
yìnɡ duì cè lüè
  • coping strategy
  1. 甲型H1N1流感疫情进展与应对策略综述

    Overview of advance of epidemic situation of influenza A ( H1N1 ) and relevant coping strategy

  2. 第五章则论述了网络融合新闻的应对策略。

    Chapter 5 discussed the coping strategy of network convergence journalism .

  3. Web使用挖掘系统研制中的主要问题和应对策略

    Key Issues and Solution Strategy in R & D of Web Usage Mining Tools

  4. 浅论加入WTO与人事管理应对策略

    China 's Entry into WTO and the Corresponding Strategy of Personnel Management

  5. WTO后过渡期的中国企业营销应对策略

    Marketing Strategies of Chinese Firms in Transition After China 's Accession to WTO

  6. 分析我国加入WTO后对我国房地产业的影响,针对目前我国房地产业中存在的问题提出应对策略。

    And then the countermeasures for boosting the competitiveness of Chinese real estate industry are presented .

  7. P2P带来的挑战和电信运营商的应对策略分析

    P2P Network 's Challenges Analysis and How Telecommunication Carrier Can Deal with It

  8. 建设银行W分行人才流失倾向及应对策略研究

    The Study on Talents Turnover Tendency and Strategy of China Construction Bank W Branch

  9. 金融危机对我国PVC行业的影响及应对策略(续完)

    Influences of financial crisis on China PVC industry and countermeasures ( to the end )

  10. 试论IPv6对有线数字电视网络的影响及应对策略

    IPv6 ′ s Influences on the Cable Digital TV Networks and the Countermeasure

  11. 本文的主题是研究加入WTO后,给广州住宅业可能带来的影响,并提出相应的应对策略措施。

    The theme of this thesis is to predict the possible effect faced by Guangzhou district housing business after joining WTO , and research the countermeasures .

  12. 论加入WTO给中国汽车零部件工业带来的机遇和挑战&兼论东风汽车零部件企业的应对策略

    Opportunities and Challenges Brought out by the WTO Entry to China 's Auto Components and Parts Industry & Discussion on the Countermeasures Taken by Dongfeng Auto Components and Parts Enterprises

  13. TEM4新大纲下听力理解的新挑战及其应对策略

    Listening Comprehension in TEM 4 : New Challenge and Corresponding Strategies

  14. 因此本文选定3G时代电视媒体的应对策略作为研究课题,希望能给传统电视媒体的研究带来一些启发。

    So , the article selected the survival strategies of the traditional TV media as the research topic . I hope to give the research of traditional TV media some inspires .

  15. 本文的讨论目的主要通过对目前国内建设监理行业现状分析,对比国外的实际情况,提出在我国加入WTO后监理企业向项目管理咨询公司转变应对策略。

    The discussion of the thesis aims at putting forward the strategy of supervision enterprises transforming project management consultant companies after China joining WTO by means of the analysis of internal supervision market and contrasting to abroad consultant market .

  16. 同时,本文中也具体规划了东软集团BPO业务的发展目标、重点业务领域、业务模型、经营战略和风险应对策略等。

    Meanwhile , this article has described the BPO business goals , key business items , business model , development strategies and risk avoidance .

  17. 急诊科是急危重症病人救治的主要窗口,因此,采取积极有效的应对策略,降低HIV等造成的职业性感染,对护患双方具有保护意义。

    Emergency department is the main window to treat emergency severe patients , therefore , it has great value to take effective countermeasures to reduce the risk of occupational infection of HIV both for the medical staff and patients .

  18. 分析了我国加入WTO以后给电力工业带来的影响,对我国电力产业的发展现状和主要问题进行了分析,提出了我国电力行业的应对策略和措施。

    Analyses the effect of china ′ s WTO entry on china ′ s power industry , and the present development status of and major problems with china ′ s power industry , and suggests countermeasures to be taken by china ′ s power industry .

  19. 论文总结了ORACLEERP二次开发的一般性方法和处理疑难的应对策略,力求将理论与实际应用相结合,提出了一个具有可操作性的ORACLEERP二次开发方法的实践流程。

    The thesis tallies up the general method of Oracle ERP customized development and the difficulty strategy , trying to combine together with the actual application and the theories , and elicit the maneuverability method of Oracle ERP customized development of the thesis .

  20. 中国移动意欲继续在行业竞争中保持优势地位,在市场应对策略方面已经采取如成立新的通信公司,尽力保有高端用户,自建渠道等一些措施,从而为未来3G业务的推出做好准备。

    In order to keep the advantageous position in the competition and prepare for the future 3G service , China Mobile has taken some actions on market countermeasures , e.g. establish new communication company , hold high - end users and build up channels etc.

  21. 即媒体在进行突发事件报道时要形成科学的、可行的应对策略,运用危机公关里的3T原理,第一时间向外界提供尽可能详细的信息,把握舆论主导,保证民众的知情权。

    The media should establish a scientific and feasible strategy for reporting the emergencies , by utilizing the 3T principles in crisis PR , and providing information as detailed as possible at the first opportunity .

  22. 针对特定的考试应激,使用心境状态量表(POMS)和锻炼感觉量表(EFI),通过实验比较的方法,研究体育锻炼作为应对策略降低应激反应的效果。

    In this paper , the author adopts the Exercise Induced Feeling Inventory ( EFI ) and the Profile of Mood State ( POMS ) as the instrument to examine the effects of physical activity as a coping means to reduce examination stress reaction .

  23. 就“逻辑”安全的角度,讨论数据托管环境中私有数据的安全性及应对策略,并指出在数据托管环境中,采用VPD综合运用策略和函数,可以真正保护私有数据的安全。

    From the aspect of " logical " security , the essay mainly discusses the safety of private data in the data trusteeship environment and measures to be taken . Therefore , in the data trusteeship environment , we can adopt VPD strategy and function to protect the private data .

  24. 中国企业投资东盟的制约因素与应对策略

    China enterprise investing East Union 's restricting factor and countermeasures Strategy

  25. 论国际金融服务外包及中国的应对策略

    Discuss the International Financial Service Outsourcing and China 's Corresponding Strategies

  26. 大学物理;多媒体教学;弊端;应对策略。

    College Physics ; Multi-media Teaching ; Defects ; Coping Strategies .

  27. TCP/IP协议的安全隐患与应对策略

    The Security Hidden Trouble and Counter-Methods of TCP / IP Protocol

  28. 突发事件对档案的危害及应对策略

    On the harm of the thunderbolt to archives and its countermeasures

  29. 核与辐射恐怖事件及其应对策略

    The nuclear and radiological terrorism events and the strategy to combat

  30. 应激性公共卫生事件的成因分析与几条应对策略

    Forming Reasons Analysis and Strategies on Quickly Tackling Public Sanitation Accident