
cuī huà
  • catalyze;catalysis
催化 [cuī huà]
  • [catalyze] 加入催化剂使化学反应速度改变的作用

催化[cuī huà]
  1. 壳聚糖铜催化剂催化H2O2分解反应的研究

    Research of Chitosan-Cu (ⅱ) Catalyze Decomposition Reaction of H_2O_2

  2. Mn能够催化NO的氧化反应,且具有一定的NOx储存能力;

    Mn could catalyze the oxidation of NO , having certain NOx storage capacity .

  3. 人们早已知道,如果材料的表面积足够大,可引起催化反应。

    It had been known for some time that chemical reactions can be catalyzed by materials with large surface areas

  4. 过氧化氢酶催化过氧化氢的分解。

    Catalase catalyes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide .

  5. 禁止汽油里含铅的另一个原因,是铅能损坏催化式排气净化器。

    Another reason for banning lead in gasoline is that the lead can ruin the catalytic converter .

  6. 从本质上看,粘土矿物具有催化性质,这是因为粘土矿物在反应过程中能放出质子或接受电子。

    Essentially the catalytic properties of clay minerals arise because of their ability to donate protons or accept electrons in reaction mechanisms .

  7. 中孔分子筛MSU是当今认为在稳定性方面很有发展前途的一种催化新材料。

    This thesis emphasized on the preparation of mesoporous molecular sieves MSU .

  8. 半乳糖酵催化半乳糖水解的一种酶

    An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of a galactoside .

  9. 它是融纳米技术、光技术净化、触酶(催化)、药学技术、生物化学为一体的新技术、新方法

    It is combined with nano-technique , light-purge technique , catalyzation , pharmaceutics and biochemistry .

  10. 其传播功能、导向功能、凝聚功能、催化功能和控制功能等等是科学事业发展中必不可少的重要因素。

    The functions of their diffuseness , orientation , agglomeration , catalyzer and controls are indispensable factors of science development .

  11. 结果表明,B1型催化剂具有良好的催化活性和选择性。

    The results showed that B_1 type catalyst possesses good activity and selectivity .

  12. 烟煤焦催化还原NOx实验研究

    Experimental Study of Catalytic Reduction of NO x by Bituminous Char

  13. 采用BP神经网络优化间二硝基苯催化加氢的反应条件

    Reaction Condition Optimization of Catalytic Hydrogenation of m-Dinitrobenzene by BP Neural Network

  14. CO参与的催化羰基化反应及其应用

    Carbon monoxide involved catalytic carbonylation reaction and its applications

  15. Hβ负载锆催化剂的研制及其催化性能和结构性能的研究

    Design and studies on catalytic performance and structure of h β - supported zirconium catalysts

  16. V2O5催化甲烷液相部分氧化工艺过程研究

    Study on the Partial Oxidation Process of Methane in Liquid Phase Catalyzed by V_2O_5

  17. N,N-二甲基苯胺-对氨基二甲替苯胺氧化偶联反应催化分光光度法测定铬Ⅵ

    Catalytic Spectrophotometric Determination of Chromium ⅵ by the Oxidative Coupling Reaction of p-Amino-N , N - dimethylaniline with N , N-Dimethylaniline

  18. 电絮凝-催化氧化法去除染料工业废水COD的研究

    Research on removal of COD in dyestuffs wastewater by electrolytic flocculation-catalytic oxidation method

  19. V(V)-(DBS-偶氮胂)-KBrO3体系催化动力学光度法研究

    A Study on Catalytic Kinetic Spectrophotometry of V ( V ) - ( DBS-Arsenazo ) - KBrO_3 System

  20. Ni(Ⅱ)与壳聚糖的配位作用及其催化性质的研究

    Studied on the Coordination Effect of Ni ( II ) with Chitosan and Catalytic Property of Coordination Polymer

  21. HF催化快速制备SiO2气凝胶

    Preparation of SiO 2 Aerogel Derived from TEOS Catalyzed by HF

  22. SO2在大气气溶胶重要组分α-Fe2O3上的催化氧化反应机理及动力学研究

    Kinetic and Mechanism of the Catalytic Oxidation of SO-2 on Typical Oxides in atmospheric aerosol-a-Fe_2O_3

  23. 减少漂白过程中H2O2的催化分解是降低漂白成本的重要途径。

    Decreasing the catalytic decomposition of H2O2 during bleaching process is an important way to reduce the bleaching cost .

  24. 催化裂化柴油经碱液萃取,分离出其中的酚类化合物,用GC/MS分析酚类化合物的结构。

    Approximately 400 phenolic compounds were separated from FCC diesel oil and analysed by means of GC / MS.

  25. 利用Sol-Gel法与水热合成法制备纳米TiO2及其光催化活性研究

    Preparation and photocatalytic activities of TiO_2 nanoparticles with sol-gel method and hydrothermal synthesis

  26. TiO2光催化反应及其在废水处理中的应用

    TiO 2 Based Photocatalysis and Its Applications for Waste Water Treatment

  27. MoO3/TiO2催化剂对NH3选择性催化还原NOx的研究

    Study on selective catalytic reduction of no_x over moo_3 / tio_2 catalysts

  28. 新型Ni(Ⅱ)、Pd(Ⅱ)基后过渡金属络合物催化烯烃聚合的研究进展

    Progress in Research of Ni (ⅱ)、 Pd (ⅱ) - Based Novel Late Transient Metal Complex Using for Olefin Polymerization

  29. 非氧条件下CH4选择还原NO催化反应的性能

    Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO by Methane without Oxygen

  30. 掺铜TiO2光催化剂光催化氧化还原性能的研究

    Photocatalytic Redox Performance of Copper Doped TiO _ 2 Photocatalyst