
qǐnɡ jià tiáo
  • written request for leave
  1. 雪莉·谢尔普德(ABC节目《观点》主持人,《请假条》作者):不,而且我的朋友没有一个追求这个。我都不知道丹泽尔有一辆迈巴赫,不过

    Sherri Shepherd ( co-host of ABC 's The View , and author of Permission Slips ): No , and none of my friends are looking for that . I didn 't know Denzel had a Maybach , but

  2. 我写了一张请假条,说明缺课的原因。

    I wrote an excuse for my absence from school .

  3. 副董事长曾送来请假条&他目前在国外。

    The vice-chair has sent his apologies & he 's abroad at present .

  4. 拜拜,别忘了请假条。

    Bye . Don 't forget about that note .

  5. 但我可以给你写个请假条

    but I can write you a late pass --

  6. 从请假条写作看学生的英语应用能力

    On students ' proficiency in professional English in the writing of application for leave

  7. 研究表明只需花5到15分钟帮助别人就足够了,能做的事情很多,包括帮学生修改作文或者帮生病的小孩写请假条。

    The helping tasks in the study took only about 5 to 15 minutes . They included things like editing a student 's essay or writing a note to a sick child .

  8. 通过对学生英语请假条的分析,以小见大,指出学生在英语应用能力方面的问题,并就如何提高学生英语应用能力提出了相应的策略与措施。

    From analysis of students ' application for Leave in English , some problems existing in their proficiency in professional English are offered and measures and solutions to improve their proficiency in professional English are also presented .