
pínɡ jūn fǎ
  • average method;method of averages
  1. 求解X射线定量相分析最小二乘方程组的抛弃平均法

    A selective average method for Solving Least Square simultaneous equations in quantitative X-ray phase analysis

  2. 提出了B扫描相干光谱平均法消除了图像中的模式噪声。

    To minimize this effect , a B-scan spectra average method was proposed to eliminate the pattern noise present in the OCT image .

  3. 基于状态空间平均法的BOOST变换器仿真分析

    Simulation Analyses of Boost Converter Based on State-space Averaging Principle

  4. PWM开关变换器的极限环与状态空间平均法

    Limit cycles in PWM switching power converters and state space averaging

  5. 本文用统计平均法导出了磁盘存贮器与CPU交换数据时CPU利用率的计算式。

    A formula for calculating CPU statistical average utilization is presented .

  6. 改善CCD视频信号测量精度的计算机处理方法(象素平均法,数字滤波法,数值逼近法和曲线拟合法)。

    The computer processing methods for improving the measuring quality of CCD data .

  7. 基于频谱平均法的ADC模块性能评估

    Performance Evaluation of ADC Blocks Based on the Spectrum Averaging Method

  8. 较为简单的几何平均法(GA)被用来进行数据处理。

    In data treatment , the simple geometric average ( GA ) method has been used .

  9. 利用时空平均法改善DOA估计性能

    Improving performance of DOA estimation by using temporal-spatial averaging

  10. 平均法与Hopf分叉的规范型系数

    The Extended Averaging Methods and the Coefficients of Hopf Bifurcation 's Normal Form

  11. 这里首先提出了一种计算EDA介质等效波速的几何平均法。

    A geometric mean formula is first derived for the equivalent seismic velocity of EDA media .

  12. 度量金融风险的VaR方法在国际上被广泛地应用于度量各种金融工具的风险,本文讨论了估计VaR的EWMA方法,即指数加权移动平均法。

    VaR methodology for measuring financial risk has been applied widely in various financial instruments .

  13. 用Lagrange函数平均法研究非均匀基流中的地形Rossby波

    Study of topographic Rossby wave in uneven basic flow with average method of Lagrange function

  14. 针对电力系统短期负荷的特点建立了将累积式自回归动平均法(autoregressiveintegratedmovingaverage,ARIMA)和采用反向传播算法(BackPropagation,BP)的神经网络法相结合的短期负荷预测模型。

    According to its features a short-term load forecasting model is built in which the autoregressive integrated moving average ( ARIMA ) is integrated with back propagation neural network ( BPNN ) .

  15. 用数字散斑干涉术时间平均法测得的物体表面稳态振动,可描述为受高频分量调制的零阶Bessel函数。

    The time-averaged speckle pattern of vibration can be described as a zero-order bessel function by high frequency modulation .

  16. 这既证明了几何平均法的可行性,也证明了EDA介质在流体识别方面的可拓展性。

    And these results verify not only the feasibility of geometric mean method , but also the extensibility of EDA media on fluid discrimination .

  17. 介绍了PWM开关变换器的主要建模方法:状态空间平均法、等效电路法、离散时域法、动态向量法以及等效小参量法,叙述了它们的理论依据,并分析了各自的优缺点。

    This paper reviews some of the major approaches to modeling and simulating in PWM switching converters . Their basic principles are described and their merits and limitations are remarked .

  18. 在测量ITO接触角的基础上,应用调和平均法计算了不同表面处理ITO阳极的表面能和极性度。

    Based on the measurement of the contact angle of differently treated ITO , the surface energy and polarity were calculated using the harmonic mean method .

  19. 文章主要针对UE交通分配问题,介绍了连续平均法(methodofsuccessiveaverages,MSA),并利用图论方法和规划方法给出了利用连续平均法求解的C语言程序实现过程。

    This paper introduces the Method of Successive Averages ( MSA ) and presents the C program for MSA based on the Graph Theory and Programming Theory .

  20. 现今,对双向DC-DC变换器的建模方法主要是状态空间平均法,且都是对一个调节参数的系统进行建模。

    Recently , the main modeling technique for bi-directional DC-DC converters is state-space average technique and the modeled system are all one regulating parameter controlled system .

  21. 为达找矿之目的,根据1:50000土壤化探资料,用块段平均法计算,编绘Pb、Zn、Cu地球化学异常图。

    In order to find mineral deposit , based on 1:50000 scale geochemical soil survey data , Pb , Zn and Cu geochemical anomaly maps are drown up using data calculated by block average method .

  22. 首先利用Fourier级数展开与平均法研究非线性碟簧系统的自由振动,讨论影响自由振动的振幅和频率的各种因素;

    Natural vibration of the nonlinear disk spring system is investigated by using the Fourier series analysis and average method . Various factors that effect the amplitude and frequency of the natural vibration are discussed .

  23. 采用中值平均法、FIR数字滤波器滤波法、小波去噪三种不同的方法对MIMU的输出信号进行去噪处理。

    Three methods , i.e. the middle-value averaging , FIR digital filtering and wavelet de-noising , were used respectively to de-noise the MIMU 's output signals .

  24. 光顺攻击采用了Laplacian光顺和平均法向光顺,针对模型不同几何细节特性采用不同的光顺方法进行攻击。

    Smoothing attacks use Laplacian smoothing and averaging normal smoothing method , in view of the details of different geometric characteristics of the model .

  25. 根据Z源逆变器的工作特点,将直通状态和非直通状态下的电路进行等效分析,给出了其状态空间方程,并根据状态空间平均法对Z源网络进行了建模分析。

    According to the features of Z-source inverter , we make an equivalent analysis of circuits in a shoot through state and in a non-shoot through and presents the formula of its state space .

  26. 广义状态空间平均法在CMPS系统建模中的应用

    Modeling of CMPS System by Generalized State-Space Averaging Method

  27. 以种群间的遗传距离为基础,用非加权类平均法(UPGMA)构建的系统树图清楚反映了群体间亲缘关系。

    Unweighed pair group method with arithmetic averages ( UPGMA ) dendrograms is constructed based on genetic distances among populations .

  28. 简要介绍随机场的离散,比较了中心离散法、局部平均法和插值法的优缺点,然后阐述了随机过程的谱分解理论和随机过程的MC模拟方法。

    Summarizing random field discretization , the paper compares the merits and defects of three conventional discrete methods , then introduce theories of spectrum decomposition and Monte-Carlo simulating method about stochastic process .

  29. 采用状态空间平均法建立了逆变器平均模型,获得了输出电压、滤波电感电流、共同导通时间、单极性SPWM波占空比等关键电路参数的设计准则和逆变器的外特性曲线。

    The design criterion of key circuit parameters , such as output voltage , filtering inductance , common conduction time , uni-polarity SPWM waveform 's duty cycle etc are obtained .

  30. 本文分析了两路交错并联双管反激变流器的工作模式,采用开关平均法建立了电流断续模式(DCM)下的变流器小信号模型。

    The operation modes of the interleaved double-transistor flyback converter have been analyzed . The DCM small signal AC model using the averaged switch method has been built up .