
cuī mián zhuànɡ tài
  • hypnosis;hypnotic state;trance;somnipathy
  1. 催眠状态实际上介乎清醒和睡眠之间。

    The hypnotic state actually lies somewhere between being awake and being asleep .

  2. 想象就是使他们保持在被催眠状态的力量。

    Imagination is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state .

  3. 她只有在催眠状态下才能记起那次事故的细节。

    She only remembered details of the accident under hypnosis .

  4. 贝文现在是个成年人了,她在催眠状态下重温了自己的出生过程。

    Bevin is now an adult and has relived her birth experience under hypnosis .

  5. 催眠状态下视觉诱发电位波幅变化

    Changes of ampitude of pattern reversal visual evoked potential under hypnosis

  6. 在深度催眠状态下,她记起了那晚痛苦的经历。

    Under deep hypnosis she remembered the traumatic events of that night .

  7. 她的心理医生使她进入深度催眠状态。

    Her psychiatrist put her into a deep hypnotic trance .

  8. 他在催眠状态下能说出他所有的活动。

    When hypnotized , he could give a complete account of his activities .

  9. 神经症患者催眠状态脑电图的变化

    EEG Changes in Hypnotic State of Patients with Neurosis

  10. 人们进入催眠状态已经有无数个年头了;

    People have been entering hypnotic-type trances for thousands and thousands of years ;

  11. 她过去常常进入催眠状态,与神灵交谈。

    She used to go into a trance and talk to the spirits .

  12. 未进入催眠状态:受试者得分为0分。

    Did not entering hypnotic state : Score of testees was 0 point .

  13. 他们已经是处于一种催眠状态了。

    They are already in a state of hypnosis .

  14. 可能是因为他现在在超强的催眠状态中。

    Might be some form of supercharged hypnosis .

  15. 信不信由你,我们正处于催眠状态往往。

    Believe it or not , we are in a hypnotic state quite often .

  16. 这是他在催眠状态下画的。

    This is what he drew under hypnosis .

  17. 埃德加·西在催眠状态下解开了《启示录》中的符号的象征意义。

    Edgar Cayce unlocked the symbolism of the Book of Revelation while under hypnosis .

  18. 他有一种使孕妇进入催眠状态并在催眠状态下分娩婴儿的方法。

    He has a method of hypnotizing pregnant women and delivering babies under hypnosis .

  19. 这不是暂时的催眠状态。

    It isn 't just over-the-counter hypnosis .

  20. 昏睡状态;催眠状态进入/陷入昏睡状态

    to go / fall into a trance

  21. 她进入了催眠状态。

    She went into a hypnotic trance .

  22. 在催眠状态下,他回忆起自己的童年。

    He remembered his childhood under hypnosis .

  23. 根据很多见多识广的人所说,这是心灵感应术的催眠状态的真实标记。

    According to many well informed people , this is a sure sign of telepathic hypnosis .

  24. 比较进入催眠状态高催眠感受性个体和低感受性个体的脑电图。

    Electro encephalogram between high and low hypnotic receptivity individuals who entered hypnotic state was compared .

  25. 促使人进入催眠状态的人。

    A person who induces hypnosis .

  26. 有些东西他在催眠状态时知道,但在有意识的状态下却记不起来。

    There were things he knew when hypnotized that he couldn 't remember in his conscious state .

  27. 在催眠状态下,受测人也许能够想起已经完全忘记的过去事件。

    While under hypnosis , subjects may be able to access past events that they have completely forgotten .

  28. 这是所有宗教的最终目标&解除灵魂无知的催眠状态。

    And this is the ultimate goal of all religions-to dehypnotize the soul now hypnotized by its own ignorance .

  29. 埃德加·西只受了七年教育,他对自己在催眠状态中所说的一无所知。

    Edgar Cayce had only a seventh grade education and consciously knew nothing of what he said under hypnosis .

  30. 在下一节,我们将看看引发催眠状态时最为普遍的方法。

    In the next section , we 'll look at the most common methods of inducing a hypnotic trance .