
qǐnɡ qiú quán
  • right of claim;right to petition
  1. 文章的第一部分对请求权冲突进行了界定。

    The first part of this article defines conflict of claim .

  2. 论人格权请求权

    On the Claim of the Personality Right Study on Right Conflict

  3. 论请求权与相关概念之间的关系

    On the relationship between the right of requirement and related concepts

  4. 这就是本文所要探讨的异议股东股权回购请求权制度。

    This is the objection shareholder stock buy-back request power system .

  5. 第三部分,主要探讨我国上市公司中异议股东回购请求权的行使程序问题。

    Part three discusses procedure of exercising appraisal right of dissenters .

  6. 继承回复请求权源于罗马法继承回复诉权制度,现代大陆法国家民法多有规定。

    The requesting right of recovering inheritance originates from Roman laws .

  7. 返还拾得物的报酬请求权之我见&兼评一宗案例

    On the Right of Asking for Pay of Restituting Lost-and-found Property

  8. 第三部分,著作权侵权损害赔偿请求权之基础理论。

    Exertion of Damages ' claim right for infringement of copyright .

  9. 物权请求权与诉讼时效制度的适用

    Claim of Right in Rem and the Application of Action Limitation

  10. 债务人在代位权诉讼中为无独立请求权的第三人;

    The debtor is the third party without independent request right ;

  11. 权利保障法中的请求权制度

    The system of asking for right in the right ensures

  12. 股份交换中适用异议股东回购请求权制度的合理性分析

    On the Feasibility of Dissenter 's Right in Stock Exchange

  13. 物权请求权的性质定位

    On the Nature of the Claim based on Real Right

  14. 论消灭时效制度与民法请求权

    Research on Extinctive Prescription System and Right of Claim in Civil Law

  15. 对物权请求权法律制度的几点思考

    Some Reflections on the Right of the property claim in the Law

  16. 对物权请求权类型的再认识

    Further Understanding of Types of Petition Right of Real Right

  17. 权利请求权并非来自宪法本身;

    The claim of entitlement does not arise from the Constitution itself ;

  18. 【中英文摘要】保险受益权是受益人基于保险合同所享有的保险金的请求权。

    Insurance beneficial right is the claim to insurance compensation of beneficiary .

  19. 环境污染侵害之物权排除请求权是物权请求权在环境法领域的具体实现。

    Right of the real elimination claim is the character of real right .

  20. 人格权请求权制度研究

    Study on the System of Claim of Personality Right

  21. 试论物权请求权研究之意蕴

    Significance of Research on the Right of Property Claim

  22. 无效合同财产返还的请求权基础

    The claim 's basis for restitution of void contract

  23. 物上请求权制度研究

    The Study of System of Petition Right on Property

  24. 第二,完善股份回购请求权制度。

    Second , improve the appraisal right of dissenters .

  25. 票据利益返还请求权制度研究

    A Study of the System of Claim for Reinstitution Interest in Commercial Instrument

  26. 试述财产保全与海事请求权保全的区别

    Difference between Property Security and Security of Maritime Claim

  27. 四,关于占有保护请求权。

    Lastly , on the claim of possession protection .

  28. 物上请求权与诉讼时效之适用

    Application of the time limitation of action and the rights of the owner

  29. 支配于物的事实与支配于物的权利&兼论物权的排他性与物上请求权

    On the Fact and Right of Domination to Things

  30. 物权请求权、债权请求权与债权关系的解析

    Relationship Among Right of Real Claim , Right of Obligatory Claim and Obligatory Right