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tǐng bá
  • tall and straight;upright;forceful;vigorous
挺拔 [tǐng bá]
  • (1) [tall and straight;upright]∶直立而高耸

  • 挺拔的苍松

  • (2) [forceful;vigorous]∶强劲有力的

  • 笔力挺拔

挺拔[tǐng bá]
  1. 百合(LiLiumspp.)花姿秀美,花茎挺拔,是点缀庭院的名贵观赏花卉,是世界上著名的五大鲜切花之一,深受世界各国人民的喜爱。

    With the graceful posture , tall and straight flower stalk , Lily ( LiLium spp. ) is suitable for using in the garden . As one of the most famous cut flowers in the world , it is widely favored by the peoples from various countries .

  2. 门前有两棵挺拔的白杨。

    Two tall and straight poplars stand in front of the gate .

  3. 古松苍劲挺拔。

    The sturdy old pines stand tall and straight .

  4. 那儿有一棵挺拔的松树。

    There is an erect pine .

  5. B9都能抑制水仙的营养生长,使株高矮化,叶片挺拔,防止倒伏;

    Both S3307 and B9 can inhibit the vegetative growth of Narcissus tazetta var.

  6. 这位身材挺拔、一头浓密黑发的年轻人在18岁时搬到美国东部,前往麻省理工学院(mit)攻读机电工程,之后又在哈佛大学(harvard)拿到了工商管理硕士(mba)学位。

    The young man with ramrod posture and a head of thick , dark hair moved east at 18 to study electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of technology before earning a Masters in business administration at Harvard .

  7. 玉兰树高大而挺拔,树上长满枝丫。

    Magnolia trees tall and upright , tree covered Zhi Ya .

  8. 松树笔直而挺拔,除非有后天的不良影响将其扭曲。

    The pine tree grows straight unless harmful influences warp it .

  9. 没过多久,嫩绿挺拔的花蕾便显露出了开放的征兆。

    Very soon the green , pointed buds showed signs of opening .

  10. 我猜想着你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子?

    I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose ?

  11. 挺拔的大厦和卑微的老平房之间,似乎和记忆里的渐渐不同了。

    There is something different between high buildings and flats in memory .

  12. 那千姿百态的形,或高傲挺拔,或随风舞动;

    Various shapes are supercilious and straight , dancing with the wind .

  13. 老伙计!你身子骨还如此挺拔啊!

    Old chap ! You are still as straight as an arrow .

  14. 虽然简已经42岁了,但她仍然挺拔坚韧。

    Although Jane is42 years old , she is still firm and erect .

  15. 在冻人的寒风中,你们挺拔地站立着,好比雄伟的希腊雕像。

    You stand tall like a colossal Greek statue .

  16. 两岸挺拔的松树多么柔和,多么浓密!

    What softness and furry thickness of the tall pines about the shore !

  17. 妈妈,烛光里的妈妈,您的腰身显得不再挺拔。

    Mother , Mother in candlelighting , your black is not straighful any longer .

  18. 一棵树为它高大挺拔的身躯而自豪。

    A tall upright tree appreciates its body and it is proud of it .

  19. 第二个兄弟佛瑞德。亨利,他身材挺拔,手足匀称,机灵敏捷。

    Fred Henry , the second brother , was erect , clean-limbed , alert .

  20. 五座石峰雄伟挺拔。

    Five stone pinnacles stand tall and magnificent .

  21. 即使流着眼泪,月光下的快乐王子仍然一副英俊挺拔的样子。

    Even with the tears , the Happy Prince looked handsome in the moonlight .

  22. 好挺拔的天鹅哟。

    He is a very fine swan .

  23. 年轻、挺拔的树向上伸展着,像爱情一样茂盛生长;

    Those young upright trees reaching for the sky , like love they flourished and grew ;

  24. 这片叶子看起来好好的,挺拔而勇敢。

    It looked fine and brave .

  25. 她象柳枝一样的苗条,一样的优美,一样的挺拔。

    She was slender as a willow shoot is slender and equally graceful , equally erect .

  26. 德山之巅,那座孤峰临江的塔,依旧挺拔;

    The peak of Changde 's mountains and the tower of the lonely peak are still upstanding ;

  27. 直立,两脚踩地,就像你挺拔站着似的。

    And stand , press your feet into the floor , like you 're standing up tall .

  28. 它坚定完整,独立成长,除了长得挺拔正直,别无所求,虽受限制而依然完美,它便感到满足。

    I is resolvedly whole , self-contained , desiring nothing but rightness , content with resrticted completion .

  29. 简洁的线条和挺拔的肩部设计,是懒散而又个性的最佳选择。

    The clean lines and structured shoulders make it a perfect choice to dress up a stylishly slouchy look .

  30. 在古埃及艺术中,法老常常瘦削挺拔、身材匀称,但事实并非如此。

    Egyptian art commonly depicts pharaohs as being trim and statuesque , but this was most likely not the case .