
The purpose of the study on the characteristics and law of timber industry business entering into market is to make the timber industry business entering into market effectively .
After tuning your kernel , hdparm , ACPI , and CPU settings , add these application monitors to more effectively enter your low-power states .
The steam will make moisturizing conditioners work more effectively by allowing the conditioner to be evenly absorbed into each hair strand .
The use of ACF in the displacement and ventilation devices can effectively remove sulfur dioxide in ambient air indoors , which will keep the good quality of air and the proper temperature indoors .
Don 't be afraid of using an oil based product - oil and water don 't mix , so oil cleansers are more effective at getting into pores and lifting excess oil out .
However , the works of cooperative and Chinese translators are not easily available in the book market in English-speaking countries , which hinder effective dissemination of classical literature , including Chinese poetry , in English-speaking countries .
At the same time , we will allow private capital to move smoothly and effectively , enter financing energy another sectors . We will pursue the reform in the social sector so as to upward social mobility .
According to Chen Hongbo , a senior researcher at CALT , reusable launch vehicles are able to carry men or payloads to their designated orbits and return to Earth relying solely on inbuilt power systems , and can be used repeatedly for launch missions .
In the United Kingdom of Great Britain over the last two decades , Conversation Analysis has never been treated properly as a method for studying professional medical personnel and patients ' communication , and a case is made here for its entry into the mainstream of nursing research .
CONCLUSIONS : Chitosan can efficiently transfer target DNA molecules into mammalian cells , continuously release DNA , and stably express DNA .
The skin is effective at secreting TSLP into the blood system , and therefore the substance is transported around the body .
Close down type mechanism , defending powder into inside of machine .
Pleasing the confirmation you is from effectively of the conjunction enters .
DISCUSSION The lower dose of Livial can defer the menopause period effectively , preventing to perimenopause syndronm .
Also a classified or multi-tiered security plan of authentication , authorization and accounting could be effective against unauthorized system access .
As the effective means to compose the expert system , the software components and the platform of expert system have got access to application .
It will defend the earth 's magnetosphere by deflecting meteorites and comets , it will lessen the effects of gamma rays into the Earth 's atmosphere .
From the education researchers , they should enter into classroom and start action research with teachers , which can put the practice of effective into a new stage .
Since Coase established the institutional analysis framework of modern economics , the new institutional economics was beyond the effective theory of system which turned into determinism of system .
A new method for islanding detection is presented , and the status of the islanding can be detected by the change of the frequency of the load voltage .
The pouring tank can effectively reduce the contents of impurities and oxide in the aluminum liquid entering a rod mill , thus ensuring the quality of the aluminum rods .
Four-wave-mixing ( FWM ) in optical fiber is a promising candidate for a quantum correlated photon-pairs source , because photons generated from such sources can be coupled into transmission fiber very efficiently .
With the rapid development of organic industry , more and more hardly-naturally-degraded persistent bioaccumulative toxic pollutants have been released into the natural waters directly without any effective control , which leads to a highly-polluted water environment around the world .
In order to control the quantity of biological particulates in the aerosole in the bio-cleanroom , to clear away the dust particulate as purpose , we found it is effective to clear dust particulate and biological particulate away in the air by the physical means of air filter ;
This might be due to complex gastrointestinal physiologic factors including medium dilution , permeability of intestinal epithelial membrane , and content blocking , which resulted in insufficient contact with intestinal epithelial membrane .
They found that the drug effectively bound to prostate cancer cells , entered them and shut off production of the target protein , PLK1 .
Objective To develop an efficient non-viral gene delivery system in order to transfer ? CDKN1B gene efficiently into lung and liver carcinoma cells .
Conclusion PEP-1-EGFP fusion protein can efficiently transduce the target protein into human umbilical vein endothelial cells , which provides a basis for future researches on the transduction of antioxidant enzymes mediated by the cell-penetrating peptide , PEP-1 , in ischemia-reperfusion injury therapy .
It can break effectually through entry obstacle and reduce the venture of high technology industry .
The pill can help prevent radioactive iodine from causing thyroid cancer , for which children are most at risk in a nuclear disaster .