
cuī gān jì
  • drier;dryer
催干剂[cuī gān jì]
  1. 催干剂的潜伏性改性及其在无溶剂漆中的应用

    Modification of the latency of drier and its application in solvent-free unsaturated polyester paint

  2. 锌催干剂通过改进生产工艺,废水的排放量少,水质基本无污染。

    The improvement of producing techniques of zinc drier can reduce the amount of liquid waste and less pollute the water .

  3. 有机酸皂化法制备高效稀土元素Ce油漆催干剂的研究

    Research on Preparation the Effective Thulium Catalyst of Desiccation for Paint by Organic Acid Saponification Method

  4. 液态羧酸催干剂中金属皂的ICP-AES法测定

    Determination of the Metallic Elements in the Liquid Carboxylic Acid Dryer by ICP-AES

  5. 红外差谱法用于涂料催干剂的结构鉴定甲醇阳极氧化的现场FTIR透射差谱研究

    Determination of the Structure of Coatings Drier by IR Subtractive Spectroscopy Study on Anodic Oxidation of Methanol by Use of an in situ FTIR Transmission Differential Spectroscopy Method

  6. 文章系统地研究了高效稀土元素Ce油漆催干剂的制备方法,以及反应温度、反应时间、pH值等因素对催干剂性能的影响。

    The process of preparing the effective thulium catalyst of desiccation for paint and the factors which influence of performances of the effective thulium catalyst of desiccation for paint , such as temperature , time and pH scale , have been researched in detail .

  7. 通过实验分析研究有机酸用量、树脂的胺值与分子量大小以及催干剂用量等因素对聚丁二烯阴极电泳涂料漆液的分散稳定性、pH值、电导及泳透力的影响。

    This paper reports the experimental study on several important factors , levels of organic acid and drier used and the amine value and molecular weight of the polymer , effecting the dispersed stability , pH value , conductivity , and electrophoresis penetrating ability of the polybutadiene cathodic electrodeposition coating .

  8. 催干剂对氨基环氧树脂阴极电泳漆的影响

    Study on catalytic curing agent for cathodic electrodeposition paint of Amino-Epoxy resin

  9. 铅、锌催干剂废水的处理

    Treatment of Lead - drier and Zinc - drier Wastewater

  10. 涂料催干剂是涂料最重要的助剂。

    Driers for coatings are the essential and auxiliary agents .

  11. 铅催干剂的代用品&锆催干剂

    A Substitute for the Lead Drier & Zirconium Drier

  12. 涂料催干剂的进展与反应机理

    The Developments and Reaction Mechanism in Driers for Coating

  13. 用途:试剂、催化剂、催干剂、媒染剂等。

    Useage : Chemical reagent , catalyst , drier , mordant agent , etc.

  14. 新型水油两溶性涂料催干剂的制备及其性能研究

    Preparation and Properties of One New Type of Water and Oil Dispersible Driers

  15. 有机锆油漆催干剂的应用

    Applications of Organo-zirconium Paint Drier

  16. 稀土催干剂中总稀土含量和无溶剂醇酸树脂中羟基含量的测定方法的改进

    Determination of total content of rare earth in rare earth drier and content of hydroxyl in solvent-free alkyd resin

  17. 介绍了异辛酸钴催干剂在4种醇酸磁漆中的应用及其性能检测结果。

    The application of the cobalt isocaprylate as a drier in four different alkyd enamels and their properties were described .

  18. 用玉米淀粉为原料氧化制备淀粉磷酸酯,配以催化剂、催干剂、防腐剂,研制出用于瓦楞纸板的氧化淀粉粘合剂。

    In this paper the processes of producing oxidizing starch phosphate with corn starch as the raw material is described .

  19. 加入005%~010%的钴锰催干剂,显著提高了漆膜的干燥速度。

    Addition of 0 05 % ~ 0 10 % cobalt and manganese dryer can greatly improve drying rate of paint film .

  20. 然后,又研究了催干剂的加入方法、催干剂用量对干燥时间的影响,制备出成品醇酸乳胶漆。

    We prepared a stable alkyd emulsion , and research the adding method of dryness katalyst and it 's affection on dryness time .

  21. 采用红外光谱、X-荧光分析等方法,研究了代钴稀土催干剂合成过程中的重要环节&络合萃取。

    An important process of complex extraction in the synthesis of rare-earth drier for Co drier replacement has been studied by IR and x-ray spectrometry .

  22. 介绍了一种自干型水性丙烯酸改性醇酸涂料的研究概况,并讨论了催干剂、中和剂、助溶剂等对漆膜性能的影响。

    The paper introduces the development of an air-dried waterborne acrylate modified alkyd paint , discusses the effects of drier , neutralizer , cosolvent and etc.

  23. 介绍了铅催干剂废水通过全部循环使用,不仅提高产品质量而且废水实行零排放;

    The full circulation of the liquid waste of lead drier can not only improve the quality of the products but also let no liquid waste .

  24. 同时讨论了通用共聚单体的配比、交联剂苯乙烯、促进剂、催干剂、异氰酸酯及反应温度等对最终产品不饱和聚酯的气干性影响。并制备了性能优异的气干性不饱和聚酯。

    The effects of the copolymerization monomers , cross-linking agent-styrene , promoter , drier , isocyanate and reaction temperature on the drying property of the product were studied .

  25. 结果表明,邻苯二酚-桐油树脂具有天然生漆漆酚类似的特征功能基结构和性能,难以自干成膜,但可受热固化或在催干剂作用下聚合固化干燥成膜;

    It has shown that the catechol-tung oil resin shows similar structure and properties as the urushiol from natural wood lacquer , which is hard to be dried ;

  26. 介绍了稀土催干剂中总稀土含量和无溶剂醇酸树脂中羟基含量的测定,并和传统方法作了比较。

    Determination of total content of rare earth in rare earth drier and content of hydroxyl in solvent-free alkyd resin are introduced and then compared with the traditional methods .

  27. 叙述了催干剂生产方法(如熔融法、沉淀法、直接法)及催干剂的新发展,特别是稀土催干剂。

    This article also described the production process of driers , such as melting , precipitating and direct processes , and latest progress in driers , particularly the rare-earth driers .

  28. 其中过硼酸钙是一种高附加值的精细硼化学品,可作为油墨、颜料的催干剂和聚烯烃催化剂的减活剂。

    Calcium perborate is a kind of fine boron chemicals with high additional value ; it can be used as driers for ink or pigment , and deactivator of polyolefin catalyst .

  29. 合成脂肪酸稀土催干剂不仅具有辅助催干剂作用,而且具有主催干剂作用,可部分取代环烷酸钴,全部取代锰、铅、锌、钙等金属环烷酸皂的传统催干剂。

    The synthetic fatty acid rare-earth driers could be used not only as auxiliary drier but also as main drier and partly replace Co drier , completely replace Mn , Pb , Zn , Ca driers .