
pínɡ děnɡ zhǔ tǐ
  • equal subjects;subjects with equal status
  1. 民商法调整平等主体之间的财产关系和人身关系。

    Adjust property relation and personal relation between the equal subjects in commercial laws of the people .

  2. 与此相适应,更多的社会成员作为平等主体参加商事法律活动。

    Suiting with this photograph , more community members as equal subjects took part in commercial law activities .

  3. 这样看来,补偿就是一个平等主体间的民事法律关系。

    So , compensation is an equal the civil legal relation between subjects .

  4. 商谈是一种有意义的交往行动,实际上就是平等主体之间的相互对话和交流。

    Negotiation is a meaningful communicative action is actually equal dialogue between the main and exchange .

  5. 第一,合同法适用于处理平等主体之间的民事关系。

    First , what the contact applies to is civil relationship between subjects with equal status .

  6. 然而,有关电子商务法的基本理论问题很少有人研究。今天看来,电子商务法是以电子商务过程中平等主体之间所发生的权利义务关系为调整对象的法律规范的总称。

    However , the basic theories of e commerce law are almost neglected by the academic circles .

  7. 国际商事争议产生于不同国家和地区的平等主体的商事交往中。

    The international commercial disputes arise from the commercial activities of the equal bodies in different countries and regions .

  8. 纠纷可诉性的标准应当为纠纷是平等主体之间的财产关系争议和人身关系争议,而并非限于民事法律关系争议。

    The standards of dispute suability should be the property relation dispute and personal relation dispute between the subjects with equal status .

  9. 在著作权民事关系中,作者和出版者之间的关系本是两个平等主体之间的关系。

    In the civil relationship of the law of the authors ' rights , the relation between the author and the publisher is equal .

  10. 民法是调整平等主体之间社会关系的基本法律,它广泛应用于社会生活之中。

    Civil law is a basic law in adjusting the social relationships among equal bodies and it has been widely applied in our social lives .

  11. 医患关系实质上是一种平等主体之间的民事关系,也即是医疗服务合同关系。

    Virtually , the relationship between hospitals and patients is a civil relationship between equal parties , which is called medical treatment serving contract relationship .

  12. 解放和发展女性精神生产力,不断提高女性的平等主体意识和创新意识,是实现男女平等与和谐发展的根本路径。

    Awareness of gender equality and growth of female creation will emancipate the female productive force to bring about true gender equality and development in harmony .

  13. 物权法、合同法规范的民事权利,应完全、充分赋予平等主体权利,《农村土地承包法》应充实完善。

    The civil right defined by property right law and contractual law providing complete equal principal body rights and the perfection of Rural Land Contractual Right Law .

  14. 笔者认为,证券法律制度的基本原则可以区分为两个不同层面的原则:一是,调整证券市场平等主体之间证券财产关系的民法属性的证券法基本原则;

    This paper argues that there are two levels of meaning about the fundamental principles of security legal system : first , it contains civil law attributes ;

  15. 同时,行政机关不应当过分介入平等主体的私权争议,仅限于维护公共利益的需要。

    Of course , administrative agencies cannot interfere too much on the civil dispute among the equal social bodies , and only limited for maintaining the public interest .

  16. 在以传统民事诉讼模式作为司法救济手段的争端处理方式中,其根本目的在于解决平等主体间的私益纠纷。

    In a traditional civil mode as a judicial relief means in the way of dealing with disputes and its fundamental target is to resolve equal subjects of private disputes .

  17. 反垄断争议可以分为横向和纵向的反垄断争议,横向的反垄断争议具有特殊性,它是涉及到平等主体之间的与商事利益有关又与公共政策相关的争议。

    Antitrust dispute can be horizontal or vertical . Horizontal antitrust dispute has its particularity , and is related to both commercial interest between the equal parties and public policy .

  18. 会计信息是私人产品,企业会计信息向外界平等主体传递的过程是产权交易的过程。

    Since accounting information is a " private product ", the process of transmission of a business onto the external counterpart should be a process of transaction of property right .

  19. 第二条平等主体的公民、法人和其他组织之间发生的合同纠纷和其他财产权益纠纷,可以仲裁。

    Article 2 Disputes over contracts and disputes over property rights and interests between citizens , legal persons and other organizations as equal subjects of law may be submitted to arbitration .

  20. 民俗指民众的风俗习惯,民法是调整平等主体间的财产关系和人身关系的法律规范的总称。民俗是从世代相传的经验中发展起来的,民法的源头在于民俗。

    Custom is the people 's custom and habit , and Civil Law is the total name of legal standards regulating the property relationship and personal relationship among the equal subjects .

  21. 协商通常是平等主体在自愿基础上围绕争议纠纷或者分歧,通过沟通商讨达成协议的一种问题解决方式。

    Negotiation is a problem solving mechanism conducted by two equal parties on a voluntary basis for the purpose of solving controversial disputes or disagreements through the ways of communication and discussion .

  22. 高校学生伤害事故中涉及的是两个平等主体&学校和学生之间的人身关系是特殊合同,即教育合同关系。

    Two equal subjects are involved in injury accidents of university students . The personal relationship between universities and students is the special contract , which is the contractual relationship of education .

  23. 医患法律关系应定位于平等主体间的民事法律关系及合同法律关系。上述法律关系包括主体、客体和内容三种要素。

    The legal relationship between medical establishment and sick men should be located as civil legal relationship and contractual legal relationship among equal subjects , which include three elements of subjects , objects and contents .

  24. 非公共部门与个人信息主体之间是平等主体关系,侵害个人信息权时除了可能涉及行政和刑事责任,还可能涉及民事责任。

    However , the relation of subject of non-public sector and that of personal information is with equal party . The encroaching on personal information will refers to administrative , criminal and even civil responsibility .

  25. 根据我国合同法的规定,合同是平等主体的公民、法人、其他组织之间设立、变更、终止债权债务关系的协议。

    According to the stipulation in the Contract Law of PRC , a contract is an agreement with content to establish , change and to terminate a legal relationship between civilian , legal entities and other organizations .

  26. 权利自其成为重要的社会语言性工具,便已然侧重于其革命性内涵&平等主体间、个人与国家间的冲突。

    As one of the important linguistically tools of the society , right has been focusing on its revolutionary meanings , which contains at least conflicts between civil subjects , as well as state authority and individuals .

  27. 平等主体依照正当程序进行的交易行为应当受到法律的确认,即应以适当的规则来保障平等主体转移财产权利和履行财产义务的交易行为的确定性。

    Dealings that take place between equal subjects should be confirmed by law , that is , the definition of displacement of property rights and fulfillment of property duty between equal subjects should be guaranteed by adequate rules .

  28. 建设工程招标投标是由招标人和投标人经过要约、承诺、择优选定,最终形成协议和合同关系的平等主体之间的一种交易方式。

    The project construction bid-tender is a kind of trade ways between equal main bodies-tenderee and bidder , from them demands and promises are to be made , and finally an agreement and contract relationship are to be formed .

  29. 国际旅游活动直接产生了不同国家、不同法域管辖下的平等主体(游客、旅游服务提供者、旅游活动组织者)之间相互权利义务关系的一种涉外民事法律关系。

    The international tourism activity directly produce a kind of foreign connected civil legal relationship of the right and liability of the equal subjects-tourists , travel service suppliers , travel organizers from the different states and different legislative territories .

  30. 行政裁决系指行政主体依照法律法规授权,以中间人的身份,按照一定的程序,对与行政管理相关的,发生在平等主体之间的民事纠纷进行裁决的行为。

    Administrative adjudication means that an administrative agency , serving as intermediary and under the authority of laws and in accordance with prescribed procedures , adjudicates civil disputes concerning administrative matters that arise between disputants with equal social status .