
  1. 安徽FYSH股份有限公司资本结构优化研究

    The Research of Anhui FYSH Co. , Ltd for Capital Structure Improvement

  2. 企业集团资本运作的财务属性龙涤股份有限公司资本运作

    Financial Attributes of Business Group 's Capital Operation

  3. 因此,小股东利益的法律保护就是针对股份有限公司资本多数决原则被滥用后采取的法律对策。

    So , in order to protect the interest of minority shareholders , it is necessary to perfect the majority rule .

  4. 股份有限公司最优资本结构的成本模型

    Cost Model of Limited Company 's Best Capital Structure

  5. 发起人以工业产权、非专利技术作价出资的金额不得超过股份有限公司注册资本的百分之二十。

    The amount of industrial property or non-patented technology contributed as capital Based on its appraised value may not exceed twenty per cent of the registered capital of a company .

  6. 股份有限公司注册资本最低限额需高于上述所定限额的,由法律、行政法规另行规定。

    Requirements for the minimum amount of the registered capital of a company limited by shares to be higher than the above amount are provided for in separate laws or administrative regulations .

  7. 对股份有限公司减少注册资本若干问题的法律分析

    Comments on the Reduction of Registered Capital of a Joint-stock Limited Company

  8. 资本股份有限公司是夹层资本合资公司,我们给私下企业提供负债和股份投资。

    We are a private mezzanine venture capital fund which invests in the subordinated debt and equity of privately held companies .

  9. 规定实行法定注册资本制,明确外商投资股份有限公司的最低注册资本额;路径依赖与最低资本额安排

    Should establish legal registered capital system , and the lowest registered capital number ; Path Reliance and Minimum Capital Requirement

  10. 1980年我国注册会计师独立审计制度恢复,伴随着股份有限公司的成立和资本市场的建立与发展,注册会计师行业得到迅速发展。

    The Certified Public Accountant ( CPA ) system restarted in China in 1980.The industry of CPA has been developed rapidly along with the establishment of corporation and the establishment and development of capital markets .

  11. 股份有限公司为增加注册资本发行新股时,股东认购新股,依照本法设立股份有限公司缴纳股款的有关规定执行。

    Where a joint stock limited company issues new stocks for increasing its registered capital , the subscription for new stocks by shareholders shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the present law regarding the payment of stock money for the establishment of a joint stock limited company .