
  • 网络originator
  1. 在访问第二个服务时,您可以验证第一个服务是始发者(originator)且这个令牌具有完整性。

    Upon accessing the second service , you can verify that the first service was the originator and that the token has integrity .

  2. 直接从信息源/始发者开始传播。

    Dissemination is direct from the source / originator .

  3. 一般情况下,发现的信息是直接来自信息源/始发者还是通过第三方呢?

    Is the information generally discovered directly from the source / originator or through a third-party ?

  4. 在发现过程中,可以直接从信息源/始发者或第三方提取信息。

    During discovery , information may be extracted either directly from the source / originator of the information or from a third-party .

  5. 因此必然存在第一推动力,而这个第一推动力就是上帝&宇宙所有运动变化的始发者。

    Hence there must be a first cause , and this first cause is God , the initiator of all change in the universe .

  6. 所发现的数据通常直接来自信息的所有者/始发者,这一机制几乎没有任何开销。

    The discovered data generally comes directly from the owner / originator of the information , and there is almost no overhead associated with this mechanism .