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qǐng qiú
  • request;applications;ask;demand;make a request;move for;seek;petition;beg;plea;bidding;crave
请求 [qǐng qiú]
  • (1) [ask;request;beg;demand;seek]∶提出要求,希望得到满足

  • 请求总统给予援助

  • (2) [move for]∶向法院或立法机构正式要求

  • 原告请求复审

请求[qǐng qiú]
  1. 你很快就会回来请求我原谅的。

    One of these days you 'll come back and ask me to forgive you .

  2. 他打算请求法庭再重新审度。

    He intends to ask the court to think again .

  3. 这个团体准备请求议会修改法律。

    The group intends to petition Parliament for reform of the law .

  4. 他请求她嫁给他,但是她回绝了。

    He asked her to marry him but she turned him down .

  5. 你的请求应该不会给我们造成任何问题。

    Your request shouldn 't present us with any problems .

  6. 她的请求被断然拒绝。

    Her request was met with a flat refusal .

  7. 她请求让她离开。

    She begged that she be allowed to go .

  8. 他请求警方保护。

    He asked to be put under police protection .

  9. 他欺骗了她,向她请求原谅。

    He asked her pardon for having deceived her .

  10. 他最终为露西的魅力所倾倒,答应了她的请求。

    He finally succumbed to Lucy 's charms and agreed to her request .

  11. 这两名运动员请求取消对他们的停赛处罚。

    The two players are appealing against their suspensions .

  12. 他请求把真相告诉他。

    He begged to be told the truth .

  13. 她向法官请求宽大处理。

    She appealed to the judge for leniency .

  14. 我不反对你的请求。

    I have no objection to your request .

  15. 他们拒绝了她的请求,不给她帮助。

    They rebuffed her request for help .

  16. 她请求允许她离开。

    She begged permission to leave .

  17. 乐团三次得到观众“再来一个”的请求。

    The group got three encores .

  18. 她断然拒绝了请求。

    She peremptorily rejected the request .

  19. 我的请求得到批准。

    My request was granted .

  20. 越南已经正式请求将会议推迟。

    Vietnam made an official request that the meeting be postponed .

  21. 联合国官员称正式请求已向美国当局转达。

    UN officials said a formal request was passed to American authorities

  22. 他的话相当于拐弯抹角地请求经济援助。

    His remarks amounted to an indirect appeal for economic aid

  23. 他请求接到总机。

    He asked to be connected to the central switchboard .

  24. 省议会对所有的经济救助请求都充耳不闻。

    The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help .

  25. 对总统进行不信任投票的请求被否决。

    A call for a vote of no-confidence in the president was rejected

  26. 他的拥护者中有25个人请求他复辟。

    Twenty-five of his supporters petitioned him to restore the monarchy

  27. 丹尼斯先生说他已经请求使用电话。

    Mr Dennis said he had requested access to a telephone

  28. 我没有料到我的请求会掀起这么大一场风波。

    I hadn 't foreseen the tempest my request would cause

  29. 她请求重获孩子的监护权。

    She 's petitioning to regain custody of the child .

  30. 他们将请求他退出冲突。

    They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation