
  1. 这两家公司表示,爱马仕股份的分派将于2014年12月20日之前完成。

    The distribution of Hermes shares will be completed by Dec. 20 , 2014 , the companies said .

  2. 根据协议条款,由法国亿万富翁伯纳德o阿诺特控制的LVMH将向其股东分派所持的爱马仕股份,而LVMH集团最大的股东迪奥(ChristianDior),将转手把这些爱马仕股份分派给自己的股东。

    Under terms of the agreement , LVMH , controlled by French billionaire Bernard Arnault , will distribute all of its of Herm è s shares to its shareholders , while LVMH 's largest shareholder , Christian Dior , will in turn distribute the Herm è s shares to its own shareholders .