
pínɡ ān yè
  • Christmas Eve;a peaceful night
  1. 得知男朋友平安夜前无法赶回来,她的脸上掠过一丝恼怒的神情。

    A look of annoyance crossed her face when she knew that her boyfriend couldn 't come back before Christmas Eve .

  2. 平安夜,爸爸从邮箱回来,仍然是两手空空。

    On Christmas Eve , Dad came back from the mailbox , still empty handed .

  3. 平安夜》是我最喜欢的圣诞颂歌。

    Silent Night is my favourite carol . 《

  4. iPod随身听我太太有生以来所收到的最不受欢迎的礼物是我于2001年平安夜送给她的。

    IPod The most unpopular gift my wife ever received came from me on Christmas Eve of2001 .

  5. Facebook上的成百上千条帖子呼吁世界各地的家长带着自己的孩子在平安夜到户外去观察天空,寻找圣诞老人和他的驯鹿。

    Hundreds of Facebook posts are urging parents around the world to take their children outside on Christmas Eve to scan the heavens for Santa Claus and his reindeer .

  6. 红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫(Rudolph)于二十世纪加入圣诞麋鹿队列,它的红鼻子照亮了平安夜雾蒙蒙的道路。

    Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was a 20th-century addition to the team , lighting the way on a foggy Christmas Eve .

  7. 但在平安夜前,对一些顾客来说已经为时过晚,比如肯塔基州路易斯维尔的卡瓦诺(TerenceKavanaugh)。

    But by Christmas Eve , it was too late for some customers like Terence Kavanaugh in Louisville , Ky.

  8. 1978年,5岁的SarahWalkley在平安夜央求父亲给自己做一个玩偶小屋,如今她已经40岁了。

    Sarah Walkley , now aged 40 , was five years old when she asked her father for the doll 's house on Christmas Eve 1978 .

  9. ForresterResearch分析师穆普鲁(SucharitaMulpuru)说,一般来讲,在零售商指定的截止日期前下单的网络购物者中约有15%在平安夜前收不到包裹。

    Typically , about 15 % of online shoppers who order items by retailers ' specified cutoff dates don 't get their packages by Christmas Eve , Forrester Research analyst Sucharita Mulpuru said .

  10. 音乐专利授权机构PPL公司调查发现,圣诞颂歌《平安夜》位列英国“有史以来灌录次数最多的圣诞歌曲榜”榜首。

    Christmas carol " Silent Night " has topped the list of Britain 's " most recorded Christmas song of all time ," according to music licensing company PPL .

  11. 先是德军士兵用德语唱《平安夜》(StilleNacht),然后英军士兵以英语的《平安夜》(SilentNight)回应。据说他们在两军战壕间的无人区进行了一场即兴足球比赛。

    What started with the singing of " Stille Nacht " on the German side , followed by a response of " Silent Night , " was said to have included an impromptu soccer game on the No Man 's Land between the opposing trenches .

  12. 马泽尔认为,自己职业生涯的成熟始于1953年的平安夜。当时仍是罗马一名学生的他受邀前往卡塔尼亚贝里尼剧院(TeatroBellini),接替一名健康状况欠佳的指挥。

    Mr. Maazel dated the start of his mature career to Christmas Eve 1953 , when , still a student in Rome , he was invited to step in for an ailing conductor at the Teatro Bellini , in Catania .

  13. 在平安夜,圣诞老人用礼物装满每个长袜子。

    Santa Claus fills each stocking with presents on Christmas Eve .

  14. 2年前在纽约平安夜被捕。

    Arrested Christmas Eve two years ago in New York city .

  15. “我们唱《平安夜》吧。”布拉德利说。

    " Let 's sing Silent Night . " said Bradley .

  16. 因为美国人都会在平安夜吃火鸡啊。

    Lily : Because American always eat turkey at Christmas Eve .

  17. 有一首圣诞歌名叫《平安夜》。

    One religious Christmas Song is " o holy night " .

  18. 我们本该有一个宁静的平安夜。

    On what should have been a typically quiet Christmas eve .

  19. 圣诞老公公在平安夜总是很忙碌的。

    Santa Claus always has a busy night on Christmas Eve .

  20. 我知道,平安夜就快到了。

    I know that Christmas Eve is in a couple days .

  21. 那他平安夜在这个镇上干什么呢?

    Then what is he doing in town on Christmas eve ?

  22. 并与罗西塔莫里在平安夜一同演出

    which will debut on Christmas Eve and star Rosita Mauri .

  23. 今天二十三号,平安夜吗?

    It 's the23rd . it 's not even Christmas eve !

  24. 来看看其他明星们在平安夜织的推特吧!

    See what other celebrities are tweeting about on Christmas Eve !

  25. 史努基:去父母家过平安夜!

    Snooki : Off to my parents house for Christmas Eve !

  26. 你总是在平安夜工作吗,卡尔?

    Do you always work on Christmas eve , carl ?

  27. 今天是平安夜,祝博友们圣诞节快乐!

    May heavenly peace and happiness be with you always .

  28. 米奇,你的平安夜真有意义。

    Mitch , you have had one hell of a Christmas eve .

  29. 这是一个发生在飘着雪的平安夜的故事。

    This is a place in snowy Christmas Eve story .

  30. 圣诞铃声和平安夜都是广受欢迎的圣诞颂歌。

    Jingle Bells and Silent Night are popular Christmas carols .