , and made a numerical model of portfolio for non-system risk .

  21. 由股票市场风险事故给股票市场带来的直接影响是:证券资产迅速贬值(股灾),各经济主体(投资者、筹资者、国家)蒙受损失。

    The direct influences brought to stock market by the risk accidents are : the securities assets rapid depreciating ( burst of calamity ), every economic entity suffering losses ( the investors , fund-raisers and the country ) .

  22. 结果表明:投资者过度自信与股票市场风险之间存在着显著的正向关系,但是在不同的市场表现阶段,过度自信对股票市场风险的影响程度存在差异。

    The research result shows that there is a significant positive relationship between investor overconfidence and risk of Chinese stock market . And in different market performance phases the influence degree investor overconfidence on the risk of the stock market are different .

  23. 人们致力于寻找各种有效方法来规避股票市场风险和获得高收益,为此提出了许多分析股票价格运行趋势的技术。

    So far , people have been looking for all kinds of effective methods to avoid the risk of stock market and to obtain higher returns from stocks , so many technologies for pretending the trend of stock market have been produced .

  24. 为了有效防范和化解证券市场风险,促进证券市场健康发展,对我国股票市场风险与投资收益问题研究已显得十分迫切和重要。

    In order to effectively prevent and solve the securities risk , as well as to promote the health development of the securities business , the research on the stock market risk and the investment income has appeared to be extremely urgent and important .

  25. 在前人相关研究成果的基础上,在假设投资者存在过度自信心理偏好且是市场上的价格接受者的条件下,建立数学模型、从理论上研究投资者过度自信心理偏好对中国股票市场风险的影响机理。

    On the basis of previous research results , under the hypotheses condition that the investors are overconfident and price-takers , this paper studies the effect mechanism of investor overconfident psychological preference on the risk of Chinese stock market by setting up an appropriate mathematical model theoretically .

  26. 在下章中将根据本章所介绍的各种计算VAR的方法和GARCH类模型对我国股票市场的风险进行度量和检验。

    In the next chapter will according to this chapter introduces VAR pious calculation VAR method and GARCH class model on Chinese stock market risk measurement and test .

  27. 本文对我国股票市场的风险用量化模型的方式进行度量,可为证券投资者及监管者分析、防范和化解市场风险提供依据。

    This paper uses quantified models to measure the stock market .

  28. 我国股票市场的风险与收益分析

    Analysis of the Risk and Return of Stock Market of Our Country

  29. 股票市场促进风险投资与带动高新科技产业发展

    Promotion on Venture Capital and High New Technology Industry Development by Stock Market

  30. 论股权分置与股票市场系统风险

    On Split Stock and Systematic Risk in Stock Market