
yáng róng shān
  • cashmere sweater
羊绒衫 [yáng róng shān]
  • [cashmere sweater] 用羊绒纺成纱线而织成的毛线衫

羊绒衫[yáng róng shān]
  1. 她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。

    She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater .

  2. “羊绒衫仍是我的最爱,”她承认,“它不会过时,看起来既漂亮又时尚。”

    ' A cashmere sweater still thrills me , ' she admits . ' It has wonderful staying power ; it looks chic and modern . '

  3. 街对面的卡尔施泰特(Karstadt)店里,从羊绒衫到干酪溶化器皿等各种商品也都在打折。

    At the Karstadt store across the street , the discounts range from cashmere sweaters to fondue sets .

  4. 来自洛杉矶的设计师罗塞塔盖蒂(RosettaGetty)推出由纯棉衬衣式长款连衣裙、无袖羊绒衫以及宽腿七分裤构成的休闲款奢侈装后,拥趸趋之若鹜——随着气温不断转凉,它们是随箱携带的理想行头。

    LA-based Rosetta Getty is attracting fans with a version of laid-back luxury delivered in the shape of long cotton shirt-dresses , sleeveless cashmere cardigans and wide-leg cropped trousers - all ideal for layering as temperatures fall .

  5. 纽约织品衣物护理公司Laundress的联合创始人格温・怀廷(GwenWhiting)说,美利奴羊毛(Merinowool)一般比较结实,当用这种材质来编织一件紧实的毛衣时,与毛茸茸的细针织羊绒衫相比,前者就不太会起球。

    Merino wool tends to be strong and when used in a tightly wound sweater would be less likely to pill than fuzzy , fine-gauge cashmere , says Gwen Whiting , co-founder of the Laundress , a New York fabric-care company .

  6. 羊绒衫,质感高雅,触感柔软。

    Cashmere sweaters are elegant in texture and soft to the touch .

  7. 不同纺纱系统羊绒衫风格分析

    Analysis on the handle of cashmere sweaters made with different spinning systems

  8. 羊毛衫及羊绒衫的顾客价值与价值创新

    Consumer value and value innovation for woolen and cashmere sweater

  9. 我注意到你没找到红色羊绒衫。

    I notice you didn 't get the red sweater .

  10. 羊绒衫的消费行为分析及企业对策

    Consuming active of cashmere sweater and strategy of enterprise

  11. 诸位会爱看一场展示60款黑色羊绒衫的时装发布会吗?

    Do you want to see a show featuring 60 black cashmere sweaters ?

  12. 一件羊绒衫所彰显的是着装品位以及生活方式。

    A cashmere sweater projects a good taste for quality clothing and lifestyle .

  13. 对年轻人来说,羊绒衫一直都是时尚标签。

    For young men , cashmere sweaters have always been a fashion staple .

  14. 用服装裁剪的方法制作羊绒衫

    Tailor of Cashmere Sweater with Garment Cutting Method

  15. 羊绒衫洗后一定要进行脱水。

    The sweater must be dehydrated after washing .

  16. 美国用法,开襟的或套头的羊绒衫,羊毛衫。

    Cashmere sweaters are softer and warmer than most ones made of ordinary wool .

  17. 她的羊绒衫发出一股湿羊毛味。

    Her sweater smells of damp wool .

  18. 在促销活动上可以买那些永远不会过时的东西,比如羊绒衫。

    For instance , beautiful cashmere is timeless and great to buy when you can .

  19. 北京生产的雪莲牌羊绒衫,系选优质的中国山羊作原料制成。

    Snow Lotus Cashmeres Sweaters from Beijing are made from superior Chinese goat cashmere fiber .

  20. 休止编织法在羊绒衫生产中的应用

    Application of no-knitting in cashmere sweater

  21. 我们专营羊绒衫。

    We specialize in cashmere sweaters .

  22. 一件无袖羊绒衫搭一个配件,可以是领子、围巾或披肩。

    A sleeveless cashmere sweater has an attachment that can be collar , scarf or shawl .

  23. 羊绒衫品牌化策略研究

    Study of woolen sweater brand strategy

  24. 羊绒衫后整理探讨

    Discussion on cashmere sweater finishing

  25. 精纺羊绒衫的开发

    Development of worsted cashmere sweater

  26. 她们的田园牧歌生活简单质朴:身穿羊绒衫怡然自得地生活在大自然的环抱中。

    There 's a simplicity to their idyllic way of life : swathed in cashmere and surrounded by nature .

  27. “荷花”牌羊绒衫具有色泽鲜艳,手感柔滑,穿着舒适,轻便保暖等特点。

    " Lotus " Cashmere Sweaters are lustrous in colour , supple , light , warm and comfortable to wear .

  28. 目前在羊绒衫的销售市场中,单件加工行业发展迅速,成为市场中不可忽视的力量。

    Now in the market , cashmere processing industry development is rapid , piece as market force that cannot be ignored .

  29. 其次,根据服装设计美学原理,总结出适合羊绒衫装饰设计应用的形式美法则。

    Then , according to the Fashion Design Aesthetics principles , it summarized the compatible rules of formal beauty for the cashmere sweater .

  30. 由于羊绒衫的色彩及造型变化单一,其装饰设计已经成为产品的主要卖点。

    Due to the single changes of colour and modelling of cashmere , the cashmere sweater decorative design has become the main selling point of the products .