- 名authorized agency

Should the obligor admit such an act , he shall turn into authorized agency ;
Agency of estoppel is different from representative without authority and authorized agency in nature , and it is an independent kind of agency .
Agency by estoppel is in essence agency with power , belonging to legal agency .
However , once principal admits the proposition of the Apparent agency or it is ensured by court , principal should bear its legal consequences that is to take the responsibility of the contract .
For the latter , continental law system names it as agency by estoppels regarded as the agency of authorized agency . for the later represents Fe , Co and Ni .
A tenderer shall have the right to choose , on his own , a procuratorial agency and authorize it to carry out the tender .
Should hold the approval file of goods of concerned imports and exports , entrust have declare at customs the industry representative of authority declares at customs .
When both proxy information and a login name are provided , the result set returns a row if the login specified has access to the proxy specified .