
Differentially rated growth and plate effect of settlement patches in city and town : A case study in Suzhou , Wuxi , and Changzhou regions
Geomorphological Effects of Plate Movement During Quaternary in China ′ s Tropics
The stock market " Co-movement Effect " of the sectors refers to a phenomenon that in a period or a particular time , which belongs to the same stock market of the price or the index rise or fall together .
The thrust propagated progressively from Tianshan to the Tarim basin , which implies enhanced N-S compression and crustal shortening since the Miocene as a remote structural response to the India-Eurasia collision .
The difference in the uplifting may be because of collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates and also of being controlled by the processes of dynamics at different depths of Bogeda Mountain .
In a certain period of time , the stocks in one plate appears up and down together . We call this phenomenon " plate effect " .
Collecting and classifying are basic methods of understanding the complex world and finding its essential rules . In the stock market ," sector " as a concept of classification is mainly used in the fields of sector effect and sector rotation .