
  • 网络concurrence of claims
  1. 它不同于连带债务,也有别于一般所言的请求权竞合。

    It is different from joint and several liability , and concurrence of claims .

  2. 本章从请求权竞合的概念出发,界定了请求权竞合的特征,并从理论上分析了请求权竞合问题产生的原因以及在实体法上、诉讼法上产生的后果。

    Starting with the definition , this chapter defines the characteristics of the concurrence of claims , and theoretically analyses the reasons of the birth of the issue of the concurrence of the claims and its influence during the application of substantive and procedural laws .

  3. 违约与侵权请求权竞合

    Cooperation-Competition of the Claims of Contracts ' Breach and Infringement

  4. 民事诉讼标的与请求权竞合

    Subject Matter of Civil Action and Coincidence

  5. 合同撤销权与无效确认请求权竞合问题的比较研究

    A Contrastive Study of the Concurrence of Contract Repeal Right and Invalidity Affirming Motion Right

  6. 试谈对法律责任适用中竞合问题的处理工伤案件赔偿请求权竞合问题研究

    On Concurrence of Liabilities and Means of Settlement Study on Concurrence between Industrial Injury Insurance and Personal Injury Compensation

  7. 第一章,介绍了请求权竞合的基本理论,包括请求权竞合的概念和产生的原因。

    The first chapter introduces the basic theory , including the claims of competing claims of competing concepts and causes .

  8. 产品质量责任经常会发生违约责任与侵权责任竞合,合同法第一百二十二条确立了请求权竞合选择说。

    The concurrent of liabilities for breach of contract and liabilities for tort often occurs in the liabilities for product quality .

  9. 理性的困惑:请求权竞合理论解构&兼评我国《合同法》第122条

    The Perplexity of Rationality : the Deconstruction of " Theorie der Ansprnchskonknrren " & And Appraising Article 122 of the Contract Law

  10. 德国关于责任竞合的理论比较丰富,代表性的有请求权竞合说与请求权规范竞合说,其中请求权竞合说又分为请求权自由竞合说与请求权相互影响说。

    The German theory of liability concurrence is abundant , representative of the concurrence of rights of claim and claim norm concurrence .

  11. 请求权竞合时诉讼标的识别标准新思考

    A New Attempt on Identifying the Discernment Criterion of the Object of Litigation on the Occasion of the Combination of Substantial Petition Rights

  12. 其与损害赔偿请求权竞合时,应优先得到满足。

    When the direct claims of compulsory traffic accident liability insurance is competing with right of claim for damage compensation , it should be fulfilled firstly .

  13. 预备合并之诉,正是为解决请求权竞合难题、提高诉讼效率、节约司法资源而构建的一种诉讼制度。

    Joinder of preliminary action is a litigation system to solve the problem of combination of rights of claims , enhancing the litigation of efficiency , saving judicial resources .

  14. 对交通事故各种请求权竞合的研究,有利于在实践中最大限度公平合理解决纠纷,维护交通事故受害者的合法权益。

    Accidents variety of claims competing , to the maximum fair and reasonable in practice to resolve disputes and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the victims of traffic accidents .

  15. 第二章介绍了三种请求权竞合时的制度安排,以案例为切入点,重点介绍三种请求权竞合时的解决方法。

    The second chapter describes the institutional arrangements , when the three claims of competing cases as the starting point , focusing on the solution when the three claims of competing .

  16. 当前,诉讼标的理论论争的焦点就是围绕如何解决民法上的请求权竞合所导致的诉讼标的为复数的问题,无论是实体法学说还是诉讼法学说都各有其优缺点。

    The key to the discussion on the theory concerning object of action is how to solve plural objects of civil action caused by conflicts of rights of claim in civil law .

  17. 面对两种请求权竞合的局面,应如何适用法律,我国当前法律缺乏明确规定。

    Facing the situation of the concurrence between the two rights of Claim , how to apply the law , current Chinese laws stipulations of this settlement are short of explicit provisions .

  18. 首先从理论上分析,学校侵权补充责任的性质并非不真正连带责任或广义的请求权竞合,而是一种非终局性责任。

    Firstly , from theoretical analysis , the nature of supplementary liability of school infringement is not a real joint and several liability or broad competing claims , but rather a non-final responsibility .

  19. 工伤案件赔偿请求权竞合问题研究在司法实践

    Study on Concurrence between Industrial Injury Insurance and Personal Injury Compensation In the practice of judicial actions , supervision over placing a case on file is just considered as an index of performance

  20. 第三,加害给付必然导致民事责任竞合,在解决加害给付的民事责任问题时,传统的民事责任竞合理论都有其不足之处,有限制的请求权竞合说则比较合理。

    To settle the problem of civil liability of injuring performance , the traditional theories of coincidence of civil liability are defective , however , the theory of restrictive claim rights coincidence is comparatively reasonable .

  21. 随着请求权竞合现象不断出现以及确认之诉和形成之诉的产生,民法请求权和诉讼标的之间的关系开始剪不断理还乱,在不同的诉讼标的理论中,民法请求权地位各异。

    With the concurrence of right to petition and the emergence of interpleader cause and action of formation , the relationship between right to petition and object of litigation became complicated , and thus in different theories , the status of right to petition is different .

  22. 本文采用比较的方法,就合同撤销权与无效确认请求权的竞合问题进行了初步探讨。

    This paper discusses the concurrence of the contract repeal right and the invalidity affirming right .

  23. 而对于公司归入权和损害赔偿请求权的竞合问题,我国立法可采重叠模式。

    For the problem of concurrence between disgorgement and the right of claiming for damages , our legislation should adopted overlap mode .

  24. 承认请求权的竞合,有利于对当事人合法权益的保护,应当予以肯定。

    We think , acknowledging the concurrence of right to petition is favorable to the protection of party 's legitimate rights and interests , and should be given the affirmation .

  25. 笔者将从不当得利构成要件、返还范围、举证责任的承担以及与其他请求权产生竞合之选择等方面进行剖析,并结合我国司法适用中所产生的问题进行研究。

    I would analyse from the constituents of the elements of unjust enrichment , the returning range , burden of proof , as well as the choice of concurrent claims , researching combined with issues arising from the judicial application in our country .

  26. 本文试图从一实例出发,探讨不当得利和违约请求权能否产生竞合、以及在何种情况下产生竞合的问题。

    This article is trying to discuss on whether there is the concurrence of right of claim for illegal profit and default and when is it according to an example .

  27. 首先,立法中应确立民事赔偿制度、补偿制度及强制保险制度相结合原则;确立医疗责任保险第三人的赔偿请求权及补充保险竞合处理原则。

    First , the combination of the compulsory insurance system and civil compensation system should be established in legislation ; as well as third party compensation claims establishing .

  28. 不当得利返还请求权与侵权赔偿请求权竞合的理论研究

    A Theoretical Study on the Concurrence of the Claim for Unjustified Benefits and the Claim for Right Infringement

  29. 以无效合同返还财产的法律性质为例,笔者认为应采用所有物返还请求权与不当得利请求权的竞合的观点,并阐述了理由。

    For example , about legal nature of recovery of property , I think we should adopt all of the right to restitution and unjust enrichment claim of concurrence of opinion , and presented the reasons .

  30. 不当得利作为一种能够引起债发生的法律事实,可以产生不当得利请求权,这种请求权可以与其他请求权产生竞合,如所有权返还请求权、合同履行请求权等。

    Illegal profit as a legal fact that can bring debt , will produce the claiming right of illegal profit which will have concurrence with other claiming right , such as right of claim for returning of ownership , for execution of a contract , etc.