
yáng pí zhǐ
  • parchment;glassine;pergamyn
羊皮纸 [yáng pí zhǐ]
  • [parchment] 绵羊、山羊或其他动物的皮,尤指制作用于书写的皮

羊皮纸[yáng pí zhǐ]
  1. 用一张不粘烘焙仿羊皮纸包上。

    Cover with a sheet of non-stick baking parchment .

  2. 羊皮纸在我手中成了碎片。

    The parchment came to bits in my hands .

  3. 那一天,法国的领土在羊皮纸的文件上获得了绝大的扩张。

    On that day , the realm of France received on parchment a stupendous accession .

  4. 通过降低分裂素浓度、以透气性好的羊皮纸封口三角瓶、提高琼脂的浓度、生根移栽培养基采用1/2的MS培养基等方法解决了组培苗的玻璃化问题。

    The problem of vitrification is resolved by reducing the concentration of Cytokinin , healing the culture bottle by the breathing freely lambskin , increasing the concentration of agar , using the 1 / 2MS as the root regeneration medium etc.

  5. 羊皮纸效应:A.S.拜厄特《水晶棺》中童话改写的痕迹

    Palimpsest : On the Traces of Fairy Tale Rewriting in " Glass Coffin " by A.S.Byatt

  6. 食品公司BumbleBeeFoods在8月份推出了BumbleBeeSuperFresh冷冻海鲜产品,它配备一个用于在烤箱中蒸鱼的仿羊皮纸纸袋。在此之前,该公司对25000多名消费者进行了调查。

    Bumble Bee Foods talked to more than 25000 consumers before rolling out its Bumble Bee SuperFresh frozen seafood last month , including a parchment paper pouch for steam-cooking the fish in the oven .

  7. BumbleBeeFrozen的高级副总裁兼总经理苏珊娜?斯蒂茨(SuzanneStites)说:“一开始我们在想,是否有必要把鱼包在仿羊皮纸中(以减少麻烦)”。

    At first we wondered , does it need to come already wrapped in parchment ' to cut down on work , says Suzanne Stites , senior vice president and general manager of Bumble Bee Frozen .

  8. BumbleBeeFrozen的高级副总裁兼总经理苏珊娜?斯蒂茨(SuzanneStites)说:一开始我们在想,是否有必要把鱼包在仿羊皮纸中(以减少麻烦)。

    ' At first we wondered , does it need to come already wrapped in parchment ' to cut down on work , says Suzanne Stites , senior vice president and general manager of Bumble Bee Frozen .

  9. 纱管乳液胶粘剂植物羊皮纸生产过程中若干问题的探讨

    An Emulsion Adhesive for Paper Bobbins Viewpoints on Vegetable Parchment Manufacture

  10. 鸭子有他的剑,我有羽毛笔和羊皮纸。

    Duck has his sword , I my quill and parchment .

  11. 云杉、胡须、钓鱼线、线头、柚木、黄杨木、赛璐珞、羊皮纸

    Spruce.Beard . Fish line.Thread.Teak . Boxwood . Celluloid , parchment .

  12. 这张古老的羊皮纸是在一个精致的铁盒子里发现的。

    This ancient parchment was discovered in a delicate iron box .

  13. 一种重磅的乳白色纸张,类似羊皮纸。

    Sheet-fed single colour perfector a heavy creamy-colored paper resembling parchment .

  14. 古时候人们使用羊皮纸包油腻的食物。

    People used parchment to wrap greasy food in ancient times .

  15. 羊皮纸向我们提供了找到圣杯的线索。

    The parchment provided us with clues to reaching the sangraal .

  16. 珍贵的阿拉伯书籍和古代廷巴克图的羊皮纸手抄本。

    Treasured Arabic Books and parchment manuscripts from ancient timbuktu .

  17. 他从桌子上翻出一副羊皮纸地图。

    He rooted about on a table and produced a parchment map .

  18. 哈利从口袋里掏出羊皮纸信封。

    Harry took the parchment envelope out of his pocket .

  19. 在签到一半时羊皮纸上的内容开始变化。

    The writing on the parchments changed about halfway down the pile .

  20. 麦康娜教授走上前来,手中握着一长卷羊皮纸。

    Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment .

  21. 你注意到我书房里美丽的羊皮纸了吗?

    Did you notice the beautiful parchments in my library ?

  22. 老鼠比学者更喜欢羊皮纸。

    The rats love parchment even more than scholars do .

  23. 那就带给我羊皮纸,墨水和鹅毛笔。

    Then you 'll bring me parchment , ink and a quill .

  24. 读着一张刚刚被钉上去的羊皮纸上的文字。

    reading a piece of parchment that had just been pinned up .

  25. 羊皮纸文稿这种材料上的书面文字或图画。

    A written text or drawing on a sheet of this material .

  26. 他得到一卷用红丝带捆好的特制羊皮纸。

    He got a special parchment tied with red ribbon .

  27. 一卷羊皮纸就能让我的人民抵御渊凯人么?

    Will a parchment shield my people from the Yunkai'i ?

  28. 你是说,羊皮纸基本都是再利用的?

    So you are saying the parchment was basically recycled ?

  29. 牧师从口袋里抽出那张羊皮纸宣言。

    The minister withdrew the parchment from the bag .

  30. 相反他带了两个骑士和一卷羊皮纸。

    Instead he brings two knights and a parchment .